Modern Education - rubric Person and personal development
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Person and personal development
Shchuplenkov O.V. - The Younger Generation: Social and Philosophical Aspects of Research pp. 58-114


Abstract: The author of the article uses the social and philosophical approach to studying the younger generation. This approach allows to define and fully describe the relation between social transformations and changes of personality, values and motivations. This is necessary for solution of important issues of a society. The younger generation creates the future and acts as a very important element of today's society. We should keep in mind that development of the younger generation and formation of young people's identities reflect the development of the society in general. This is just another proof of how important the topic of research is. The results of research can be used in pedagogy. It would allow to solve problems of young people more efficiently. The fact that we need to ensure full physiological and intellectual development of a young personality and prepare the younger generation for an independent and labour life creates a need in establishing a whole system of social services including psychological services. 
Erzin A.I., Epanchintseva G.A. - Self-efficacy, proactiveness, and resilience in educational process (influence upon the academic interests and students’ achievements) pp. 65-83


Abstract: The subject of this research is the self-efficacy, proactiveness, and resilience as personality resources, and their role in the educational activity of students. The article presents a brief review of the modern researches of each of the stated psychological constructs within the psychology of education. It is underlined that as a whole, proactiveness, resilience, and self-efficacy, form a psychological basis of self-determination. Their development gains an extensive practical importance for the psychological support of the subjects of educational process, while neglecting this aspect can create a potential threat to the psychological safety of students.  In all, 67 students in the age group of 19-20 have been examined. The type of research is cross-sectional. The results of the research demonstrated that students have a moderate level of development of self-efficacy, proactiveness, and resilience. The general self-efficacy produces a positive effect upon the involvement of the students into the educational process and their disposition towards the scientific research activity. The indexes of academic performance also depend on the academic control and academic self-efficacy. It is determined that separate components of proactiveness (self-reflection, metamotivation) and of resilience (involvement, control) positively affect the academic achievements and interests of the students. The authors developed the empirical models of influence of the aforementioned personality resources upon the academic performance and interests, which can be used for testing the program of psychological-pedagogical intervention based on the examined psychological constructs.
Rybakova N.A. - Sources of Motivation for Self-Actualization in Teacher's Professional Activity pp. 69-99


Abstract: The research subject is the internal drivers of self-actualization of a music teacher. The research object is the self-actualization process in music teacher's professional activity both as a mean of professional and personal growth and the leading factor of solving tasks of modern music education at schools.  The main sources of motivation in music teacher's activity described by the author include the dominance need, inborn 'motive to self-improvement', personality orientation at profession, values and emotinal attitude to their profession, combination of important professional interests, deep awareness of the importance of self-actualization for a teacher, etc. The author of the article notes that teacher's self-actualization can be a ground for his professional growth and effective teaching acivity as long as it is viewed and performed as an intended activity on enriching, developing and fulfilment of profesionally important potentials.  The research methodology involves the humanistic approach, structure-genetic approach to personality, activity approach, the theory of selective attitude to the conditions for professional activity, conceptual ideas of teaching art, studies of music teaching activity and personal qualities of a music teacher. The main conclusions of the study are the following:  - It is fully justified to relate teacher's motivation to self-actualization and therefore personal growth involving inburn 'motive to self-improvement, prosocial orientation, dominance need and professional orientation, emotionally positive attitude to children and professional activity;  - The need to express oneself creatively, love for music and self-acceptane also play an important role in the process of teacher's self-actualization;  - Self-knowledge and understanding of his own motives are the starting point in the process of teacher's self-actualization.  The author's special contribution to the topic is caused by the fact that in addition to defining the main sources of motivation for self-actualization, the author also makes an attempt to discover other sources of activity in music teaching and performance.  The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author has summarized the scientific experience on the topic of personal motives in general and music teacher in particular and defined a set of internal drivers of self-actualization of a music teacher. 
Matiukhin I.V. - Examination of the types and causes of the reactions of people who perform publically pp. 92-113


Abstract: It is a no secret that performing publically is tedious work, often putting people into awkward situations and forcing them to be persistent in self-improvement in order to not feel the intense pressure that is felt by those who perform publically. Each person experiences a different level of anxiety due to different internal apperceptive reasons. This research is conducted via targeted observation of various people who performs publically. The author presents the theoretical analysis of the reaction of anxiety as the modification of an alarming manifestation of personal or situational nature, and also analyzes the interconnection between nervousness and social factors, including ways of avoiding the feeling of anxiety. The main types of people’s reactions during performing publically are being detected by the significant and evident external and behavioral characteristics. The article also presents the points of view of successful pedagogues on the topic of the art of public performances.
Martyshenko S.N. - Research on the formation of the spiritual-moral values of university students pp. 119-130


Abstract: The subject of this research is the conditions and factors of the formation of spiritual-moral values of university students. The spiritual-moral values of modern youth in many ways are defined by understanding and attitude to culture developed in public consciousness. As the formation of the spiritual-moral values of youth takes place not only in terms of educational program, but also during the study-free time, the question of personal growth and self-education has also been researched. The developing leisure activities play a paramount role in formation of spiritual-moral values among students. Understanding the meaning of meaning of self-development in study-free time, many students do not really pay due attention to this process. Therefore, the author gives particular attention to determination of obstacles on the path to cultural self-development. The research is based on the analysis of the data acquired from online surveys among the students of Far Eastern universities. The author developed several typologies of the respondents’ answers that determine students’ attitude towards understanding of such fundamental concepts as “a cultured person” and “cultural behavior”. As a result of data processing, the author identified the two groups of obstacles (external and internal) that, in students’ opinion, hinder their self-development. One of the manifestations of the spiritual-moral upbringing is the sense of patriotism, which is also characterized by the attitude to their native region. The conducted research demonstrated that the significant number of young people are not satisfied with the quality of life in Primorsky Krai.
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