Urban Studies - rubric Ãðàäîñòðîåíèå
Urban Studies
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MAIN PAGE > Journal "Urban Studies" > Rubric "Ãðàäîñòðîåíèå"
Ordynskaya Y. - Typology of settlements on the borderlands between Russia and China pp. 1-9


Abstract: The object of this research is the localities on the borderlands between Russia and China. The historical and contemporary analysis of the development of borderline urban layouts demonstrated that any city-planning objects strives to expand its territory to achieve its potential. The disruption of localization, closeness of urban localities in the borderlands leads to formation of the phenomenon of condominium territory. The study considers the historical traditions, modern trends and peculiarities in city-forming and resettlement of the borderline territory of two countries. The factor analysis and systemic approach are applied in the course of this work. The scientific novelty consist in the following:  in order to determine the possible vectors of future development of urban layouts of the various hierarchical level, the author conducts their systematization by the characteristic typological groups; this will allow determining the vectors in development of each group.
Ordynskaya Y. - Main vectors of Russia’s and China’s border area development pp. 1-10


Abstract: The subject of this research is the border territories between the two countries – Russia and China. Currently, in southern region of the Far East and on the territory of Northeast of China in the border zone, structurally are determined several promising directions. In terms of the various strategic goals of implementation of the state programs, they mutually complement each other. These directions have a high likelihood of realization and can provide conjoint development of the border settlement systems. This is because in all of them can be clearly traced the particular historical patterns, which are substantiated mostly by a special development mode of the border area. The author applies the factor analysis for determination of the main priority vectors in development of border territories, considering not only current, but also historical trends and peculiarities of urban development and populating of the border territory of two countries. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author is first to systemically consider the China’s and Russia’s programs of territorial development (“Open city”, “Russian districts”, law on “Far Eastern Hectare”, law on “Territories of Advanced Socio-economic Development” (Russia)), which implementation leads to another functional and structural transformation of urban layouts in the border area.
Vilenskii M.Y., Baranova A.Y. - Urban planning regulation and rationing of the infrastructure of mass sports in the largest cities pp. 1-26



Abstract: The article examines the system of urban planning regulation and rationing of mass sports facilities in the largest cities of Russia. The lack of an interconnected system of sports facilities with the planning features of the largest city is one of the most important problems considered in the article. Rationing and regulation are the most important tools for the implementation of any infrastructure systems. The purpose of the study is to determine the directions of the necessary transformation of the system of urban planning regulation and rationing of mass sports infrastructure facilities for the largest cities, taking into account their intensive growth and development of agglomeration processes. The evolutionary development of the system of urban planning regulation of sports infrastructure is considered. To analyze modern regulation and rationing, the documentation of twelve major Russian cities (urban planning standards, master plans, rules of land use and development, infrastructure programs) was analyzed. Based on the analysis of normative documents of three stages of the development of the urban planning regulation system: Soviet (1922-1991), post-Soviet (1991-2000), as well as the modern stage (2000-2023), the main trends and aspects inherent in each stage of regulation of sports infrastructure were identified. Their influence on the modern system of urban planning regulation is determined. An assessment of urban planning standards is proposed according to five criteria: standardized types of sports facilities, their spatial levels, the number of indicators, the provision of facilities for the population and territorial accessibility. The rating of the cities was compiled based on the proposed assessment. The main problems of urban planning regulation and standardization of sports infrastructure facilities are identified. Recommendations for improving the urban planning approach to the formation of sports infrastructure facilities for mass sports in the largest cities are proposed.
Ordynskaya Y., Kozyrenko N.E. - City-planning systems of the China-Russia border zone pp. 12-19


