Modern Education - rubric Innovative methodology and technology
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MAIN PAGE > Journal "Modern Education" > Rubric "Innovative methodology and technology"
Innovative methodology and technology
Adaskina A.A., Sanina S.P., Sokolov V.L. - Use of the video problem book in preparation of future teachers pp. 1-15


Abstract: The subject of this research is the development of professional competencies of future elementary school teachers in the process of using video problem book (based on the material of math classes). The article discusses different methods of using video materials in preparation of students. An overview of foreign research on the topic is provided. It is noted that currently the methods of using video content are not sufficiently covered in the literature. The questions of which video fragments are better to use, how to include them into the educational process, what particular tasks they pursue, etc. remain unanswered. The article describes the experience of using video problem book as technique of teaching math to students, as well as future elementary school teachers. The author analyzes the work with the video problem book, an essential element of which is the use of “stop motion” technique in a problematic spots of the lesson. The article also presents the results of comparative research of academic performance of the groups of students: an experimental group that used video problem book, and a control group that that did not use video problem book in the educational process. The author picked the following competencies: diagnostic competence of the teacher, ability to make pedagogical decisions, and reflexivity. The implementation of video problem book in the educational process develops in students and future elementary school teacher the skills to make deliberate decisions in different learning situations.
Danilova O.A., Tereshkin I.L., Mishina N.Y. - Testing results of the digital app for teaching calligraphy to elementary school students pp. 1-10


Abstract: The subject of this research, which is dedicated to testing the digital app “Calligraphy.rus – Learning to Write Letters” for teaching calligraphy to elementary school students, is the quality, effectiveness and convenience of using this educational app in working with elementary school students. The object of this research is the assessments and opinions of elementary school teachers acquired in the course of testing of this app. Testing involved over 400 pedagogues from more than 30 Russian regions; it was conducted based on the method of situation modeling of using digital app in practice, as well as the survey technique. The scientific novelty lies in obtaining objective assessments on the practical effectiveness of modern digital educational resource in the format of digital app for teaching skills of calligraphic writing to elementary school students. The conclusion is made on the high functional capacity of the indicated digital resource based on the assessment given by the pedagogues on such parameters as convenience, design and characters, ease of understanding, task description and feedback. The pedagogues consider this digital app as a promising instrument to be implemented in the educational process and extracurricular activities.
Berezina T.N., Balan A., Zimina A.A. - Evaluation of the effectiveness of training and the use of neural networks to predict biological age. pp. 1-16



Abstract: Neural network training is widely used in various educational fields: staff training, mastering the curriculum at school and university, forming recommendations for private use by respondents, for teaching pensioners health-saving techniques. It is relevant to analyze the learning process of neural networks and evaluate their effectiveness on various models. For the study, a model was chosen for predicting the index of biological aging of a person based on the characteristics of his personality. To train neural networks, a data matrix of 1,632 people aged 35 to 70 years was compiled. Output variable: biological aging index; input variables: gender, age, family and professional status, place of residence, body type, type of functional asymmetry, style of relationships with people, as well as personal resources. Four neural networks were trained: for men and women, for working professionals and for pensioners. Results: 1) trained neural networks give different recommendations for men and women of pre-retirement and post-retirement age. 2) The effectiveness of predicting the biological aging index using neural networks turned out to be significantly high for all trained programs. 3) Neural networks can be used to model various social situations and identify what changes this will lead to for output variables. Situations were modeled: a) if all single adults get married, b) if all family adults break up, c) if everyone receives the recommendations of psychologists on the selection of personal resources and will use them. The neural network has issued a forecast: it is better for adult women not to change their family status/it is better for adult men to change their status. The use of personal resources selected by psychologists is effective for everyone.
Mayer R.V. - Computer Model of the Society and Using This Model For Studying Social and Economic Processes pp. 22-30


Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of creating a simulation computer model of the economic and demographic development of the society and using sucha model for studying the basics of computer modelling of social and economic processes. The subject of research is the method of teaching university students hwo to use computer modelling for studying social systems. The simulation model of the society offered by the author of the article explains how to build the structural model of the modern society, create the mathematical model, develop the algorithm and write a program. The author of the article also analyzes the results of modelling different situations (sustainable development, crisis and crisis recovery). In order to create the simulation computer model of the society, the author of the article used the following methods: the systems analysis method, mathematical model method, simulation modelling method, algorithmic and programming methods. Methodological grounds for developing the teaching method under review included modern didactic and methodological principles lying in the basis of computer sciences, programming and computer modelling. The scientific importance and novelty of the research is the following: 1) the researcher developed a simple training computer model of the demographic and economic development of the society; 2) the researcher carried out the analysis of possible applications of the model when studying the basics of computer modelling of social and economic processes; 3) the researcher also provided the source program which makes it easier for university teachers to use this model. 
Deulin D.V. - Particular Nature of Psychological Security of Educational Environment at a Higher Education Establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs pp. 25-37


