Genesis: Historical research - rubric Memorable date in history
Genesis: Historical research
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MAIN PAGE > Journal "Genesis: Historical research" > Rubric "Memorable date in history"
Memorable date in history
Zipunnikova N., Kalinina A., Elisova N. - From the Law Faculty of Irkutsk University to Siberian Institute of Soviet Law: Irkutsk roots of university history (dedication to the centenary of Ural State Law University) pp. 11-28


Abstract: The authors carefully examines the problems of establishment of legal education in the east of Russia, namely the Irkutsk State University. Opened in the fall of 1918 university’s law faculty was an organizational academic structure that laid the foundation for the history of the Ural State Law University. Being transformed repeatedly, in 1931 in terms of a big reform of preparation of the Soviet legal personnel, the law faculty became a Siberian (Irkutsk) Institute of Soviet Law; later, in 1934, it was transferred to Sverdlovsk (Ural Region), attaining the name Sverdlovsk Law Institute since 1936. The article uses the groundwork of the so-called anniversary genre and anniversary strategies of cognizing the history of legal education and science. Based on the broad circle of sources, including archival materials, the author demonstrates advancement of the idea of Siberian University, education in the most difficult circumstances of shift of power and regimes, civil war, as well as various aspects of its operation from the perspective of systemic approach. Particular attention is given to the normative-legal, political-ideological, organizational-administrative bases of the work of the faculty. The author also traces the evolution of the content of preparation of highly qualified legal personnel; on the example of difficult fates of the faculty members is demonstrated the “link of times”.
Tishkina K.A. - Celebration of the five-year anniversary of the restoration of Soviet power in Yeniseysk Governorate pp. 22-29



Abstract: The subject of the study is the process of preparing and holding celebrations on the occasion of the five-year anniversary of the restoration of Soviet power in Yenisei Governorate. For any political regime the theme of legitimisation of power plays a great importance. One of the important indicators of this phenomenon are holidays, which consolidate society, and also influence the formation and consolidation of historical memory. This can be traced back to the formation of the Soviet holiday calendar. The theme of the Civil War was of great importance to the Bolshevik government as an example of demonstrating the victory of the new power. In this regard, the first five-year anniversary was to emphasise the final consolidation of the Soviet political regime. The article draws attention to the peculiarities of determining the date of celebration, which is connected with the step-by-step process of restoring Soviet power in the territory of Siberia. Minusinsk it was 13 September 1924, Krasnoyarsk - 6 January 1925. The single day of the holiday was 14 December 1924 - the day of liberation of Novonikolaevsk. The methodology of this work is based on a sociocultural approach and the preservation of historical memory. The methodology of this work is based on the socio-cultural approach, based on the idea of "dialogue of the past" and the preservation of historical memory. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the attraction of a wide range of sources to cover the little-studied fact in the context of the formation of the regional holiday component. The result of the study is the reconstruction of events related to the preparation and holding of festive events in honour of the five-year anniversary of the restoration of Soviet power in Yenisei Governorate in 1924-1925.
Yartsev S.V. - The Last Years of the Reign of the Bosporan King Fofors in the Context of the Internal Political Struggle in the Roman Empire during the Tetrarchy pp. 23-33



Abstract: The object of the study is the history of the ancient civilization of the Northern Black Sea region, as part of the Roman world during the early dominant period. The subject of the study is the history of the Bosporan Kingdom in the last years of the reign of King Fofors in 303/304–309/310, in the context of relations with the Roman Empire during the new system of government – tetrarchy. The author examines in detail such an aspect of the topic as the internal political struggle in the Roman Empire of that time and its impact on the events that took place on the Bosporus. Particular attention is paid to the political struggle of two opposing factions for supreme power in the Bosporan Kingdom at the specified time. The main conclusions of the study are related to the factors of the strengthening of the influence of the Roman Empire on the northern periphery of the ancient world in the last years of the Bosporan king Fofors. It is obvious that during this period, virtually any conflict in the internal life of the empire, to one degree or another, exerted its influence on the course of the history of the Bosporan state. Thus, the fall of the power of Fofors on the Bosporus became possible only after the Bosporan king lost Roman support, first Diocletian, and then Galerius. In 309/310, Fofors was replaced by a new tsar, Radamsad, who may have been a protege of Maximin II Daza, who was actively preparing a plot to seize supreme power in the empire just during these years. The main contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the first revealed pattern of the history of Bosporus during the reign of Fofors. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time in historiography, this tense moment of Bosporan history is viewed through the prism of the internal political struggle in the Roman Empire during the tetrarchy (293-313).
Magadeev I.E. - The Ruhr Crisis of 1923 and the International Transition in Europe after the WWI pp. 57-75



