Электронный журнал Социодинамика - №12 за 2013 год - Содержание - список статей - ISSN: 2409-7144 - Издательство NotaBene
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MAIN PAGE > Journal "Sociodynamics" > Contents of Issue № 12/2013
Contents of Issue № 12/2013
The nationality issue
Koptseva N.P. - On the Question About Preservation and Reproduction of Cultural Traditions of Indigenous Small Ethnic Communities in the North, Siberia and Far East of the Siberian Federal Region pp. 1-16


Abstract: Indigenous small ethnic communities of the North, Siberia and Far East live in the constituents of the Russian Federation forming part of the Siberian Federal District. The author discusses state cultural policy in the sphere of preservation and development of the unique ethnic culture of indigenous small communities in the North, Siberia and Far East. She also touches upon activities performed by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation constituents forming the Siberian Federal District that are aimed at preservation and translation of the unique ethnic culture of small ethnic communities. In her research the author used such methods as the conceptual analysis, field researches, analysis of modern Russian and foreign scientific literature, modeling, focus group and interviews with experts. She also analyzes the current status of indigenous small ethnic communities of the North, Siberia and Far East. The author defines the main tendencies of state cultural policy aimed at preservation and translation of the unique ethnic culture and offers new ways to preserve and translate the unique ethnic culture. These ways deal with gifted children and adaptation of the younger generation to the educational urban environment. 
Social studies and monitoring
Demetradze M.R. - Social and cultural basis for the interdisciplinary methodology of the social sciences and humanities. pp. 17-40


Abstract: The object of studies includes sociological, economic, political, legal and culturological theories and disciplines, methodology of their connections, the social and cultural basis for the interdisciplinarity, its inner and outer structure and specificities of its application in domestic and foreign policy. The issues of security, modernization, socialization, social partnership, social justice, social equality and social well-being of societies and states form an inalienable part of the modern system of international relations. It includes the new rules for the participation of states and their interaction, competition principles, correlation between domestic and foreign policy, modern living standards, mechanisms for establishing the supremacy of the norms of international law, systems of state control, etc. After the 2nd World War international organizations (first of all, the UN) controlled the states based on international law, the specific feature of current situation is that starting from the late XX century this control system was strengthened by the social control mechanisms. Their introduction was due to a number of issues, such as: growing gap between the developed states and the ones falling behind, domination of the interests of the strong states at the international arena, politization of the state policy in the traditional societies, slowing down of the modernization process, weakness of attention towards the modernization challenges, closed character of traditional societies, etc. Therefore, the goal of formation of the mechanisms of international social control is neutralization of the threats to international security and alienation of traditional societies from liberal democratic values, the primary value of human factor and principles of social state. Underestimation at the global level of the specific features of modern image, status and prestige of the state, which are based on social and economic well-being of the people served as prerequisites for the formation of special UN mechanisms in late 1990s, these mechanisms were called indicators and indexes for the evaluation of various spheres of social life - social, economic, political, legal and cultural. These markers define the level of development or underdevelopment of the states, rather than size of their territory or their military potential. This change of paradigms shows the stronger ties between domestic and foreign policies of the state, institutionalization of the processes within the administration system, requiring special attention in the spheres of science and education. The role of connection between science and education is growing, and so does the value of multifeatured studies of the situation, the methods for acquiring rational and constructive information, etc. All of the above is possible only with the use of interdisciplinary approach, which requires the development of methodology, and special education of students as future professionals in the sphere of law, management, economics and international relations. The interdisciplinarity provides fundamental character to the modern science, which is necessary to guarantee the training of the highly qualified professionals, who would be capable of competing with the graduates of the Western higher education institutions. Application of the methods of interdisciplinarity of social theories and humanities allows to meet the demands of the modern science and education system, to provide a multi-dimensional approach towards the situation. Understanding of the growing value of the interdisciplinarity in the modern situation allows to gain rational and constructive information on various spheres  of life in the society: social, economic, political, legal, cultural. Revealing specific features of the modernization processes allows to uncover challenges and threats to modernization for any society and state within the framework of globalization. Studying the interdisciplinarity principles and expert methods based on these principles allows for finding social and cultural markers for specific objects and processes. Learning the skills of social and cultural interdisciplinarity is aimed at overcoming and termination of problems in various spheres of life in our society, for the correlation of these processes with the modern social living standards. It also allows for the formation of social and cultural model of state development, allowing to improve its image and status in the modern international processes, leading to the change of paradigms of its participation in the international relations, etc. 
Migration and adaptation
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O. - The Problems of Legal Integration of Russian Emigrants in the 1920 - 1930s pp. 41-69


