Sociodynamics - rubric Academic thought
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Academic thought
Rostovtseva M.V. - Adaptation and socialization: the analysis of the general and the specific pp. 31-37


Abstract: This article demonstrates the differences between the two, quite similar at first sight, processes: socialization and adaptation. The similarity of these processes is discovered in their sociality, possibility of emergence and development only within the society and only among people. As in the socialization process, in the course of social adaptation there is an active adjustment, assimilation by the human of the social norms and requirements of this social environment. Moreover, a necessary criterion and result of the successful socialization, as well as the effective social adaptation, is self-development, self-realization, and self-actualization of identity in society. The differences take their roots in the nature, criteria, and functions of these processes. It is demonstrated that the essential distinction consists in the role played by social adaptation in the process of socialization of an individual, namely in its gradual subjectivation, alienation from the society. It is substantiated that social adaptation is a method of socialization of an individual, as specifically in the process of social adaptation a person attains the experience necessary for their establishment as a rightful and competent member of society.
Barinova S.G. - Scholasticism as a Systematic European Philosophy of the Middle Ages pp. 33-41



Abstract: The article examines the contribution of the greatest encyclopedic mind of antiquity - Aristotle to the formation of scholasticism. The direct and indirect influence of Aristotelian ideas can be traced during the long period of the formation of scholasticism. The emergence of non–Christian Aristotelianism – Averroism - was an important moment in the history of philosophy. An adherent of authentic Aristotelianism - Averroes, translated the works of Aristotle and interpreted them through the concepts of Arabic philosophy. The topic of the influence of authentic scholasticism on patristic theology is touched upon. The traditional understanding of scholasticism as a combination of Christian theology with the philosophy of Aristotle is noted. Scholasticism, being a religious philosophy, applies philosophical concepts and techniques to the Christian-church doctrine, the early experience of which is contained in patristics. Scholasticism, as a religious philosophy, needed the development of theological thought and its development took place along with the development of theology. Studying the great ancient thinkers – Plato and Aristotle, the development of scholasticism has moved forward especially noticeably, which is reflected in the formation of scholastic metaphysics. The penetration of Aristotelianism in the XIII century into Christian philosophy marked the heyday of scholasticism. The scholastics turned their eyes to the ancient thinkers in order to establish Christian truth. Aristotle was presented to them as a universal thinker with a broad outlook, who achieved knowledge by the aspirations of reason. The similarity of Aristotle's organic worldview and the Christian understanding of the spirit and life turned out to be suitable for representatives of scholasticism, who noticed the similarity of Aristotle's teaching about the existence of God with the teaching of Holy Scripture.
Malinina K.O. - The peculiarities of socio-ecological approach towards entrepreneurial community pp. 37-44


Abstract: This article examines the business community through the prism of human ecology with the inherent broad system interdisciplinary view; particularly, from the perspective of social and mental ecology. Study of business subjects based on the human ecology is explained by the fact that human manifests as subsystem, part of integration of nature and society; dual position of human in nature when simultaneously he is its representative and consumer; inability to separate social from biological in human as a biosocial individual. The author analyzes the image of a modern Russian entrepreneur leaning on the results of research of the entrepreneurial environment dedicated to examination of the motivational sphere. The article provides classification of the environmental components of business activity as a part of integral regularities of the inner biosocial organization of human society (internal and external business environment. The author describes the notions of “safe type of personality” and “man of high quality”. The need is substantiated for the development of comprehensive research of functional status of business community considering the analysis of behavioral factors coupled with the environmental factors.
Mikhailov I.A. - Sociological beginnings of Max Scheler’s philosophy pp. 41-51


Abstract: This article demonstrates that the sociological vector of Max Scheler’s works is formed based on the metaphysical task of establishing connections and boundaries between the pivotal ontological regions. In his earliest treatise, which can be considered sociological, Scheler explores the value transformations that took place in the XVIII – XIX century affecting the main economic categories. The example of the term “Arbeit” (labor, work) illustrates the deepening division of the fields of theoretical and practical, ethical. It manifests mostly in replacement within the human worldview of teleological with technical, instrumental, so that labor separates from the purpose, object, and particular completeness of human activity overall; prerequisites are created for the idea on the continuous, endless production. The article contains the methods and methodology of the historical-philosophical reconstruction, conceptual analysis and approach from the perspective of the sociology of knowledge. The author shows that the used by Scheler arguments and approached are also reproduced in his later works (for example, “Formalism”), which allows viewing the “Work and ethics” not only as an example of the early sociological oeuvre, but also as a model of his original philosophical constructs.
Sikevich Z.V., Fedorova A.A. - To the problem of correlation between real and virtual ethnicity pp. 43-49


