Modern Education - rubric Values and goals of education
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Values and goals of education
Malanin V.S., Litvishkov V.M. - Grounds of Teaching Process at Training Centers of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia pp. 1-18


Abstract: System of training of employees for law enforcement agencies in general and for penitentiary branch in particular. The istorchesky period of formation and development of this sphere, on training of employees is lit. Thus, at the turn of the century with special sharpness the problem of execution criminal punishments was designated. It should be noted that, in essence, it is a pedagogical problem as the main social goal necessary for society, correction condemned for their return to law-abiding is, respecting requirements moral and precepts of law of life. If condemned doesn't improve, the system of criminal penalty and its execution work inefficiently. Besides, it can bring even damage, motivating recurrent crime. In such situation there is an actual problem on pedagogical training of staff of penitentiary services. The main place is taken by professionally significant personal properties and of course pedagogical abilities on mastering pedagogical equipment. Special training of the modern expert consists of fundamental general education, psychology and pedagogical and special knowledge, studying of modern pedagogical technologies, formation of installation on innovations and creativity. Application of innovative technologies in system of additional professional education allows to carry out self-realization and self-determination of the listener passing professional development in shorter terms. But these approaches yielding positive results only in improvement of separate aspects of activity of educational institution at the usual mode of its work don't allow to achieve goals in the innovative mode. Therefore here other approaches to the organization and management of educational process are necessary. In this regard there is a need of further reorganization of system of additional professional education of law enforcement officers, as most important condition of increase of level of their professional activity.
Zebzeeva V.A. - Pedagogical support of methodological training for educators pp. 10-17


Abstract:   The subject of research is the methodical readiness of future teachers to work with children of preschool age in the conditions of humanization of pedagogical process, appeals to the child's personality. Relevance of research is related to the activation of innovation processes in education, including in the field of early childhood education that requires learning new approaches to methodological training of future teachers of preschool children. The competitiveness of a teacher, at the present time, is defined by the modernity of his views on the children’s development and learning processes. Pedagogical support of the future educators faces the new directions that must be considered in the pedagogical process. Research methodology of the study is based on the knowledge of future educators in the field of environmental and humanistic education, general professional skills, and abilities to create ecological and humanistic environment in a preschool institution. Results of the research demonstrate that positive dynamics in the methodical preparation of future educators is achieved by developing a new style of interaction with children, new personal positions, new methods of organization of the educational process in preschool, use of broad opportunities of child’s cultural practice, mastering of new technologies based on the creative self-determination and self-development, saturation of child’s socialization with cultural sense.
Khusyainov T.M. - Theoretical Analysis of the Legal Socialization of Modern Young People in Russia pp. 12-22


Abstract: The present research has been funded by the Russian Humanities Fund within the framework of the Project No. 14-33-0100 'Faculty Habitus' and Socialization of Students at a Traditional University (Based on the Example of the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod). In this article Khusyainov analyzes peculiarities of the legal socialization of young people at this day and age in Russia. The subject of the present research is the process of legal socialization of Russian young people as the process of their learning the standards and rules of the modern society. Despite the rapidly growing number of researches of young people in modern science, the theoretical grounds of the problem have not been developed yet. The author of the article discuss the reasons that determine the specific features of this type of socialization and legal socialization in Russia. The main research methods include theoretical analysis of Russian literature on social studies, teaching and psychology. The article presents theoretical grounds of socialization of young people in the sphere of legal relations. The author establishes that achievements in the sphere of legal socialization may be the indicator of the greater degree of socialization of a young person because it is where the legal awareness and morals have the most important interaction. 
Potaturov V.A. - The problems of Russian humanitarian education in the conditions of globalization pp. 12-24


Abstract: The object of this research is the humanitarian education in Russia on the example of the higher school. The subject is the trends in development of education as a social institute in the context of information era and epoch of globalization. The author analyzes the role, place, meaning, and major issues of development of the Russian humanitarian education as a major rebroadcaster of culture. Special attention is given to the problem of humanitarian education within the framework of market relations and informatization of society as a whole, and the educational process in the higher school in particular. The author comes to the conclusion that the integral humanitarian knowledge suggests presence of an extensive scientific scope and a worldview component, without which a person cannot develop such principal humanitarian quality as confidence, necessary to establish a civil position. Humanitarian education in this regard has to become an instrument of self-cognition, self-upbringing, and self-actualization in the process of formation of identity. Scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive approach towards the role of humanitarian education and humanitarian knowledge within the life of human and society.
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O. - Factor Analysis of Development of the Russian System of Education pp. 25-52