Abstract: The subject of this research is the city-planning system of the China-Russia border zone, which development marks the two parallel directions associated with the trend and rates of development of the adjacent countries: active city-forming process in China’s territory and depressive state of the urban and rural settlement in Russia. In the Far Easter regions is noticed a decrease in population size across the entire bordering region and “focal” character of settlement along the border with low density of population. On the Chinese side, over a short period of time (policy of rural urbanization), the vast uninhabited territories were simultaneously populated by peasants, which led to emergence of the cities alongside the sparsely populated villages. A distinct Chinese policy of resettlement is reflected in direction of the “urbanization from below” (rural urbanization), due to which the finely-divided structure surpasses the entire territory of the Northeast of China. All of the bordering settlements form the systems of various level of development. For highlighting the peculiarities of formation of the transboundary systems of resettlement, the author apply factor analysis and system method; for determining the dynamics of urbanization and migration flows – the statistical method. The method of cartographic analysis is used for studying the processes of current resettlement on the territories of Far Eastern Region and Northeast of China. This article is first to analyze and determine the typological groups of resettlement systems common to the China-Russia border zone – agglomeration, transborder agglomeration, national systems of resettlement, transboundary systems of resettlement. The crisis state of Russian settlements and active development of the Chinese settlements necessitates the formulation of principles, which allow forecasting their further development. As a result of this research, it is established  that under the influence of certain economic, geopolitical, demographic, and social factors, the existing structure of resettlements in the transboundary zone and range of its impact (south of Far East) will transform.
Boltaevskii A.A., Pryadko I.P. - "To harness the Elements": problems of modern urban planning pp. 14-24


Abstract: In this article, the conflict of the controlled versus the spontaneous serves as a prism for analyzing modern urban studies trends, such as deindustrialization, deurbanization, environmentalization, comprehensive planning, legal regulation of the economy, conversion of urban industrial sites, migration flow control. The authors direct attention to the contradictory nature of processes that can be observed in the organization of architectural and planning areas of the modern megapolys, the crises that need to be overcome, for the sake of our civilization. Our civilization faces growing global challenges, the overcoming of which is key to preservation of humanity as a species, and thus, harnessing the elements of the city becomes a priority task. Scholars who research this field often miss the existence of two paradigms that emerged in architectonic studies. On one side, there's the "machine-city" paradigm, on the other, there's the "living city" that adheres to objective laws of nature. This article demonstrates contradictory elements in both approaches, as well as potential points of convergence, for mutual enrichment that could result in a general synthesis of urban development models. The result of city-planning processes is ambiguous to this day: problems with the environment, increasing social friction. In the modern world, the process of increasing complexity of urban development, the increase of demands towards housing and social environment give opportunities to professional integrators to unite the various urban segments, the architectonics, into one. The multivectoral nature of modern city development is largely dictated by the gradual replacement of the technocratic model with the biospheric approach. We need a city that can work with the input from all of its dwellers, for it to become comfortable for habitation and friendly to the environment.
Ordynskaya Y. - Use of the factor of having a border as a unique phenomenon of development of urban planning solutions of Russia’s border area and formation of transboundary spaces (on the example of Russian-Kazakhstan border zone) pp. 20-25


Abstract: The object of this research is the urban planning solutions of territorial development. The subject is the determination of peculiarities of development of urban planning solutions influenced by the factor of having a border. The capabilities of border areas are viewed as a combination of all resources existing within its limits. I this case, urban planning potential of border areas includes a particular set of factors (natural resources potential, infrastructure, demographic, etc.). The conducted analysis demonstrated the need for elaboration of a mechanism of development of border areas, with competent and accurate legislative regulation, considering positive and negative criteria, and reducing the latter to the minimum. The research of urban planning solutions, carried out in the context of the existing and anticipated risk factors, showed that risk factor pertains to natural-ecological, socio-demographic and infrastructural spheres. The researchers have previously covered the question on the development prospects of transboundary regions on the basis of Russia-Kazakhstan border cooperation, but mostly within the framework of geographical and social disciplines [4, 11, 10]. This article is first to view the solutions and risk factors emerging in formation and further development of territorial spaces from the perspective of urban planning activity. The scientific novelty consists in determination of positive and negative factors that impact the development of Russian-Kazakhstan border zone. In the course of study, the author determine the criteria affecting the advancement of urban planning solutions of a border area. The criteria used for assessing the risk factors give grounds for further long-term forecasting.
Vilenskii M.Y. - Urban planner in the United States as a profession pp. 21-32