Abstract: This article examines the content and functions of the phenomenon of ethnicity, prospects and issues of shifting the accents from the real ethnicity towards its virtual manifestations. The authors highlight the aspects of correlation between virtual and real ethnicity, virtual ethnicity and online nationalism, as well as discussion about the instrumental peculiarities of virtual formation of the group solidarity on ethnic grounds. Theoretical comprehension of classical representations on the offline ethnicity as a unique element of self-concept of personality, which seamlessly relates to the imaginary measurement of group solidarity, allowed pursuing parallels with the online ethnicity as a set of practices of manifestations of the ethnic self in virtual space. Analysis and classification of the modern Western approaches to interpretation of the innovative concept of virtual ethnicity became the foundation for determining the main branches of scientific discourse in the indicated problematic field. The yet uncovered remains the problematic field of methodological specificities of consideration of the virtual ethnicity, which opens broad opportunities for implementation of the nonreactive research strategy that experiences rebirth in the era of total digitalization. The authors were able to identify the key difficulties associated with the topic of virtual ethnicity, as well as most relevant approaches to its study.
Sulimin A.N. - Sociopolitical order and chaos in the classical and nonclassical philosophical paradigms: historiosophical analysis pp. 54-64


Abstract: The subject of this research is the study of conceptualization of the phenomena of sociopolitical order and chaos in representations of the classical and nonclassical philosophy. In modern age, socio-philosophical thought viewed political order as the essence of government, which structures the society from top to bottom, eliminating all manifestations of internal chaos that emerge from the social subsystem. The author believes that within the framework of classical and nonclassical science, order and chaos as the essential phenomena were neither opposed to each other nor determined by each other. The study of society is based on the methods of exact sciences, which view the government apparatus as a machine mechanism built in accordance with certain procedures and norms. This scientific article relies on the historical-philosophical approach, which allows tracing the evolution of such socio-philosophical doctrines as rationalism, positivism, and post-positivism. Special attention is given to the systemic and synergetic approach. The goal of this research lies in examination of peculiarities of the evolution of socio-philosophical representations on sociopolitical order and chaos in the methodology of classical and nonclassical philosophy. The main results of the conducted research consists in following the development of representations on sociopolitical order and chaos from the linear-evolutionary paradigm towards the nonlinear paradigm. The conclusion is made on the need to explore the sociopolitical order and chaos in dialectical interrelation from the perspective of synergetic methodology.
Popov E.A. - Institutional problematic in the theses of sociologists pp. 56-65


Abstract: This article examines various aspects of institutional problematic in the research of sociologists. Analysis is conducted on the theses on sociology (for the period from 2016 to 2019), which provide the results of studying social institutions and social practices. The author determines the modern trends in examining the problem of “institutionalization – deinstitutionalization”, and reveals the connection between social institutions and particular practices. The tendency to generalize the material on local manifestations of the institutions and practices in the thesis is noted. At the same time, the questions are raised concerning the development of relatively new institutions, the establishment of which is associated with the peculiarities of modern social reality. Attention is give to cross-disciplinary nature of theses dedicated to studying the institutional problematic. The author assesses the role of the theses of sociologists in formation of the picture of development of the institutions and practices in the Russian Federation, its constituent entities, and foreign countries. Emphasis is placed on the aspect of regionalization of institutions. The article outlines the problems related to the scientific analysis of “basic institutions” in regional development. The significance of theses for the formation of representations on correlation between the “basic institutions” and relevant social issues in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is indicated. Focus is also made on the prevalence of the tendency to studying the role of the regional traditional values and norms in the development of certain social institutions and practices.
Artemov V.A., Novokhatskaya O.V. - From «absolute» time to «getting control over time»: theoretical aspects of social time in publications of the 1920-1930s pp. 57-71


Abstract: The article addresses those publications by Russian scientists on sociological aspects of social time, which are little known. In our opinion, all of them are pioneering in the area of sociology of time. The focus is on such concepts as «the past, the present, and the future time, their content and correlation»; «time as the process of change»; «using time and control over time»; «time of an individual and time of a social system»; «biological time» as a step towards social time. It is indicated, that the first sociological study on time budgets was conducted in Petrograd in 1921-1922 by P.Sorokin. We tried to remain within the field of sociology, understanding sociology as a science about functioning and changes in social systems; these social systems are presented by the subsystems of the subjects, their activity, and relations between them, «immersed» into the cultural-institutional environment. When working at this article, the authors focused on those statements of the researchers which are of conceptual significance for both the science and the solution of real time-budget problems.
Kremnyov E.V. - Social management: impact or interaction? pp. 60-68