Abstract: The article is devoted to the history of education and up-bringing in Russia and the ideological principle of reproduction of national cultural, historical and spiritual values. According to the author, the role of the institution of education in the reproduction of the national cultural identity will be soon diminished as a result of the inclusion of the Russian system of education into the global educational environment. The pedagogical theory needs the ideal of a well-educated man both for developing the theory and practice of up-bringing and assessing their efficiency. Education becomes meaningful and efficient only if it is aimed at achieving the idea. The ideal of a well-educated man is very important for the society even though it is almost impossible to be achieved in the reality. The main quality criteria of the educational process are the efficiency of the process of education and success of a young specialist on the labour market. 
Kostrigin A.A. - Description of the Management and Corporate Culture at a Pre-School Educational Establishments pp. 26-41


Abstract: The present article is devoted to the organizational issues of the activity of pre-school educational establishments. The author of the article examines such organizational aspects as the management and corporate culture at pre-school establishments. It is submitted that today when school education is being transferred from the municipal to the market organization, it is becoming very important to use new organizational resources and opportunities that are created as a result of changes in the educational and economic orientations of pre-school establishments. Berezina also emphasizes the need to treat a pre-school establishment as an organization with a mission, values, management, corporate culture, human resources management and competitive ability. The research methods include theoretical analysis of scientific literature and theoretical modeling of the performance of a pre-school establishment as an organization. The research methodology involves the concept of the market structure of a pre-school establishment (according to G. Ksendzova). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves a pre-school establishment to be a modern organization. In her research Berezina also demonstrates that a pre-school establishment is a competitive entity. However, it is still a problem to understand and use opportunities of such phenomena as the corporate culture, values and management that are quite new in the sphere of pre-school education. According to the author, at the present time pre-school establishments are in a position to adopt new functioning strategies.  
Kulikovskaya I.E. - Organization of the preschool polycultural subject-spatial environment pp. 30-38


Abstract: The subject of this research is the main characteristics of the preschool polycultural subject-spatial environment. The author carefully examines such aspects as the characteristics of the preschool polycultural subject-spatial environment based on the scales for a complex assessment of the quality of education in preschool organizations ECERS. According to the parameter “Organization of play space” the following features are being revealed: “At least five different centers of interest allow the children to acquire various learning experience”; “The centers are organized so the children can use them independently”; “The additional materials are available for the purpose of making changes in the structure of the centers”. Special attention is given to the centers of interests of the children in subject-spatial environment. During the course of this research the author used the following methodology: The ideas of connection, interconditionality, and integration of the phenomena and processes of the surrounding world, wholeness of an individual, its natural, social, and cultural essence (B. A. Ananyev, I. S. Kon, and others); The ideas of upbringing as a process of individual development and formation of values of the preschooler (L. V. Abdulmanova, I. E. Kulikovskaya, N. E. Tatarintseva, R. M. Chumicheva, and others); The concept of polycultural education (O. V. Gukalenko, G. S. Denisova. L. L. Suprunova, and others); The theory of polycultural educational space (V. P. Borisenkov, O. V. Gukalenko, A. Y. Danilyuk).   The author concludes that the polycultural subject-spatial environment is in high demand if the main educational value consists in the development of child’s personality, as well as his self-realization. Such environment creates a field for the cognitive development of a child, emergence of his own understandable world that reflects the living space. The scientific novelty lies in examination of the preschool polycultural subject-spatial environment based in accordance with the international requirements.
Lobkovskaya N.I., Evdoshkina Y.A. - Professional goal setting as a component of safety culture of a future nuclear scientist pp. 32-38


Abstract: This article examines the professional goal setting of the students of technical higher education institutions, its concept, and problem of establishment. The object of this research is the professional goal setting, while the subject is the assessment of professional goal setting among students, as well as problem of its formation during in training of the nuclear scientists. Goal setting allows tracing the impact of conscious personal values upon the sustainable motivation of his activity, and manifests as a regulator of the professional self-consciousness that is expressed in readiness for the competent and responsible actions. The authors provide the research materials pertaining to assessment of the goal setting among the nuclear physics students. As one of the main conditions of formation of the professional goal setting, is suggests its organization based on realization of the process of personal and professional growth. The article underlines the need for encouraging the professional motivation and timely adjustment towards the changes in educational space of professors and educators composition, because it is namely them who form the understanding of importance of the safety culture among students, as well as ensure the processes of quality transformation of professional expectations and goal setting.
Napso M.D. - Education as a consumer service pp. 33-40


