Psychologist - rubric Keys to creativity
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Keys to creativity
Pirlik G.P., Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. - Creativity as a Way to Overcome Uncertainty pp. 16-28



Abstract: Creativity is seen as a way to overcome uncertainty - an integral feature of the modern world on the way to its knowledge. The attitude towards uncertainty is one of the personality traits, the versatility of the phenomenology of which determines the interdisciplinary status of the problem. Overcoming uncertainty by cognition, the creation of a new one, the courage of creativity become milestones of modernity and need scientific justification and reflection. The results of a study of the peculiarities of the attitude towards uncertainty of people capable of creativity, and people with different levels of intelligence, whose activities are externally stimulated, where cognitive motivation is not leading, are presented. Statistically significant differences were revealed between groups of people with different levels of performance according to the "Creative Field" method in terms of uncertainty tolerance tests. People who have shown the ability to be creative are significantly more tolerant of uncertainty, prefer the new to the familiar, as well as complex tasks compared to people of the stimulus-productive level. They are not limited to the perceived reality, they do not stop at uncertainty and the unknown, but, driven by a cognitive need, they are aimed at an in-depth understanding of the situation, due to which they advance in the knowledge and awareness of reality. People who can only solve the set tasks are helpless in the face of a situation of uncertainty. Achievement motivation limits the development of the thinking process even in the presence of high mental abilities, as well as a low level of intelligence development, i.e. lack of educational resources. This affects the negative perception of the situation of uncertainty and the inability to cope with it. The development of activity on one's own initiative as a unit of creativity is thus the way that allows one to overcome situations of uncertainty. Such people, despite the uncertainty, are able to continue their activities, to delve into the situation. Cognitive motivation helps to follow the path of cognition in new, complex, contradictory and unpredictable situations. The study of creativity as a way to overcome uncertainty reveals the mechanism of pre-adaptation.
Osipova T.Y. - Theoretical Grounds and Features of the Author's Communicative Creativity Inventory pp. 57-69


Abstract: The object of the research is the creative abilities of a person. The author analyzes theoretical approaches to this phenomenon. The subject of the research is the communicative creativity as a combination of flexible thinking and behavior, communicative competence and a number of personal traits (self-regulation ability, sense of humour, etc.) along with the motivation for communication success which allows to 'go beyound the limits' of established styles, behavior patterns and perception stereotypes and to find an individual approach to the partner. In this article Osipova systematizes approaches to communicative creativity in Russian pedagogics and psychology. The researcher also analyzes creativity inventories and notes that none of these methods allows to diagnose communicative creativity. The author's special contribution to the topic is the creation of her own 'Creativity Inventory'. The Inventory has solid theoretical grounds, satisfactory construct validity and a sufficient degree of reliability. These features as well as the procedure of standartization conducted allow to use The Creativity Inventory for research purposes during both individual and group diagnostics of communicative creativity.  
Zaitseva M.L. - The Phenomenon of Synaesthesia in Post Modernistic Art pp. 60-78


Abstract: Article is devoted to an updating subject the sinesteziynykh of bases of esthetic consciousness in the theory and art practice of the Latest time. By the author it is revealed that at the present stage of development art develops under the influence of sociocultural realities of the information society which is formed in the conditions of globalization: scientific and technical revolution, expansion of mass culture, large-scale escalation of mass and media forms, processes of virtualization of society and culture. It is proved that the main tendency of art of a postmodernism is the embodiment the sinesteziynykh of ideas in the synthesized art objects based on a priority of the visuality causing all complex of means of expression. In article the method of the system analysis and logical modeling - for explanation of identification of the reasons of emergence of experimental types and new genres of the modern art and identification the sinesteziynykh of bases of their perception is used. In article it is proved that development and improvement of technologies introduces amendments in area of functioning of synthetic art genres, subordinating them to "a tendency of the worsening selection". Art projects of the second half of the XX century or follow on the way of commercialization and degradation of art, the appeal to pop culture and marginal art, or try to become an alternative way of a survival and continuation of experimental ideas of vanguard, on the basis of a sinesteziya, introspection, reflections to develop and improve sensual and cognitive abilities of the person.
Iglitskaia I. - A Piece of Art from the Point of View of Freud's Psychoanalytical Theory of Dreams. On the Question about the Analysis Method pp. 65-88