Abstract: The subject of this paper is the system of social management, in relation to which the author attempts to identify basic strategies for combining different types of links (vertical and horizontal) and relations (impact and interaction) of this system in the context of the growing demand of society for participation in social management. The theoretical and methodological basis for the study of this subject is the concept of E. Mayo and his followers about the social orientation of management and the system-modeling approach. The specificity of the social system is that the effectiveness of each of the identified strategies should be evaluated within the framework of regional conditions in which it is formed. Based on the understanding of social management as a system, the elements of this system, types of links and relations within it are described. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it describes for the first time the identified strategies of combining these links and relations: horizontal-interacting, vertical-interacting and horizontal-impacting. The results can be used for planning strategies of interaction with different regional systems of social governance of different levels. The article concludes that social governance as a concept has prospects for development, since its basic task is to satisfy the socium's request for joint regulation of social processes.
Ursul A.D. - Establishment of science in the global world pp. 61-67


Abstract: The author demonstrates that the global world is formed under the influence of human activities, as well as the natural factors – global processes and limitations. On the one hand, the space of social and socio-natural interactions expands to the planetary volume of biosphere; on the other, such expansion faces the planetary (primarily biospheric) limitations that establish certain limitations and contradictions for further global development. Upon the path of its formation, it is necessary to settle the main socio-natural contradiction, which consists in the fact that the continuously growing needs of humanity became progressively unsatisfied by the planet’s biosphere, leading to the global limits of development, which potentially carries a threat of planetary disaster. Therefore, global community intents on the sustainable global development that must resolve such contradiction. A conclusion is made that the global vector of research that includes globalistics, global academic disciplines, globalizational studies, global evolutionism and a number of other fields of scientific inquiry, has already been formed. Although the global cluster of scientific knowledge unfolds mostly in the late XX century, its origins are detected in the works of V. I. Vernadsky already in the beginning of the same century. The scholar anticipated the emergence of the “global stage” of scientific development as a precursor to the beginning of global world in the form of noosphere.
Zubkov V.I. - Consistency of methodological principles of inconsistent postmodernism pp. 64-74


Abstract: The subject of this research is the methodology of postmodernism. The goal of this work is to examine the diverse postmodern views and ideas as a uniform cognitive system and conduct its critical analysis. The article provides brief description to the establishment of postmodernism as a social theory. The research presents the author’s outlook upon determination of the methodological principles of fallibilism, discursiveness, deconstruction, deprivileging of science, approach and method, as well as life-affirming humor. Within the framework of studying the principle of discursiveness, an attempt is made to give a generalizing interpretation to the categories of discourse, text and narrative. Criticism of methodological principles of postmodernism includes their cognitive idea, merits and demerits in contrast to the modernistic social theories. A conclusion is made on correlation and complementing interaction of the highlighted by the author generalized methodological principles of postmodernism. An assessment is given to the cognitive capabilities of postmodernism as a social theory overall. The performed methodological analysis may commence a broad discussion on the role and place of postmodernism as a cognitive theory of modern society.
Mironova S.V., Timchenko N.S. - Export of higher education in Russia: an overview of theoretical approaches and practical solutions pp. 65-80


Abstract: This article examines the theoretical approaches towards definition and analysis of the concept of export of educational services that formed in the Russian scientific context: sociopolitical, economic, and demographic. Within the framework of economic approach towards analysis of the export of educational services, two author determines two aspects: macroeconomic and microeconomic. The author describes the integrated characteristics and interpretation of the content of export of educational services in the Russian scientific publications. The models of export of educational services: passive, active, and distance are determined. The criteria for the expansion of export of educational services are outlined. The article discusses the current practice of export of educational services established in the Russian higher education The results of the conducted theoretical analysis consists in a number of theses: 1) development of the category of the export of educational services as the basis for creation of theoretical models and technologies of practical implementation is absent; 2) the economically oriented instrumental assessment of the export of educational services is prevalent, which is not fully approved by educational organizations, since universities are not just dividends; 3) sociocultural experience and peculiarities of promotion the export of educational services in the countries of the former socialist camp can be useful; 4) the psychological-pedagogical component of the export of educational services  (evaluation of psychological factors for successful education of foreign students, methodological questions of teaching foreign students in Russian universities, etc.) is virtually left out.
Popov E.A. - Culturecentricity of sociology pp. 66-80


