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MAIN PAGE > Journal "Psychologist" > Contents of Issue ¹ 04/2022
Contents of Issue ¹ 04/2022
Person and personality
Berezina T.N., Novichkova V.V. - Personal Resources as a Factor of Biological Age of Rescuers pp. 1-15



Abstract: Objective: To study the relationship of personal resources of emergency rescuers with their biological age, as well as to assess the impact of individually selected personal resources on the index of biological aging. Method. Diagnostics: 1) research of personal resources (sports, control, creativity, intelligence, subject hobbies, altruism, humor, spirituality, risk, communication, nature, achievements, optimism) according to the original methodology, 2) diagnosis of biological age and individual aging index according to Voitenko, 3) measurement of personality types (gender, age, residence, family status, body type, emotionality, functional asymmetry, interaction style). A formative experiment, the selection of personal resources using the program "Anti–Aging XXI - trial" for each respondent, taking into account the types of his personality; the experiment lasted six months, during which the respondents used the recommended resources in their lives. Statistical methods: ANOVA analysis of variance, correlation analysis, descriptive statistics. Subjects: rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations 59 people from 19 to 32 years old (33 women), an experimental group of 34 people, a control group of 25. Results: The rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have biological age indicators higher than both the proper biological and calendar ages, and their biological aging index is positive, which indicates accelerated aging. Men have a higher biological aging index than women. Male and female rescuers use different personal resources in their lives; women - altruism, men – humor. In men and women, the presence of subject hobbies leads to an increase in the index of biological aging, but optimism reduces this index in men. The use of specially selected personal resources for six months, allows you to reduce the index of biological aging, and at the level of the tendency to delay the acceleration of aging. Conclusions: individual-typological selection of personal resources is effective for rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as it allows to reduce the index of relative biological aging of this professional group.
Keys to creativity
Pirlik G.P., Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. - Creativity as a Way to Overcome Uncertainty pp. 16-28



Abstract: Creativity is seen as a way to overcome uncertainty - an integral feature of the modern world on the way to its knowledge. The attitude towards uncertainty is one of the personality traits, the versatility of the phenomenology of which determines the interdisciplinary status of the problem. Overcoming uncertainty by cognition, the creation of a new one, the courage of creativity become milestones of modernity and need scientific justification and reflection. The results of a study of the peculiarities of the attitude towards uncertainty of people capable of creativity, and people with different levels of intelligence, whose activities are externally stimulated, where cognitive motivation is not leading, are presented. Statistically significant differences were revealed between groups of people with different levels of performance according to the "Creative Field" method in terms of uncertainty tolerance tests. People who have shown the ability to be creative are significantly more tolerant of uncertainty, prefer the new to the familiar, as well as complex tasks compared to people of the stimulus-productive level. They are not limited to the perceived reality, they do not stop at uncertainty and the unknown, but, driven by a cognitive need, they are aimed at an in-depth understanding of the situation, due to which they advance in the knowledge and awareness of reality. People who can only solve the set tasks are helpless in the face of a situation of uncertainty. Achievement motivation limits the development of the thinking process even in the presence of high mental abilities, as well as a low level of intelligence development, i.e. lack of educational resources. This affects the negative perception of the situation of uncertainty and the inability to cope with it. The development of activity on one's own initiative as a unit of creativity is thus the way that allows one to overcome situations of uncertainty. Such people, despite the uncertainty, are able to continue their activities, to delve into the situation. Cognitive motivation helps to follow the path of cognition in new, complex, contradictory and unpredictable situations. The study of creativity as a way to overcome uncertainty reveals the mechanism of pre-adaptation.
Clinical psychology
Tarasova S.Y. - Psychological portrait of a modern young gambler pp. 29-55