Abstract: The article is devoted to particular nature of educational environment at a university where people who will provide for the general safety and security of Russian citizens are trained. The author of the article touches upon the problems of guarantees of psychological security of educational environment at such universities. The author shows how diverse the approaches to the problem of psychological security of educational environment are and views different classifications of psychological threats and risks for psychological security. The author especially focuses on psychological threats and risks at universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs which include, first of all, acts of violence and 'army hazing'. These are methods of suppressing positive activity and forcing certain 'standards' of behavior that are absolutely unacceptable from the psychological point of view. It is a very important goal to create a satisfactory emotional environment at a university which would help to overcome the aforesaid risks and have a positive influence on both lifestyle of students and their future professional activity.The author of the article proves the importance of formation of safe educational environment at a university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to protect students both from risks typical for all higher education establishments as well as from risks that are specific only for education establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 
Vasil'ev M.A. - Stress management methods in firearms training pp. 25-35


Abstract: The subject of this research is the development of stress management methods for students in preparatory stage of firearms training. The object of this research is the formation of psychological resilience and improvement of firearms handling skills among the students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Special attention is given to individual and group approaches towards working with students of training groups at the preparatory stage as the basis for successful completion of the course of firearms training. Emphasis is placed on implementation of stress management techniques in to the practice of firearms training classes throughout the entire training course. The author develops the most effective methods of psychological and pedagogical correction of learning activity of the students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the stage of formation of firearms handling skills. Particular attention is turned to approbation of such anti-stress techniques for psychological stimulation of students during firearms training classes. The use of these techniques allowed prompted the development of solid skills of firearms hanging and successful stress management in a short period of time.  Special focus is made within the framework of teaching stress management techniques is made self-analysis. Research methodology leans on the comprehensive approach towards examining the methods of preparing internal affairs officers. Practical importance of this research lies in development of the most effective methods for acquisition of firearms handling skills.
Loseva-Rimsha N.S. - Substantiation of the use of virtual and augmented reality as a means of developing cognitive interest in children. pp. 30-33



Abstract: The article discusses the options for using virtual and augmented reality in education, provides a justification for their use for the development of interest in children and motivation. VR and AR tools will soon become full-fledged educational tools, as the presentation of information is interesting and understandable. And the coronavirus epidemic has attracted the attention of people forced to stay at home to online education and interactive tools that can make learning more visual. Online classes can be a great way to involve the student even more in the educational process through immersion and detail. The novelty of the research is that it was possible to justify the need for the use of virtual reality in the educational process using psychological and astrological tools. By combining astrological studies obtained by mathematical calculations with psychological knowledge, it makes it possible to build a teacher's work in the right and unique direction. Therefore, each educational product with augmented reality can be made as individual as possible by dividing children into four main groups using astrological calculations. Someone is receptive and learns more successfully with a dynamic presentation, someone from a colorful one, and there are children who perceive more chrome and static.
Enzhevskaya M.V. - Organization of tasks for self-training in order to form regulatory UMS for younger schoolchildren pp. 34-41



Abstract: Regulatory universal learning activities occupy a central place in the organization of the ability to learn. They contribute to regulation, organization and correction in practical pedagogical activity. The development of regulatory universal educational actions is directly related to the formation of personal qualities: purposefulness, organization, independence, diligence, activity. They influence the formation of arbitrariness of thinking, behavior, communication of students, and together form the ability of students to learn independently. In the article, the conditions of formation of regulatory universal educational actions in primary school for students are considered, the features of the organization of tasks for self-preparation in order to form regulatory universal educational actions for younger schoolchildren are investigated.    The experimental study proves the effectiveness of using a special self-training organization, in which students learn to independently identify problem points in their skills, independently choose tasks to eliminate the detected gaps, plan their implementation, monitor, evaluate and correct the results of their educational activities. The present study has allowed us to conclude that regulatory universal educational actions are the basis for the formation of students' core competencies. It has been empirically proved that the introduction of such forms of work as independent training into the educational process contributes to the full development of components of regulatory universal educational actions in younger schoolchildren.
Selemeneva O.A. - Interactive forms and methods of learning in the course of syntax of the Russian language pp. 44-56