Abstract: This article poses a question about the vector of development of the modern sociological science. Special attention of sociologists towards examination of culture and cultural universalities allows indicating that culture is the object of sociology. The processes of sociocultural determination in society more often attract the researchers of socio-humanitarian discipline. Thus, emerges the first level of methodological orientation of sociology. There is also another important aspect, which affects the formation of research culture of a sociologist. Sociology has a powerful research potential, which must be used responsibly and purposefully. Therefore, special importance attains the ethical position of a modern researcher due to facing various challenges, which touch upon the science as a whole, sociology as a science about the relation between society and culture, as well as create trials for each researcher. Such challenges are aimed at struggle against, for example, the political bias, contract research with the already established result, etc. In this context occurs an important methodological landmark of sociology – culturecentricity. The article reveals the characteristics of culturecentricity, demonstrates the state of modern sociological science if it conforms to the required principle. The main conclusion is associated with the need for concentrating efforts of modern sociologists on the in-depth examination of the multifaceted phenomena of culture, making generalization based on the systemic analysis of the researched objects.
Petukhov A. - Modelling of threshold effects in the information processes of social systems pp. 71-77


Abstract: This work is dedicated to the problems of modelling and forecasting of information processes in the social systems, particularly the threshold effects in their dynamics. The indicated occurrences have the definitive impact upon the state of the system; however, the classical statistical models are not capable of forecasting them. It is demonstrated that the social system should be referred to multicomponent (i.e. consisting of large amount of elements) cognitive systems of distributed type (because the distance between separate elements plays a significant role from the standpoint of system activity). The basis of methodology lies in application of the methods of neural networks and approach to social systems as cognitive. The author suggests an approach towards the description of the dynamics of information processes and their inner hierarchy, depending on the scale of impact upon the social system overall. The managing information processes are determined as major. The concept of the threshold effect for similar processes is introduced. The author develops a model representation on the examined occurrences leaning on the nonlinear dynamics and neural networks (perceptron).
Gashkov S.A., Rusakov S.S. - Conceptual analysis of M. Foucault and K. Marx in the works of E. Balibar pp. 72-79


Abstract: The subject of this research is the impact of Marxism upon the interpretation of the writings of Michel Foucault in the works of Etienne Balibar. The authors believe that the foundation of political philosophy in France is the syncretic and polydisciplinary; it answers the urgent challenges of time in the field on the intellectual-scientific activity. The research area is interdisciplinary by definition, touching on the questions of social philosophy and theory of politics. Reciting the works of M. Foucault through the works of K. Marx manifests as one of the paramount stages of philosophical career of E. Balibar. The scientific novelty is associated with an attempt to receive a more objective perspective to the evolution of social and political philosophy in France as it is common to believe due to the opposition between modernity and postmodernity. Based on the reasoning of E. Balibar, presented in some of his major works, the authors can draw an unambiguous conclusion: the influence of M. Foucault’s ideas upon E. Balibar’s interpretation of the works of K. Marx allowed Balibar to convert many of the issues viewed by the traditional Marxism in terms of the economic-political discourse into the socio-ethical discourse. Such method helped Balibar to feel a living connection between Marx and modernity, doubting the established stamps of Marxism itself, as well as the popular “anti-Marxism”.
Karmadonov O.A., Kovrigina G.D. - Conjunctive potential of space and civilization pp. 73-85


Abstract:  This research is conducted within the framework of a government project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 28.64.2014/Ę –“Social consolidation of the modern Russian society: systems, resources, and prospects” (2014-2016). The object of the research, which also became the foundation of the article, is the spatial-civilizational essence of Russia. The authors analyze the established within the social sciences approaches towards the question in the civilizational uniqueness of Russia and its inevitable connection with the Russian space, as well as present their own vision of this problem. Based on their theoretical and empirical researches, the authors demonstrate the specificity of the civilizational identity of Russia, including with regards to the peculiarities of the spatial-geographical perception of our compatriots. It is stated that the Russian space-civilization requires further exploration. The actual and deep social reflexion pertaining to the civilizational distinctiveness, as well as the symbolic assimilation of space, represents one of the main resources of the sociocultural consolidation of the Russian society. 
Ravochkin N.N., Bondarev N.S., Bondareva G.S. - Conceptualization of the notion of “institution” within the modern socio-philosophical discourse pp. 85-98