Abstract: The object of this research is education in the consumer society, while the subject is education as a consumer service. The author explores the peculiarities of ideology and psychology of consumerism, as well as their correspondence to the spirit of market relations. Attention is focused on the process of turning commodities into symbols, establishment of consumer culture, and formation of the phenomenon of consumerism. The trends of infiltration of consumerist orientations to the educational sphere and the negative aspects of such processes are examined. The author describes the significance of education as a social elevator, paramount instrument that ensures social mobility processes. The use of dialectic and comparative methods allowed demonstrating the problem at hand in its unity, integrity and controversy. The article contains the following elements of scientific novelty: 1) consumerization and commercialization are the attributes of the modern education system; 2) education attains the features of a consumer service; 3) education transforms into symbolic system, becoming the object of consumption in form of a sign that contains the values of success and prestige.
Karshakova L.B., Bespyatova N.K. - Preprofessional orientation of teenagers by means of computer art pp. 34-41


Abstract: This article examines the system of designing classes aimed at immersion of teenagers in modern professions related to computer art. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by modern trends in socioeconomic development of our country. The development of creative abilities is a good foundation for acquiring new scientific and technical information; it accelerates the processing and generation of novel and useful ideas. The object of this research is preprofessional orientation of teenagers. The subject is the methodology of teaching graphic editors based on the specificity of its use in modern professions. The article employs the modeling, analysis, and generalization. The project laboratory of computer graphics and design at the premises of Lyceum in the town of Balashikha under the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, became the framework for this research. The conclusion is made that project work helps teenagers to acquire strong knowledge in the area of application of modern graphic editors, valuable practical skills and abilities, such as hard work, discipline, work culture, teamwork. In the course of this research, the author examined the possibility of application of modern instrumental and software tools for creating animated videos using the stop-motion technique, as well as developed the instruction on using technical means to achieve the set goals.
Kuimova N.N., Grigoshina Y.A. - Correlation between anxiety and behavioral style among the adolescents in a conflict situation pp. 40-50


Abstract: The subject of this research is the effect of the level of anxiety upon the preferred behavioral style in a conflict situation. The author puts forward a hypothesis that the preferred behavioral strategies of adolescents in a conflict situation will differ depending on the individual level of anxiety. The goal of this work is to determine the correlation between the level of anxiety and the selection of behavioral strategy among adolescents in a conflict situation. The object is the behavioral style of adolescents in a conflict situation. The prevention of conflict situation is influences by the personal traits, based on which is selected the best course of action to resolve the conflict, in other words – the behavioral strategy. The research method include the following: the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale (adapted by T. A. Nemchinov); survey test “State-Trait Anxiety Inventory” (C. D. Spilberger, P. A. Khanin); “Interpersonal Conflict-Handling Behavior” of K. Thomas (adapted by N. V. Grishina). The conducted analysis demonstrated that among the anxious adolescents in a conflict situation dominate such traits as competitiveness, avoidance and adaptiveness alongside the refusal to compromise, irascibility. While among the non-anxious adolescents – prevail the strategy of competitiveness with manifestation of inflexibility, stubbornness and positive aggression.
Egorov S. - Development of management models and mechanisms in the modern systems of evangelical theological education pp. 44-54


Abstract: The subject of this research is the management practice existing in the Russian systems of evangelical theological education. Management models and mechanisms in this sphere developed under the influence of global trends in management, Russian traditions in educational management, dogmas and traditions of evangelical churches. Depending on the external and internal factors of the development of religious educational organizations, their leaders implemented certain management mechanisms and models that allowed achieving organizational goals and maintaining educational process. The soft systems methodology developed by the experts from Lancaster University with active participation of Peter Checkland became the methodological frameworks for this research. This systemic approach determines the general consistencies despite the scatteredness of available data.  The scientific novelty consists in examination management practice of the representatives of evangelical systems of education from the perspective of pragmatic principles and specific decisions in relation to the normative views upon the corresponding sphere. A significant array of relevant data analyzed by the author within the framework of the study demonstrates a direct analogy of the approaches and principles of decision-making in the area of theological education with the management practice in the leading world universities and other organizations.
Koshkin A.P., Novikov A.V. - Social capital of the students and educators as a resource of increasing the quality of education pp. 65-87


Abstract: This article reveals the character of establishment of the social capital of students and educators in the context of personal or academic communication as a resource of increasing the quality of education. The relevance of the concept of social capital is caused by the following circumstances: firstly, the professional success of students will depend mostly in the level of development of their communicational qualities and social capital; secondly, the support of civic and social activeness depends on the ability to establish the interpersonal and intergroup trustworthy relationships; and thirdly, mutual assistance within the educational environment does not always attract sufficient attention. For realization of the goals of the research, was created a survey consisting of 60 questions and involving 250 students and 86 educators. The authors determined the purposefulness of joint communication between the students and teachers, as well as characterized the level of trust alongside the level of readiness to provide mutual assistance within or outside the educational environment. The article reveals the key mechanisms of formation of the social capital: constant resolution of contradictions in the process of educational and extra-curricular communication within the existing level of trust between the students and educators, as well as readiness to provide help.
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