Abstract: The subject of the research is the search and provision of grounds of the psychoanalytical approach to art. The main idea of the aforesaid approach is based on Freud's theory and proves similarity between artist's fantasy, night dreams and fulfilment of an artist's desire in his or her artwork. The above mentioned approach implies discovery of contradictions and search for what causes contradictory elements, symbolic interpretation of incompatible elements as well as commonness of characters of a work of fiction and depiction of the internal as the external as a result of working with night dreams. Opportunities offered by the practical implementation of the aforesaid approach is demonstrated based on the analysis of Bryullov's painting. Results of the research are proved by documents about the artist's life. The author establishes the connection between life and creative work of the artist. To create the method of artistic analysis, the author uses an adapted version of Freud's theory of dreams. According to that theory, a piece of art reflects an artist's desire and has a latent and manifest content. The same method that is used by Freud to analyze dreams can be used to analyze a painting. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author develops methodic principles of the psychoanalytical approach to art, describes the method and particular techniques of analyzing a piece of art and testing their practical applicability. The method offered by the author to analyze literature and art allows to define deep personality grounds for creating a particular artwork and creates a new, non-standard understanding of an artistic image. 
Osipova T.Y., Kostina T.M. - On the Relation Between Communicative Competence/Communicative Flexibility and Communicative Creativity pp. 90-125


Abstract: The object of the research is the communicative creativity of personality and the subject of the research is the influence of communicative competence and communicative flexibility on the level of communicative creativity. The authors of the article analyze approaches to studying flexibility and communicative creativity that have been developed in Russian psychology and teaching. The majority of researchers point out that it is impossible to be creative in general and to be creative in communication in particular without being competent and flexible, however, nobody provides any data about the relation between these phenomena. In the course of a diagnostic experiment the authors have used the following methods: Communication Technique (based on the Communication Technique Scale by N. Tvorogova, 1992), semi-projective test 'Conflict Situations' (based on the Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Test, 1944), Tomsk Rigidity Inventory (TRI), in particular, Actual Rigidity Scale, Premorbid Rigidity Scale, Reality Scale, and Communicative Flexibility Scale based on the Actual Ridigity Scale by G. Zalevsky (1993) as well as the authors' Communicative Creativity Method designated to evaluate communicative creativity and their description taking into account the levels of flexibility and communicative competence. Data obtained during the research can be used to develop programs aimed at improving communicative competence to the level of creative solution of difficult situations that may arise in the process of communication. 
Gubina S.T. - Influence of Music Perception on Symbolic Transformation of Consciousness: The Projective Function of Music pp. 186-213


Abstract: The article gives a description of the mechanisms of constructing a sensual picture of reality in mind under the influence of music. The article deals with the procedural and object-content sides of forming the images and the explanatory mechanisms of their symbolization. The prospects of application of music as a stimulus material in a projective psychodiagnostics are represented, too. The explanatory principles of psychology: the development, subjectivity, phenomenological and holistic approaches served as the methodological basis for research indicated in the article. The article consists of the three chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the revealing of the mechanisms of the symbolic transformation of the consciousness in the process of the music perception where the attention is paid to the content characteristics of the affection given the level of emotional tension. The essence of the thematic content of the constructs of the consciousness which are dependent on the deficient and being motive directivity. The second chapter is devoted to the meaning of the phenomenon of the graphics for self-perception. The experience of the elaboration of the interpretation schemes in the project research in two directions is analyzed: “personal” and “perceptive”. The third chapter is devoted to the different views on the use of music as a stimulus means in the project research from the point of view of the humanistic and psychoanalytical directions. The analysis is made at several points: the attitude to the music as a psychotechnical instrument; the meaning of the figurative associations for the correction and development of a personality; the use of the music methods in the work of the psychologist; the perspectives in the use of music in the work with clients.
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