Abstract: Article aims to analyze the impact of the Ruhr crisis 1923 on the history of the international relations in Europe after the WWI. This crisis, which began by the occupation of the Ruhr region by the French and Belgian troops and ended by the approval of the new reparation plan (Dawes plan) in 1924, played the crucial role in the transformation of the international order (so-called Versailles order), envisaged by the Paris peace conference of 1919–1920. Author scrutinizes such aspects, as the links between the Ruhr crisis and the specifics of the WWI ending, he discerns the crisis' consequences in the Western and Eastern Europe, the role of the Anglo-American mediation in the regulation of the Franco-German conflict, according to the British and US interests. The essay concludes that the Ruhr crisis made critical impact on the consolidation of the Versailles order. The events unfolded in 1923, created the conditions for the "international turn" of 1924–1925, including the formation of the Anglo-Franco-German "European concert" instead of the Entente disintegrated during the crisis. Author demonstrates the direct link between the events of 1923 and the further stabilization of Europe negotiated during the London (1924) and Locarno conferences (1925), though this link sometimes remains "under shadow" in the major studies of the international relations in Europe after WWI. Besides this, the novelty of the article is explained by the rarely used documents from the British and French archives analyzed by the author.
Lysenkov S. - Militaty administration bodies and their authorities during the Great Patriotic War pp. 567-615


Abstract: The subject of the research is the process of creation and functioning of the military administration bodies during the time of the war. The author believes that the problem of creation and work of the emergency bodies of the USSR and their subordinate structural elements during the Great Patriotic War is timely because of two reasons. First, the mentioned problem is not studied enough by the history and legal science. Second, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory many attempts have been made to disavow the bravery of the Soviet People during the war. The main method of research is dialectical materialism which lets analyze facts, events, phenomena on the topic of the article in their logic consequences, interconnection and interdependence. The novelty of the article that archive materials are used in the scientific research that prove employment and legal status of the military administration bodies during the Great Patriotic War. The author draws the conclusions about the powers of the State Defense Committee, the General Headquarters, military councils of the fronts in the conditions of war.
Kodan S.V. - The State Defense Committee in the System of the Party’s Control and the State Administration during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: Creation, Nature, Structure and Organization of Work pp. 616-636


Abstract: The creation and activity of the State Defense Committee (SDC) reflected the peculiarities of the state administration in the conditions of the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945 during which the concentration of all the resources were needed to gain the victory. Before the war the country’s system of administration were fully formed, and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks defined the state politics and headed the state administration.  The creation of the SDC in June, 30, 1941 fully reflected this tendency and in the conditions of the war took all the state power as an emergency Party and State authorities. Unclassified archive documents about the SDC activity give new opportunities for studying its activity. The article tells about the characteristic features of creation, structure, directions of activity and a review of materials about the official paperwork of the State Defense Committee. The article characterizes the State Defense Committee, shows the documents about the activity of scientific research, defines the possibilities to use new materials. The latter comes out of the fact that all the documents are unclassified and gives many opportunities for the further studying of the SDC history.
Abdulin R.S. - Features of judicial management in the conditions of the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945. pp. 637-650


Abstract: The research is the peculiarities of judicial management in the conditions of the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945, changes in the structure and competence of bodies of judicial management in the Wake of the announcement in the country under martial law. The object of study is a set of organizational structures of judicial management in war, their staffing, functional parameters, elected means and methods. The author considers in detail the judicial control by the judicial system of the country in wartime, the organization of the administration of justice in areas liberated from occupation and other activities of the organs of justice and superior courts.
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