Abstract: Changes in the concept of Russian education over the recent years alongside the introduction of new academic standards dictate the implementation of interactive form and methods into the learning process, which ensure the communication among students, as well as with an educator. Despite the existence of large amount of scientific works, the question regarding the application of various interactive forms and methods in teaching grammar of the native (Russian) language in a university remains open. Therefore, the object of this research becomes the process of interactive learning in the course of grammar in accordance with the university discipline “Modern Russian Language. The goal of this work consists in the describing the particular forms of interactive learning used in the classes of syntax of the Russian language for preparation of the bachelor’s degree students, as well as determining their efficiency for development of the cognitive interest among students and formation of the skills in scientific research. The author makes the following conclusions: 1) A number of questions within the Russian philology remains discussible, and thus, the content of the course of syntax allows using various interactive forms, methods, and approaches (binary lecture, conference lecture, work in dyads, etc), the most productive of which are the discussion lecture and the dialogue lecture; 2) Interactive learning, being an active form of communication, dictates the priority in using the exercises of analytical type that activate the thinking process of the students, aimed at searching of the new knowledge, as well as ways for resolving the set goals due to formation of the own conclusions and generalizations; 3) Forms of organization of the interactive learning can contain laboratory works that guide students towards the search of facts, formulation of regularities, proposing and proving hypothesis.
Ostapenko I.A. - Interactive methods in teaching psychology of professional education pp. 45-52


Abstract: This article explores the implementation of interactive methods in teaching psychology of professional education. The object of this research is the process of teaching the discipline “Psychology of Professional Education”, while the subject is the interactive methods of teaching this discipline. The article employs the method of theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, methods of generalization, synthesis, comparison, and classification. The author discusses the essence of interactive teaching methods and their role within system of modern teaching techniques. Special attention It is emphasized that each class can be conducted using interactive teaching methods, selected by the pedagogue based on the desire to improve the effectiveness of educational process and develop professional competencies of students. The scientific novelty consists in determination of specificity of using interactive teaching methods within the framework of the discipline under review. It is established that heuristic conversation, psychological diagnostics, method of projects, role games, and problem-based learning are considered as most effective interactive teaching techniques. The acquired results can be applied in organizing educational process with regards to psychology of professional education and other disciplines of psychological and pedagogical orientation. The conclusion is made that in teaching psychological-pedagogical disciplines and future pedagogues, the students learn how to implement these methods in their future pedagogical activity.
Larionova O.G., Dorofeev A.V. - Methodical peculiarities of projection of the lecture-presentation pp. 51-58


Abstract: The subject of this research is the application of the information-communication technologies in education. The object is the methodical approaches towards the construction of lectures-presentations in the college math course. Computer technologies allow integrating the productive aspects of the various educational methodic, as well as their effective realization in the new form of lectures. The article presents the experience of development and realization of the lectures-presentations for math course based on the principles of cognitive visualization. The lecture-presentation is aimed at intensification of the student educational activity and increase of the efficiency of education. The lectures-presentations are being developed using the Microsoft Power Point for static and dynamic representation of information. The educational presentation by animation and control of the screen can enrich the process of cognitive activity through illustrating what cannot be presented verbally. The proper developed and performed lecture-presentation also activates the processes of perception and digestion of information, and allows to significantly intensity the educational activity of the students, provide the methodological grounds for educational and scientific activity.
Bobrova G.V., Ivanov A.V. - Military-applied training as a structural component of continuing specialized military education of the cadets pp. 58-64


Abstract: The object of this research is the educational activity of the cadet schools. The objectives pursued in educational process of the cadets, as well as the fundamental purpose of the formation of military colleges of pre-university tutorial of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation have a number of discrepancies. Educational activity of the cadet schools is conducted in accordance with the Federal State Education Standard and does not suggest the specialized military component; while the goal of the similar educational facilities lies in pre-entry training of the young men for military institutions of higher education of the country, which implies possession of the basic skills of military profession. The article examines the peculiarities of implementation of the specialized military disciplines into the curriculum of academic subject “physical education”. The empirical research (questionnaire, interview) are aimed at studying the cadets’ attitude towards the tasks of military-applied character, as well as the need for their implementation into the training process. The goal of the article consists in determining which disciplines are in most demand among the cadets of different age groups. The research results allow structuring the system of physical education in the cadet school, considering the specialized military program in accordance with age interests of the students, which would increase their preparedness level for entering the military institutions of higher education.
Getman N.A., Volodicheva T.B., Orlyanskaya T.Y. - Approaches towards development of the fund of assessment tools on academic discipline of “Biology” in the context of modern university pp. 60-67