Abstract: The transition to professional approach towards urban planning at the current stage of innovative and social transformations from the historical dual model of space and socioeconomic planning to a transdisciplinary approach creates prerequisites for formation of a new image of the urban planner profession in the United States. Having a faster reaction to changes, an employer forms their perception of professional requirements, and thus activates mechanisms impacting the entire organizational system of professional community, including curriculums. The research methodology leans on the conducted analysis of job offerings databases in the area of urban planning in the United States, including web analytics, analysis of the official statistical data “U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics”, data of educational establishments and public authorities of the Unites States in the area of urban development. The research describes the trends towards growth of professional requirements, including academic education. The article examines the qualification by level of professional competences, highlighting the requirements for each one. The author also examines the system of professional regulation of this industry without direct involvement of the government and its ties with the job market; as well makes recommendations on application of experience of training and certification of U. S. urban for the Russian Federation.  
Gushchin A.N., Pereverzeva N.V., Sanok S.I. - Regularities in the formation of the planning structure of territorial zones in largest cities pp. 27-37


Abstract: The subject of this research is formation of territorial zones in urban development zoning. Territorial zones were introduced into the urban development practice by the Town Planning Code of 1998. In terms of the subject of research, the author examined the following: 1) planning organization of territorial zones of large and largest cities of Ural; 2) typology of territorial zones; 3) correspondence of functional zoning of territories with the established use of territories; 4) formation of the functional-planning frameworks of a city. It is demonstrated that studying of the planning organization of territorial zones allows estimating the actions of administration aimed at regulating the territorial development of zones. Research method is based on building the territorial zoned. The requirements: to determine the key functional zones in accordance with the general layout; appoint within the land lots belonging to various urban development zones the main type of permitted use; group together the land lots of the territory belonging to urban development zones with identical types of use into the territorial zone; form separate territorial zones that differ in type of the permitted use. The scientific novelty lies in the approach based on the territorial zones. Using the methodology of territorial zines, the authors were able to study the characteristics of territorial zones in accordance will all of the clauses mentioned above. Having applied such methodology, the authors examined the planning structure of territorial zoned for large and largest cities of Ural. The results are obtained on the types and structures of territorial zones. A conclusion is made on the planning structure and prospects of spatial development of the cities.
Sadkovskaya O. - Possibilities of development of ecovillages on the territory of Rostov Region pp. 27-40


Abstract: The subject of this research is the potential for transformation of diminishing rural settlements into ecovillages. The object of this research is the existing rural settlements with a population of 100-500 people on the territory of Rostov Region. Special attention is given to current challenges faced by the existing system of resettlement, which include the local consequences of climatic changes, anthropogenic influence, pandemic, etc. On the one hand, concentration of resources in the cities ensures their more rational distribution; but on the other hand, the urban lifestyle increases the consumption of various resources. Under current conditions, the ratio of urban and rural residents can be more balanced, since there are all necessary technologies and resources. The research is conducted on the basis of analysis of statistical indexes, assessment of information from geoinformation databases, and documentation of territorial planning. The author analyzes the possibility for transformation of the diminishing rural settlements into ecovillages on the territory of Rostov Region. Recommendations are made on the improvement of the system of resettlement in Rostov Region through development of various types of resettlement. The integration of unprecedented technological capabilities and rural lifestyle can become a new identity characteristic for the XXI century.
Lymar V., Karpov A., Krasnova O. - The use of parametric methods for delineating the morphology of urban fabric on the example of Vasileostrovsky District of Saint Petersburg pp. 34-55


Abstract: This article provides the results of continuous zoning of Vasileostrovsky District of Saint Petersburg using the methods that are based on the systems of interconnected quantitative parameters, such as floor area ratio and building density coefficient. These include Spacmatrix (description of building density) and MXI (functional classification). The aforementioned methods are convenient for determination of the morphological types of buildings and differentiation of the zones of implementation of various urban planning policies; however, in Russia they are not widespread, and are used mainly for selecting the alternatives of urban planning solutions for a separate land plot or block. The continuous zoning patterns for the large diversified urban development are published for the first time. Comparison of the acquired patterns with the results obtained using historical and genetic analysis of the morphological development sites, as well as with the functional zoning of the draft Master Plan of Saint Petersburg from 2021 through 2048 demonstrated that the parametric methods allow a more accurate delineation of boundaries of morphological districts and describe the morphotypes of development. The article discusses the factors of the detected discrepancies and the limitations of methods used in creation of planning documents; as well as the requirements for the quality of the base data, sequence of implementation of Spacmatrix and MXI methods, and their alignment with the traditional methods for determination of the morphological types of development.
Bushkova-Shiklina E., Starikova M.M. - The assessment of house construction situation and investments in housing development in the regions of Volga Federal District pp. 39-52