Abstract: This work explores current state of the conceptual framework of social philosophy. The object of this research is the phenomenon of a social institution. The subject is the conceptualization of the notion of “institution” within the modern socio-philosophical discourse. Institutions are perceived by the authors as specific social establishments. Considering the pragmatism of the modern social philosophy, the authors focus on the functional elucidation of institutions, giving grounds for instrumental classification, as well as presenting essential features from the position of the functions they carry out. The authors’ contribution into the research of this topic is the thesis on the need for continuous research of institutions in light of their dynamic nature and the social transformations accompanying the functionality of this phenomenon. This article presents an original concept of an institution, which takes into consideration its characteristics as a structure that provides vital function for any society: historism, collective activity of people, and sustainability.
Valeeva M.V. - Key factors of scientific performance of the university’s academic staff pp. 122-129


Abstract: Over the recent time, the quantitative assessment indicators of scientific performance play an increasingly important role. At the same time, the number of publications of the Russian authors and their citation are relatively lower compared to the Western colleagues. This necessitates determination of the causes and factors affecting publication activities and scientific performance overall. The author conducts a sociological study aimed at the analysis of involvement of the university’s academic staff into research work. The object of this publication became the academic staff of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin (N-211), fourteen different sectors of the university; online survey was selected as a research method. The article demonstrates the results reflecting the incentives, barriers and motivation of the university staff members towards publication activities and engagement in the research work; as well as analyzes the goal and ways of cooperation of the academic staff of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin with the scholars of other universities and organizations. The conclusion is made that the factors affecting the scientific performance of the academic staff of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin can be divided into two groups: internal (based on inner motivation of a staff member) and external (based on the outside motivation). The author underlines that one of the most significant factors contributing to scientific activity and performance is the scientific collaboration.
Leontyev G.D. - Trajectory of the utopic: from obligatory to essential pp. 126-136


Abstract: The phenomenon of the utopic is examined as a universal intention of social and individual being, as the constant of human consciousness. Based on the systemic, structural-functional approach, it is substantiated that the axiological, gnoseological, and project-praxeological foundations of the utopic explain its structure. The elements of structure of the utopic discourse contain the following: utopic ideas, which form in accordance with the “principle of reciprocity” and realized in the ideal; utopic consciousness as manifestation of the dialectics of the recessionary and stabilization social-value consciousness; transformative activity that incites when the ideas become the regulators of social relations and postulate the corresponding norms of mental activity. Such structuredness allows studying the phenomenon of utopia in its integrity and interconnection of the structural elements; in other words, the social intentionality of the “tradition of E. Bloch” is not opposed, but rather intersects with the “tradition of T. More” and practically oriented “line of K. Mannheim”. Analysis of the conceptual orientation of the functions of the utopic consciousness allowed focusing attention of the discursive and normative-regulatory essence of the utopia, the content of which forms through the critical comparison of the social given and the ideal normative, obligatory and essential. The conclusion is made that utopia exists in the social space as an integral discursive-regulatory phenomenon.
Karmadonov O.A., Kashchaev A.E., Samburov E.A. - Oppositions within the history of social thought and the practice of human being pp. 130-162


Abstract:   The object of this research is the phenomenon of oppositions, or binarity. The subject is the role and place of the phenomenon of opposition in the area of socio-humanitarian knowledge – since the times of Antiquity till modern concepts, formed in philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and psychology. Based on the historiographical analysis, the authors demonstrate the non-transitional meaning of the researched phenomenon within the social thought, as well as thoroughly examine the ontological and gnoseological essences of the phenomenon of opposition, taking into account the permanent mutual substantiation of being and conscience, which experience the guiding and forming effect  of the same universal laws. Authors’ main contribution into this research is the examination of the phenomenon of opposition in the historiographical context on one hand, and within the framework of broad field of socio-humanitarian knowledge on the other. Scientific novelty consists namely in such generalized and comparative analysis of the discussed phenomenon. The main conclusion lies in the fact that any binary confrontation implicitly contains in itself a possibility for a new quality reformation of a situation, and correspondingly, a new condition for new oppositions.  
Rusakov S.S. - Sociologist and the state. To the problem of studying the state in the conditions of symbolic power pp. 138-145