Abstract: This s article describes the stages of content selection in the process of establishment of the fund of assessment tools on the academic discipline of "Biology”. The authors provide the theoretical substantiation to implementation of the process of establishment of the fund of assessment tools on the academic discipline of "Biology" in terms of a modern university. The proposed by the authors hypothesis regarding the efficient approaches towards establishment the fund of assessment tools on the academic discipline of "Biology" in a modern University is proven. The research describes the actions aimed at creating a set of control measurement materials and guidelines that demonstrate the modalities, procedures, tools, criteria for assessing the formation of student competences for each stage of mastering the academic discipline – the funds of incoming, current and intermediate controls, terminal and final tests. The authors characterized the stages of modeling, engineering, and construction of the controlling materials meant for measuring and assessment of the dynamics of development of student competencies. The object of this work is the process of assessment of educational results of a modern university. The scientific novelty consists in engineering of the fund of assessment tools of academic discipline of “Biology”, as well as presentation of methodological recommendations on the matter.
Romanova O.V. - Chemistry Olympiads in the system of modern school education pp. 61-70


Abstract: The subject of this research is the questions of students’ preparation for Chemistry Olympiads. The author analyzes the content of the school chemistry course, hosting of school Chemistry Olympiads and the issues of preparation, as well as formulates methodology of teaching the secondary school student how to solve the Olympiad tasks. The author also composes a number of standards for chemistry teacher aimed at the development of students’ creative abilities through solving the Olympiad tasks and selects the tasks for studying certain topics in the school chemistry course. The program of elective course that contributes to preparation of students for participation in Olympiads is being developed and tested. Having analyzed the research results, it is safe to say that the solution of Olympiad tasks is advantageous for the students, as they help to digest the new material. The majority of students believe that the Olympiad tasks should be used in educational process, because they develop thought process and creativity. A conclusion is made that introduction of the recommended elective course increases students’ interests in the subject, as well as the level of grasping the material and the quality of students’ knowledge.
Kanishcheva L.N. - Evaluation of Social Conformity in the Polynational Education Environment of the University: Search for the Tools pp. 64-71


Abstract: The article is devoted to the question about selecting methodological tools for evaluation the education environment at a university as the sphere that create conditions for students' self-socialization, involve the present and past personal experience and help to retain the continuity of generations and traditions. In her research Kanischeva focuses on polynationality of the education environment. The subject of the research is the method of evaluation of social conformity in the university education environment. The researcher explains her choice of topic by the fact that education environment is a very specific object for evaluation and there are no quantitative indicators, rules or standards to evaluate it. To define the level of social conformity of the polynational education environment the researcher offers to use the method of humanitarian expertise which determines the compliance of the studied object to social, moral, environmental, cultural (ethnocultural), aesthetic and other humanitarian standards. Kanischeva describes the procedure of humanitarian expertise: overall perception of the problem, analysis of the problem and previous solutions of such problems, analysis of the main consequences this situation may have for the society, social morals, public health and environment, evaluation of these consequences in accordance with the legal, ethic, environmental and medical norms, preparation of the expert judgement and recommendations on corrective measures, analysis of prospects for further development. In her article Kanischeva describes the main stages humanitarian expertise in detail. According to the researcher, the method of humanitarian expertise will help to obtain a qualitative description of the education environment at a university and raise the efficiency of quality management at a higher school.
Evseenko E.A., Kirko V.I., Malakhova E.V., Shadrin A.I. - Methods of determination of the vector of professional preparation of the senior high school students pp. 65-74


Abstract: The subject of this research is the theoretical foundations of the initial stage of formation of professional competencies of the senior high schoolers. The object of this research is the educational trajectory of the senior high schoolers. The article reveals the essence of methodology on identification of correlation between the students’ choice of future profession, the desire of their parents, and teachers’ opinion. Gradual training of the teenagers regarding the ability to self-determination in the professional sphere, formation of the image of their future career are equivalent to teaching the youth to structure their life goal. The authors substantiate the importance of the early establishment of professional competencies among the high school seniors. The provided methodology in combination with the analysis of individual portfolio of a student can be used for the purpose of establishment of the further individual educational trajectory for attaining the necessary knowledge, competencies, and skills that may be required in future professional activity. The work presents the results of the formulated and tested methodology on determination of correlation between the selection of future profession by the students, opinion of their parents and teachers, as well as the methodology of identification of the leadership qualities of the students and level of socioeconomic activity. The proposed methodology allows forming the platform for the further structuring of educational trajectory of high school seniors considering their individual portfolio. The methodology has been tested in the villages of Arctic zone of Sakha Republic, where due to the socioeconomic conditions, the vector of preferences of the students can radically differ from the desires of the parents and teachers’ opinions.
Semenov D., Sergunova K.A., Vetsheva N.N., Morozov S.P. - Online testing as a teaching method, form of questionnaire and knowledge control of the medical personnel pp. 65-74