Abstract: In this study, an attempt is made to discover the individual psychological characteristics of a modern young gambler. Gambling is considered as a pathological tendency to gambling. The study involved 40 young people aged 16 to 28, 20 boys and 20 girls, regular visitors of gaming computer clubs. 26 study participants spend more than 3 hours a day in the game. The study was conducted during the Covid-19 epidemic. The purpose of the study was to describe the portrait of a modern gambler. At the same time, we were interested in the manifestations of anxiety, aggressiveness and hostility detected by quantitative and qualitative research methods. Hostility was studied by the method of syndrome analysis. The first stage of the study was to conduct survey methods, including MMPI, the Bass-Perry questionnaire, the humorous phrases test, and the Rokich value orientation test. The second stage included methods of qualitative personality analysis. According to the MMPI questionnaire, normatively lowered personality profiles were obtained, which may be associated with an increased sense of caution and distrust. Profile increases were found on the psychasthenia scale in 26 of the examined, on the hypochondria scale in 23 of the examined, which suggests the presence of somatization of anxiety in the portrait of a gambler. Hostility as a factor of readiness for aggression positively correlates with most basic MMPI scales. A trend has been found: women are more hypochondriacal than men. The hand test results are consistent with the MMPI. According to the results of a pathopsychological examination, 22 of the examined revealed autoaggressive personality tendencies, somatization of anxiety. The maladaptivity of gamblers confirms the fear of being funny. For the averaged MMPI profiles, there are differences between gamblers and the control group on schizoidness at the trend level.This study has shown that anxiety and depression, traditionally attributed to players, can increase during Covid-19. Problematic, active players who are willing to play secretly during quarantine are probably at risk.
Inner world
Cheremiskina I.I., Kapustina T.V. - Young People' Coping Behavior in Situation of a Personal Crisis pp. 56-70



Abstract: The subject of the study is coping behavior in a situation of experiencing a personal crisis. The empirical object of the study was young people who are an important resource of socio-economic transformations in our society. The age period itself, from a psychological point of view, is a time of personality formation, active entry into new types of activities, social roles, self-realization. However, the postmodern world sets a very high pace of human existence, the change of life situations and orientations occurs abruptly, almost instantly, which causes a high stress load on young people, against the background of awareness of the mismatch of external circumstances and semantic structures of personality, there is an experience of a personal crisis, the negative consequence of which is its socio-psychological maladaptation. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that it is based on the three-component model of L.G. Zhedunova, based on which methods were selected to diagnose the experience of personal crisis in young people. It turned out that more than half of the young people studied are in a state of experiencing a personal crisis. The peculiarity of their coping behavior is the predominant use of the strategies of "distancing" and "avoidance", they tend to ignore the strategy of "taking responsibility". They are also characterized by a tendency to exaggerate existing problems, an increased level of anxiety, low mood, passivity, poor health, increased sensitivity, impressionability, vulnerability, lack of leadership qualities, the predominance of intrapersonal conflict consisting in the confrontation of two contradictory traits – conformity and nonconformism, the predominance of motivation to avoid failures, a tendency to conflict behavior. The data obtained can be useful for both psychological consultants and representatives of psychological support services, since the identified features of young people in a state of experiencing a personal crisis can become targets of psychological assistance to overcome it.
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Khmelevskaia O.E., Timoshenko S.V. - I-functions of external and internal differentiation of the girls with tattoos with different body image pp. 71-83



Abstract: The subject of the study is the I-functions of external and internal differentiation of tattooed girls with different body image. In the available literature, the consideration of the meanings of tattoos occurs in connection with self-harm, the application of jewelry or the elimination of bodily defects. The connection of tattoos with the existing bodily image and central I-functions needs are studied in the article. Objective: to study the I-functions of external and internal differentiation of the girls with tattoos with different body image. Methods: G. Ammon's Structural Test (ISTA) and O. A. Skugarevsky and S. V. Sivukh's Own Body Image Questionnaire. Study sample: 62 girls with tattoos aged 22.48 ± 2.16 (Mo=21, Me=22) with higher and receiving higher education. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that there are no works on the connection of tattoos with central I-functions in the Russian literature. The connection of body tattooing with Self-functions and body image is a new direction in psychological research. Results: girls with tattoos and a positive body image experience fewer difficulties in integrating life experience, build relationships with other people more successfully, show more interest in life, respect their own and others' personal boundaries more than respondents with a negative body image. It is established that the more negative the body image is, the less the constructive component is manifested in the external I-differentiation and the personal boundaries are less realized. As a result of the study author suggest the psychocorrective work for girls with deformed I-functions and negative bodily image. The conclusions made can become the basis of psychological work to reduce the risk of adaptation disorders.
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