Abstract: This article analyzes the problem associated with objectivity and capability of the modern humanitarian thought to reveal the theoretical aspects of the state. Leaning on the ideas of multiple philosophers, the author demonstrates that the existing conventional research methods in various social disciplines constantly remain under the powerful influence of the state as the institution that possesses the meta-capital. Besides the concept of symbolic power developed by Pierre Bourdieu, there is a number of other ideas that have previously substantiated the impossibility or extremely high probability of the fact that any research, which attempted to give meticulous explanation of impact of the state upon human and limits of state’s authoritative powers, are doomed to failure. For analyzing the works of Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault, Theodor Adorno and other thinkers related to the topic under discussion, the article uses the methods accepted in sociology of knowledge and social philosophy: contrastive-comparative, hypothetical-deductive, and critical methods. The scientific novelty lies in the author’s attempt to not only emphasize the strong facets of certain methods of studying the stat that claim the possibility of balancing the “effects of the power” or influence of the state, but also to indicate that the application of such inventive methods dos not allow the researchers to fill their works with the sufficient analytical and forecasting power, as the actions of the state constantly outpace the actions of the humanitarian scholars.
Ursul A.D. - The Study of Information and Global Processes: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Connections pp. 154-201
Abstract: The author of the present article views information as a universal property of the matter. Generally speaking, it is characterized as a reflection of diversity (variety). It has been argued that computer (information) science can now be presented as the science about information, information processes and the laws of their existence and development. However, information-based approaches and methods apply to other areas of science and research activities and generate new information disciplines.  Thus, in the course of the development of computer science and information branches of science there is a process of informatization of science. Similar trends have occur in the field of studies of global processes where they cause the formation of globalistics and global studies leading to the globalization of all science. Globalistics means an interdisciplinary field of research aimed at identifying trends and patterns of global processes (fundamental global studies), as well as ways to overcome the negative and maintain the positive consequences of global processes on human and biosphere (applied global studies).  It is assumed that the use of the information approach creates a special branch of global studies - information global studies as a fundamentally new area of globalistics. Along with the development of the present research area, there is the globalization of science and all the "computerized" science and branches of science.
Asadullaev I.K. - New Weapon for Space Security. Philosophical Principles pp. 174-184
Abstract: Even when there is no interaction between the worlds, there might be points where the worlds participate in mutual processes. Discovery of such points of interaction can cause emission of enormous amount of energy. This is the conclusion one can make when analyzing Aristotle's teaching. According to Aristotle, non-existence of an item in one world is the existence of a different item in the other world. Gravitation is the point of interaction between light matter, dark matter and energy. Physical and mathematical definition of the transfer from non-existence in one world to existence in the other world would allow the worlds to contact with the energy emission. 
Tsar'kov I.I. - Paternalistic Form of Political Integration (From the History of Political and Legal Teachings) pp. 294-346


Abstract: The present artile is devoted to the process of formation of institutions of the political domination and political consolidation in primary (ancient) civilizations as well as the history of Russia. This process is described by the author as the process of realization of a particular model of relations between the two political elements of the society: the sovereign, executives and subjects. The author of the article studies the main organizational principles of a bipolar society and the system of seniority of political elements that is being formed based on these principles. Noteworthy that the main condition that makes the consolidation possible is the informal principles of unity. The 'informal unity' is characterized with the absence of the mediation element in intra-persoal communications which creates the ground for a constant opposition between the center and remote districts. In the process of informal political consolidation the center and remote districts build the socio-political environment . On one hand, remote districts may create a threat for the cental government but on the other hand, they are direct successors of power. In the structure of the political domination of the informal unity, the centre and remote districts play the roles of the sovereign and his immediate subjects. 
Asadullaev I.K. - The New Materialism pp. 379-411


Abstract: The new materialism proceeds from unity of existing attributes of matter – ideal and material (actual objective reality), recognize the existence of ideal extension, universal law of advance reflection, mutual reflection of ideal and material, comes to recognition of thesis that the ideas of Platon do not contradict to the new materialism. There is a material and ideal two-unity. Thus the material and ideal don't generate each other, but can influence in a decisive way at each other. Adhering to two-unity, we have to tell, what not social being defines public consciousness. The consciousness interwoven into production of goods in this regard is defining. There is a universal law of advancing reflection. At the level of animals there is ideal "space" which plastically and can define in certain aspects the material - cash life. The two-unity of the material and ideal is confirmed by existence of a universal homeostasis of movement.
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