Abstract: This article explores the online testing system with the elements of adaptive learning, developed for assessing the level of knowledge of medical specialists in the key areas of diagnostic radiology. The implementation of this program considers the modern trends of the usage of distance teaching techniques. The main advantages of the online testing system is the possibility of assessing the level of knowledge among the specialists at various stages of education, as well as reduction in time required for self-study, analysis of the acquired results, and ensuring availability for expanding and correction of the database of test assignments. The system is introduces in PHP programming language and interacts with MySQL database, which stores the test assignments and statistical data. The list of questions automatically forms out of the selected sub-specialty based on the compliance matrix that limits the scope of topics and the amount of questions. A set of tags was attached to each of the test assignment, so each user receives a unique set of tasks on the selected subject. The article examines on of the advanced trends of further development of the system – implementation of the methods of adaptive learning, which unlike the traditional methods, is aimed at the improvements of the quality of education by creating an individual education plan. Application of the suggested algorithm allows each user to conduct a detailed assessment of the level of their knowledge, set right priorities, and achieve the desired result, while minimizing their time. Creation of such system will also contribute to the reduction of costs for tuition within the framework of continuing medical education, as well as improvement in the quality of professional training.
Mayer R.V. - On Using a PC-Connected Opto Sensor During Training Experiments in Mechanics pp. 69-80


Abstract: The present article is devoted to a problem of improvement of demonstration and laboratory experiments on mechanics in higher education institution. In it educational physical experiments in which the speed measuring instrument consisting of the optosensor, the scheme of interface and the personal computer is used are analysed. The following experiments are considered: 1) experimental verification of Newton's second law; 2) verification of the law of conservation of angular momentum; 3) studying of damped oscillations of physical and torsion springs; 4) jet propulsion of Segner wheel; 5) studying of rotation of a body in the viscous medium. In work the method of physical experiment consisting in creation of such experimental conditions under which the studied phenomenon can be studied in the most optimum way is used. The fundamentals of methodology are made by works of scientists-methodologists on problems of training in physics. Scientific novelty consists in improvement of a technique of experimental studying of laws of dynamics, conservation law of the moment of an impulse, damped oscillations, jet propulsion, rotation of a body in the viscous environment. Use of the considered physical experiments in educational process promotes understanding of laws of mechanics at higher level, to increase of interest in physics and information technologies
Dobrotina I. - Improvement of Reading Skills at Russian Lessons pp. 71-108


Abstract: The object of the present research is the solution of the problem of improving ability of school students to apply different strategies of reading at Russian lessons described in Rybchenkova's guidelines. The relevance of the problem is caused by the need to teach school students not only to read in general but also to different types of reading: scanning, skimming, reading in-depth. Possibility of improvement of communicative and cognitive abilities of pupils is analyzed: abilities to express the thoughts according to communication conditions, to build a logical chain of reasonings, proofs, to make hypotheses and them to prove, to attract the having knowledge from other subject domains. The analysis methodical and the didactic making UMK on Russian is carried out (material of "popup windows", tasks of exercises, systems of work on development of the speech, etc.) The offered system of work allows to solve some key problems, among which 1) improvement of abilities of pupils to use different strategy of reading – the abilities defined as important subject and metasubject results on Russian; 2) realization of the differentiated approach, possibility of the accounting of specific features; development of educational independence of pupils; ability to integrate educational and extracurricular activities; development of abilities to use information of the text in the educational activity.
Urazaeva N., Morozov E. - Corpus-based linguistics in teaching German language: practical basis and instruments pp. 71-79


Abstract: Information era of the development of computer technologies and wide availability of Internet opens new opportunities for increasing the efficiency of educational process of foreign languages. The subject of this research is one of the modern and relevant directions in methodology of teaching German language – the corpus-based teaching.  Corpus-based technologies are used in teaching vocabulary, grammar, translation, in cross-cultural research, realization of project activities, as well as allow significantly increasing the quality of education, accelerate the process of acquisition and digestion of knowledge, increase motivation and interest in learning German language. Research methodology is based on the analysis of theoretical insights on the indicated problematic, normative documents, description and assessment of possible application of linguistic corpuses in learning and teaching German language. The achievements in the area of corpus-based linguistics can become widely used in the process of teaching German language.  Corpus-based approach is the most advanced innovation addition to the traditional teaching; it is optimal for understanding of such aspects of language as polysemy, historical, geographical and social variation, changes in language system. The key aspects of corpus-based teaching are the authenticity of material, Interdisiplinarity, empirical adequacy, adjustment to particular tasks and target groups, possibility of self-tuition.
Yurkov V.Y. - Framework of the system of development and control of visual-algorithmic thinking pp. 72-84