Abstract: The authors of the article view different approaches to understanding the process of integration and carry out a comparative analysis of the conditions that were created for integration of different types of Russian migrants in Yugoslavia, Lithuania and Germany as well as peculiarities of their adaptation to another culture and society. Actual and legal problems faced by Russian refugees in Europe were mostly caused by the fact that Russians were treated as a special category of foreigners in recipient countries. Usual principles of reciprocity or the principle of legal equality of aliens did not apply to them. Many ethnic Russians were not citizens of the Russian Empire any more but at the same time they never became citizens of the USSR either. This created a rather wide layer of stateless people who needed to be protected by the international law. By studying documentary sources, the researchers make a conclusion that active proceses of mass emigration of population and displacement of refugees were caused by the global transformations in the world history such as war consequences, territorial rearrangements, political convulsions and boundary adjustments. Moreover, they were conditioned by social and political factors as well as violent acts performed by the authorities that forced significant mass of population to immigrate. On the other hand, emigration caused serious shifts in the development of political, ethno-cultural, confessional and other spheres of social life of countries.  The legal base of emigration had a direct impact on all aspects of the adaptation process such as job placement, education, living conditions, marriage and divorce social security and others. The results of research are quite important for the modern times , too. Russians who live abroad now often face the same problems as the Russian immigrants back in the 1920s.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Ideology and politics
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O. - Problems of Information and Communication Potentials of the Modern Society pp. 70-96


Abstract: The article is devoted to the process of formation of a new Russian strategy during the shift of technological modes. The authors of the article analyze possible variants of development of the scenarios of crisis developments in the post-Soviet territory. They offer a new management paradigm based on new factors of management under the conditions of the information society such as 'national informational space' and 'state viability matrix'. Usage of mass media and communication means when solving everyday problems allows to define the targets of the information support of regional authorities. This way they can satisfy the needs of the society, on one hand, and improve the material and technical base on the other hand. The authors of the article also analyze the influence of the information environment on personal values. The importance of the latter topic is determined by the modern globalization tendencies in the society. This influence is described based on the example of the process of virtual communication on the Internet. Under the conditions of the information society being built, information and communication have a growing influence on economic, political, cultural and national relations, have an overall impact on the society in general and become an important factor of personal self-determination in the global world. In the authors' opinion, it is impossible to understand global information proceses without defining the role of information media for the information environment. 
Political process
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. - Open external political control over the Komsomol (the Young Communist League) organizations in the RSFSR (1918-1929). pp. 97-123


Abstract: The object of studies includes the basic directions, forms and methods of implementation of open external control over the Komsomol and specific members of the Komsomol organizations.  The chronological period of studies is between October of 1918 and 1929. The first date has to do with the formation of the Russian Young Communist League. The end of period has to do with the significant changes in social and economic policy of the Soviet state. In a number of issues the author uses regional localization of studies based on the Tambov province materials, which facilitates the more detailed studies of the juvenile history, allowing to correct some conclusions made based upon the analysis of the materials of central Party and Komsomol bodies. When studying the problem the authors follow the position of N.A. Volodina and understand political control as an immanently present quality of any state, which is a complex of power-related measures aimed at the control of individual behavior, all social groups and at the formation of the worldview and behavior of the majority of the population based upon the established ideological requirements and practical needs of the regime.  The political control is then divided into public an dsecret forms. The use of archive documents of the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (and its Youth Filial Division in particular) played an important role in the studies of the problem.  The priority was given to the studies of the documents of the Central Komsomol Committee Foundation (F.M-1) RSASPH, which provides complete picture of the mechanism of open political control over the Komsomol. As a result of its evolution within the relevant period the situation was formed, when the Komsomol was allowed to take part in the political activities, but it was under the control of the Communist party and within the strict limits  defined by the Party. A powerful instrument of the political control within the studied period was the movement of workers and rural correspondents. While the main target for the activities for the rural worker correspondents was the inefficient officials, the article shows that they were also used for the control over the youth communist organization.
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