Psychologist - rubric Scenario for your success
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Scenario for your success
Yatsenko V. - The Influence of the Deficiency of Inherent Personality Dominants on Human Behavior pp. 1-39


Abstract: Activity of the person, his tendency to various professions, his acts, creation of the relations with people, the organization of cooperation between people, tendency of mentality to mental disorders depending on activity of congenital prepotent instances of the personality and deficiency of congenital prepotent instances of the personality is investigated. Congenital domination of instances of the personality depends on date of birth and is shown in the form of tendency of instance to domination in mentality throughout all human life irrespective of its age. Instances of the personality which aren't congenital dominants, show in mentality considerably smaller activity, than congenital dominants. In the analysis of functioning of these instances we will speak about "deficiency of congenital dominants".Successful activity of the person is always constructed on application of congenital dominants of his personality. Failures in activity of the person in strong degree depend on deficiency of congenital dominants of the personality. For people with considerable deficiency of congenital dominants of the personality efficiency of developed system of oktanalitichesky patronage is investigated. Main objective of patronage – carrying out the preventive measures directed on reduction of negative impact of deficiency of congenital dominants of the personality on human life. The method of octa analysis which is intended for studying of mentality of the person as a whole on the basis of eight-component approach with use of the concept of hierarchy of components of mentality, and also studying of the personality on the basis of five-component approach with application of the concept of hierarchy of components of the personality, the western zodiac and east calendars is applied. For the first time in psychology the method октанализа investigates congenital domination of instances of the personality, choice of profession, the organization of cooperation of people, tendency of mentality to mental disorders depending on date of birth on the basis of the western zodiac and east calendars. Recommendations about career guidance, set and placement of personnel, prevention of mental disorders are made.
Inozemtseva N.N. - Empirical Research of the Life Path of Managers and Leading Specialists pp. 18-32


Abstract: The article is devoted to the empirical research of the life path of modern managers of the low- and middle-levels and leading specialists. The research was carried out according to the quasi-experimental scheme of the ex-post-facto experiment. The research involved the questionnaires given to adult people  (managers and leading specialists) in order to study special features of their personal and academic activity at school and university. The results of the research show the following: there is no clear correlation between the kind of career (manager or professional) and academic success but there is a certain correlation between the choice of the fate of a leading specialist and their active community involvement at universities. However, the results are quite surprising. According to them, leading specialists were the most active and successful in community work while managers were not so active socially. The author also analyzes what respondents dreamt to become. Based on the results of research, both managers and leading specialists had rather similar professional dreams and desires. The author also offers her interpretation of the results. 
Rozenova M.I. - Psychological Analysis of a Sport Competition: How Alexander Povetkin Did not Win pp. 33-44


Abstract: The article is devoted to psychology problems in modern sports. On the example of comparison of several sports duels possibilities of disclosure of a psychological resource of the identity of the athlete for a victory gain are shown. For psychological analysis in article the "hot" situation is used: the analysis of widely discussed boxing duel between Alexander Povetkin and Vladimir Klitschko. This duel staticized long ago ripened problems in the field of sports and sporting achievements of the Russian athletes. In article stagnancy of experts in the field of sports and their hope on purely sports, instead of on integrative and, first of all, special psychological, training of the athlete and his psychological maintenance is with regret stated during competition. The problem is that modern sports any more aren't especially sporting event, and is realized as the complex project containing business elements, show elements, elements of political interests, etc. In this situation where superrates (financial reign, media, political), supertension and superresponsibility of the athlete for result, underestimation of a psychological component of preparation and an exit of the athlete (in the most competitive situation) threatens with risk of loss of leading positions in many sports, especially where the athlete is personified as the specific personality, i.e. acts only on its own behalf. The main obstacle of application of psychological technologies in domestic sports is the rigidnost of installations and haughty negligence of experts in the field of sports (trainers, officials, promoters, etc.) to psychology as to science.
Shantyr Y. - Social-Psychological Concept of Law Making Bases in Area of Marriage and Family Relations pp. 68-89


Abstract: The present research is devoted to studying and analyzing fundamental legislative approaches in the area of marriage and family relations based on the example of the Domestic Relations Codes of Russia and Ukraine. At the present time there are literary sources and Internet sites that provide enough research and information material that evidently testifies about the increasing destructive crisis in modern marriage and family relations. At the same time, more and more researchers in this area underline the ever increasing role and importance of the family institution for all humanity and the need to defend and further develop the family institution under the conditions of modern society. Consequently, today there is a great need in fundamental positions and a certain psychological concept of law making bases in the sphere of domestic relations so that the entire set of marriage and family relations could be based and developed thereupon in the future. Based on Based on analytical research, the author of the present article develops and offers a social-psychological concept of law making bases in the sphere of domestic relations. The concept includes concrete definitions of basic categories such as family, marriage, domestic relations. The author also interprets equality and voluntary participation as the fundamental principles of creating a contemporary family and development of family as a social institution. The research methodology is based on developing research aspects using general research methods such as comparison and analogy, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, detailed elaboratinon, construction, etc. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author conducts analytical research of Domestic Relations Codes of Russia and Ukraine, interprets the terms 'equality' and 'voluntary participation' as the fundamental social-psychological principles for building marriage and family relations and offrs concrete definitions of the basic terms such as family, marriage and domestic relations. The article will be of interest to a wide audience consisting of both nonspecialists and experts in family relations, for example, teachers, practical psychologists, lawers and state officials. 
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