Abstract: The subject of this research is the method and system of control and development of visual-algorithmic thinking of university students. The author introduces the concepts of visual analysis and visual synthesis; active, passive and mental visualization of the exercises in geometry, analysis and mechanics. Visual and algorithmic thinking is integrated into the concept of visual-algorithmic thinking. The article describes an experiment and test results, which goals consisted in determining the level of visual and algorithmic thinking of the university students. Correspondence between the conceivable images of fuzzy space of the visual-algorithmic thinking and the sharp geometric images of the actual geometric space underlie the method of development and control of the visual-algorithmic thinking. For realization of this method, the author builds the geometric patterns of fuzzy shapes, transformations, relations and circumstances. The article presents the classification of visual algorithms and assessment of their complexity, as well as the control-flow chart of such algorithm. The main conclusion consists in the statement that the experience of using the method of visual-algorithmic thinking for problem solving and the developed system demonstrates the positive moments in the forming of visual-algorithmic thinking, but its implementation into the educational process is yet challenging, as it requires restructuring of the process and additional time input.
Nikolaeva N.A., Zonova M.V., Sosnina N.G. - Project work in English language as a method for developing the managerial skills of the future managers of service industry pp. 73-82


Abstract:  The object of this research is the formation of managerial skills using the method of project. The subject of this research is the formation of managerial skills of the future managers in the area of service industry with the help of project work in the English language classes. Involvement in projecting of the object of service suggests the students the opportunity for self-realization and professional self-identification, ensures the deeper understanding of the problems in professional sphere, better understanding the existing tools and techniques, and advanced skills in planning and organization of the activity. In the course of this work, the author examines the normative legal documents for the “Service” training program, analyzes the psychological and pedagogical literature regarding the questions of development of the managerial skills alongside the organization of project activity at the foreign language classes. The article describes certain substantially important skills of managerial activity for the future specialists in the area of service industry. Special attention is given to the stages of work aimed at development of such skills and corresponding stages of the project work. The author also demonstrates the practical experience of realization of the project with the students of “Service” specialty at the English language lessons for the purpose of development of the managerial skills, which implies listing of the approaches and methods suitable for the use at various stages of the project and forming of skills.
Weber R., Griber Y.A. - Set of exercises for teaching semiotic translation of color realities to architects pp. 73-85


Abstract:   The object of this research is a special professional competence of the modern architects that ensures the necessary experience for constant translation of the color realities from one semiotic system into another. The subject of this research is the set of exercise for teaching the students of architectural faculty to switch from one language into another for recoding the color information. The task of the article lies in generalization of practical experience of teaching the semiotic translation, accumulated in the course of implementation of a unique authorial project of coloristic training of architects in the Technical University of Dresden (Germany). The authors apply the method of typologization aimed at structured description and explanation of the various types of development and tested assignments. Special contribution into the research of this topic consists in systematization of exercises focused on the development of translation competence of the architects. The scientific novelty resides in the determination and characteristic of the three key types of assignments: developing receptive skills; forming skills of “recoding” of the subjective and collective psychological responses; developing reproductive skills.  
Vaskevich T.V. - Unification of the national educational systems of Europe as a result of the Bologna Process: problems and losses pp. 85-100


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the problems of adjustment of the national systems of higher education of the European countries to the Bologna Process. The author presents the comparative characteristic of the traditional (pre-Bologna) and Bologna models of the systems of higher education in Europe on the example of France, Great Britain, Italy, and Germany. Accent is made on the fact that the Bologna reforms aimed at achieving the unification of system of higher education of the European countries in practice led to the unification of problems faced by the national educational systems, distorted under the aegis of the Bologna slogans. The attractive propositions of Bologna Declaration were twisted in reality, inflicting damage to the traditionally strong sides of the national systems of higher education. Leaning on the works of A. A. Ostapenko, T. A. Khagurov, O. N. Chetverikova, E. Fromm, and K. D.Ushinsky, the author gives particular attention to the problems emerged as a result of the Bologna reforms: commercialization, utilitarianism, dehumanization of higher education. The conclusion is made that under the conditions of globalization and pragmatization, education has lost its true purpose – enlightenment and strive for improving the humane in a human. The loss of the true meaning of education leads to dehumanization of the society.
Gryaznova E.V., Nikulin A.A. - Project method in teaching the subject of “visual arts”: methodological recommendations for future pedagogues pp. 95-102


