NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice - rubric Issues in settling of administrative and municipal disputes
NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice
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MAIN PAGE > Journal "NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice" > Rubric "Issues in settling of administrative and municipal disputes"
Issues in settling of administrative and municipal disputes
Kabanov P.A. - The grounds and order for termination of proceedings on the materials brought to the Commissions on compliance with the requirements to service behavior and conflict of interests regulation in public service: issues of administrative procedural law. pp. 14-23


Abstract: The article concerns administrative legal, administrative procedural and organizational legal grounds for termination of proceedings on the materials brought to the  Commissions on compliance with the requirements to service behavior and conflict of interests regulation in public service. Based upon the studies of current normative legal acts on the activities of  the Commissions on compliance with the requirements to service behavior and conflict of interests regulation in public service: issues of administrative procedural law and publications of legal scholars specializing in this field, the author offers to take measures in order to improve the legal regulation on the activities of such commission in part of termination of proceedings on materials brought to such Commissions. For the first time in the theory of Russian administrative law the author offers to recognize withdrawal of the claim or address of a state (municipal) official and changes in the circumstances as grounds for  termination of proceedings on the materials brought to the Commissions on compliance with the requirements to service behavior and conflict of interests regulation in public service: issues of administrative procedural law.
Kabanov P.A. - Studying the Appeals Received by the Members of the Commitee for Observance of Requirements for Official Behaviour of State (Municipal) Officials and Management of Conflicts of Interests: Matters of Procedure pp. 17-23
Abstract: The article is devoted to the matters of procedure for studying the appeals received by the members of the Commitee for observance of requirements for official behaior of state (municipal) officils and management of conflicts of interests which are not legally fixed in documents regulating this Commitee's activities. As a result of the study, the author makes the following conclusions: 1) the members study the documents when the materials are being prepared for consideration; 2) the secretary of the Commitee studies the documents; 3) the documents must be viewed by the secretary after they are received by the Committee and before the scheduled date of the Committee meeting; 4) after studying the documents, the secretary may execute a procedural document - the review worksheet of documents submitted to the Committee for consideration. 
Yurkova O.A. - On the Issue of Jurisdiction of Disputes in which one of the Parties is a Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services pp. 40-50



Abstract: The object of the study is public relations regulating the determination of the jurisdiction of judicial disputes involving multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC) on the territory of the Russian Federation. The subject of the study is the regulatory regulation of disputes involving the MFC. The purpose of the study is to identify theoretical and practical gaps in the regulatory legal regulation of the activities of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services and its interaction with public authorities and citizens–applicants. In the course of the study, methods of scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical analysis, comparative legal characteristics, formal-logical and analytical research methods were used. The topic under consideration is relevant due to the growing number of administrative disputes in the sphere of interaction between state bodies and citizens, as well as due to the large coverage of the population with MFC services (96%), which, given the weak legal regulation of the issue of MFC litigation, creates a serious problem. The novelty of the study is that the legal status of the MFC is analyzed from the point of view of the independence and autonomy of the subject of legal relations in court disputes and the gaps in federal legislation regulating the activities of the MFC are investigated in the light of its connection with the jurisdiction and scope of administrative proceedings. According to the results of the study, it was found that the norms of Federal Law No. 210 do not allow unambiguously establishing the jurisdiction of a dispute involving a multifunctional center and do not contain a judicial procedure for considering a dispute as such.
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