Abstract: This article examines the question of implementation of a project method at the “visual arts” school lesson within the framework of the visual arts bachelor’s program.  The relevance of this work consists in the fact that the project method which allows forming the foundations of scientific culture among the elementary school student, is included into the bachelor’s program methodology. This methodology is being tested over the period of two years within the main educational program of the municipal education facility of the city of Reutov “Gymnasium”, as well as meets the educational standards of the elementary education in the Russian Federation, the program of the initial stage of International Bachelor’s Program – PYP (Primary Years Program). The article presents the methodological recommendations and pedagogical experience on the example of the program “I am a researcher”, which is based on the project method as an element of bachelor’s program methodology of the future pedagogues of visual arts. The main conclusion consists in substantiation that the project method in its implementation into the “visual arts” educational program allows forming the elements of scientific culture among students, as well as can be included into the methodology of the teachers of art bachelor’s program.
Bogatyrev S. - Criteria for Evaluating Thesis Supervisors' Performance pp. 115-133


Abstract: The author of the article analyzes particular examples of preparing graduation theses at Financial University and offers a method of evaluation of a thesis supervisor's efficiency. The author develops key criteria, assigns a certain value to each criterion, ranks thesis supervisor's performance and analyzes factors of a student's success when he writes and presents his graduation thesis. The author also offers an original method of evaluation a graduation thesis supervisor's overall contribution to success of thesis. The author uses a system of criteria for analyzing success at different stages of writing a graduation thesis and compares success of each stage with the final grade. The method has been applied to graduation thesis written by students with different levels of competence at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation over the two past years. The author defines the most significant facors of student's success. First of all, his success depends on his presentation of a thesis to a teaching board and only then it depends on his discipline in the course of writing his thesis, i.e. timely preparation and submission of particular sections of the thesis to a thesis supervisor. Importance of the topic and interest of the teaching board towards the topic as well as a student's devotion are the third factor in order. 
Flerov O.V. - Corporate Teaching English as a Way of Increasing Communicative Competence of International Companies' Staff pp. 116-140


Abstract: The object of research in this article is corporate teaching English to staff as a contemporary pedagogical phenomenon. The matter under study is teacher’s professional activity in a business center. The author proves importance and advantages of corporate teaching English nowadays. Particular attention is paid to organizing this process and to analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of this work for a teacher compared to working in classic educational establishments.The method of research in the article is author’s analysis of his own experience of working as a corporate English teacher. Active observation of this process allowed to deduce theoretic generalizations as well as to spotlight particular nuances of this professional activity. The novelty of this article consists in its revealing the process of teaching academically and professionally successful adults. Besides traditional Pedagogy practically doesn’t deal with business while there is a demand for teaching services in it so it must be considered scientifically. The article’s novelty is also in distinguishing and proving advantages and disadvantages of this work for a teacher.
Rybakova N.A. - Manipulative Stereotype in Teacher’s Professional Activity and Ways to Overcome it pp. 124-142


Abstract: The research subject is overcoming forming or actual manipulative stereotype in music teacher’s professional activity based on a number of methods of developing the ability to self-actualize in musical activity. The research object is music teacher’s self-actualization as an objective and a mean to overcome manipulative behavior in the process of its realization.The article reveals the essence and negative influence of manipulative stereotype on teacher’s professional activity. The reasons for its forming in the period of preparation for the profession are also exposed. Particular attention is paid to proving and describing the author’s methods of overcoming the above-mentioned stereotype in professional teacher’s activity in general and in the musical aspect of Music teacher’s profession in particular, which is connected with perception and assessment of musical compositions.Methodological basis of the research consists of the works on self-actualization and manipulation (A. Maslow, F. Perls, E. Shostrom); scientists’ ideas about the essence and role of the ideal I-image in the forming of personality (B.G. Ananyev, L.I. Bozhovich, I.S. Kon, K. Levin, A.G. Skripkin, V.V. Stolin, I.I. Chesnokova, S.V. Shorokhova, E. Spranger, Y. Yadov); researches in teacher’s self-actualization and personal growth in professional activity ( E.V. Andrienko, S.L. Bratchenko, M.R. Miriniva, N.A. Rybakova etc. ). The main conclusions of the research carried out are the following postulates:- Overcoming music teacher’s manipulative stereotype and behavior is possible by means of a purposeful development of the ability to self-actualize in the musical aspect of teacher’s activity, mainly in perception and assessment of music;- The given methods are effective for future and practising music teachers to develop the ability to self-actualize in music and thus to overcome manipulative stereotype in activity. The novelty of the research consists in proving and developing effective ways for a future or already practising music teacher to overcome manipulative stereotype in his activity through forming the ability to self-actualize in perceiving and assessing music. The particular author’s contribution to studying the theme is working out definite methods to develop the ability to self-actualize in musical activity: meeting the ideal image “I am a self-actualizing personality”, performing two roles, taking the Other’s point and independent judging.
Aldoshina M.I. - Interactive dialogue methods in formation of the ethnocultural competence of university students pp. 134-143


Abstract: In modern sociocultural situation of multinational Russia, especially relevant is the problem of formation of ethnocultural competence of the students in educational process of the university. The subject of this article is the process of formation of ethnocultural competence of students in the educational process of the supporting university. The object is the cultural dialogue methodological approaches and interactive methods of college education. Special attention is given to the procedural characteristics, regional peculiarities, and possibilities of the gradual evaluation of formation of the ethnocultural competencies of students majoring in the discipline 44.03.02 the Psychological and Pedagogical Education in Modern University. Methodological foundations consists in culturological and competent approaches. Using the methods of structural analysis, comparison, and grouping of the series of surveys that involved 5 educators and 40 junior students of the aforementioned discipline, the author identifies the promising cultural-dialogue methodological approaches and interactive methods of university education that increase the students’ motivation and ensure the establishment of ethnocultural competence.  The main conclusion lies in the proven possibilities of application of such approaches for formation of the ethnocultural competence of the students, which consist in the difference of positions of the actor of pedagogical interaction, ability to intone the material, understanding of the necessity and purposeful formation of the imagery and emotional support of submerging into the content of the material.
Litvinov V.A., Baumtrog V.E. - To the question of automation of knowledge testing on the practical disciplines pp. 144-152


Abstract: The subject of this research is the process of assessment of the level of formedness of knowledge of the practical disciplines students with implementation of the active forms of education. The object of this research is the ways of automation of the knowledge testing process, as well as the pattern of test tasks, applied for the interval final academic assessment of the students. The authors examine the traditional methods of knowledge testing with grade system and using the computer testing. Special attention is given to application of the multimedia means as a tool of control over the students’ knowledge. In addition to the multimedia means, it is suggested to use computer simulators and training programs. The results of the work have been acquired based on the use of systemic analysis of the problems emerging in assessment of competencies of the educational organizations. The authors propose using the computer simulators for assessment of knowledge in work with the complex valuable equipment, as well as for composition of the test tasks, using the multimedia materials.
Selemeneva O.A. - About the experience of modeling of educational course on the grammar of Russian language in the context of distance learning (on the example of the course “Syntax of a phrase and simple sentence” pp. 160-170


Abstract: Within the extensive scientific and educational-methodical literature dedicated to the problem of distance learning, the question on the potential implementation of distance technologies for teaching humanitarian disciplines becomes especially relevant. Thus, the object of this analysis of the process of distance learning of educational course on the grammar of Russian language. The goal of this article lies in description of the model of distance course “Syntax of a phrase and simple sentence”, created in the virtual open-source learning platform Moodle for the Bachelors in Philology (45.03.01) and Pedagogy (44.03.01). For achieving the set goal, the author applies the analytical-synthetic method, logical-theoretical analysis of pedagogical literature, and generalization of the distance learning experience. The following conclusions were made: 1) in structuring the distance course, the difficulty of content of the discipline “Modern Russian Language” did not allow to fully use the opportunities provided by software with open course code LMS Moodle; 2) due to the fact that the traditional methods and means of university education function productively within the innovative information-educational environment only in the modified form, in development of interactive lecture, the written and verbal texts undergone significant changes that turned into the complicated linguo-visual phenomena; 3) controlling block and practice exercise block, oriented towards the establishment of feedback and detecting the knowledge digestion capacity, gained special importance among the elements of the developed course; 4) for formation of a competitive and harmonious personality, distance learning should integrated with the already well tested form in didactics, rather than substitute them.
Kodan S.V. - Educational course “Legal Source Studies” in realization of the state educational standards on preparation of post-graduate students in a law university (based on the practice of the Ural State Law University) pp. 171-181


Abstract: The subject field of this research is related to historiographical training of postgraduate law students within the framework of realization of the state educational standards during the period of postgraduate education. Leaning on examination of the traditions of source studies and historiographical training in the Russian higher school of the XIX-XX centuries, the author demonstrates the importance of historiographical training for young scholars, mastering of traditions and experience of scholar schools of the various humanitarian sciences in studying the carriers of state legal information as the basis of scientific research. Special attention is turned to inclusion into the educational process of the process of learning of methodological principles, approaches and methods as the basis for working with the sources for studying state-legal processes and institutions. Emphasis is made on the content of the authorial educational course “Legal Source Studies”, tested in realization of academic programs in the Ural State Law University over the period from 2015 to 2018”. The article demonstrates the arrangement and distribution of materials of the curriculum in accordance with the educational modules, describes the forms of classroom and research work, and defines the performance control mechanism of academic program.
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