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the assessment of socioeconomic and house construction situation, as well as investments of local authorities and household sector in the development of housing facilities and infrastructure in Volga Federal District. The situation is described on the example of three regions different in the level of socioeconomic development – the Republic of Tatarstan, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast and Kirov Oblast. Analysis is conducted on such parameters as housing quantity, possibility of residential mortgage, strategies for improvement housing conditions, and planned investment volume in housing on the part of population, etc. The research is based on the analysis of the official statistical data on socioeconomic situation, as well as housing and utilities policy in the regions of Volga Federal District; survey that involved population of three cities – Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov (total of 1560 respondents); and expert interview with 25 realtors from the indicated cities. The acquired results allow determining three clusters of the regions in accordance with socioeconomic indexes and characteristics of housing policy: regions-leaders, regions-drivers", and regions-anchors. A more detailed comparative characteristics of the official statistics in three regions – the Republic of Tatarstan, Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov regions, confirmed the results of clusterization. The population polling of the cities of Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov complemented the picture with specific details on citizens’ perception of their living conditions and readiness to improve them. Interview with the realtors revealed the typical trends in development of house construction and residential property market in the aforementioned cities.
Al-jaberi A.A. - Urban planning ideas and concepts that influenced the development of New Urbanism movement pp. 41-61


Abstract: New Urbanism is an urban planning concept aimed at creation of a comfortable urban space, oriented towards human and environment that satisfies the communication needs of citizens, while retaining function of city as a system of effective  development, distribution and augmentation of resources, as well as the impact upon social structure through creation of conditions for communication between people. An ideal city for the adherers of New Urbanism is the one, where is the streets and public spaces are the center of social activity, and environment is adequate to a person. The article explores the urban planning concepts and ideas of the XX century: garden cities movement of Ebenezer Howard, regionalism of Patrick Geddes and Lewis Mumford, idea of neighborhood and superblock of Clarence Perry and Clarence Stein, impact of urban development practice of Jane Jacobs, Léon Krierm, Kevin Lynch and Donald Appleyard, as well as the factors of emergence of the Congress for the New Urbanism. The author examine the fundamental principles of each concept, their key representatives, as well as legacy or rejection of the ideas by the New Urbanism movement. Overall, the concept of New Urbanism suggests the approach towards city planning that is aimed at creation of comfortable urban environment oriented towards people. The New Urbanism movement is called to lay the foundation for sustainable development of urbanized territories, and establish such city planning principles and rearrangement of urban environment, which would be able to ensure high quality of life without damaging the natural framework.
Boltaevskii A.A. - Does an ecopolis have a chance: outlook upon the future pp. 44-48


Abstract: Since the ancient times people were trying to adjust the surrounding space for their own comfort and convenience. The initial period of industrialization led to the violation of sanitary norms, overcrowded accommodations, and destruction of the usual environment. The response for this lied in the urban development theories from Ebenezer Howard to Le Corbusier, who attempted to set the city to serve the needs of men. But as a result, of various mistakes, these concepts turned out to be debunked. The future of the cities in many ways is defined by the main trends of development of the entire humanity: strive for comfort and interaction with the nature. The author uses the critical analysis of the existing urban concepts, as well as comparative and situational analysis for demonstrating the evolution in views upon the optimal development of the urban space. In the third millennium the essential task of humanity will consist in creation of the biosphere-compatible space. Under the conditions of megalopolis this task will be extremely difficult to accomplish, thus at the initiate stages the reformations must take place in small cities. The transition to the new energy-saving technologies will improve the urban environment; the sources of pollution will be eliminate, such technologies will be removed underground, and telecommunications will make the transportation of cargo across vast distances unnecessary. The alternative sources of energy will become more popular.
Veretennikova K.V., Vilenskii M.Y. - The dynamics of spatial development of the airport environs of Russia’s largest cities pp. 44-57


Abstract: The subject of this research is the urbanization dynamics of territories around the international airports of Russia’s largest cities over the period from 2000 to 2018. Airports become the centers of urbanization, having a significant influence upon the development of adjacent areas. The authors introduce the concept of the “airport environ”. The goal of this work lies in determination of the groups of airport environs with similar attributes of the ongoing urbanization processes that allow forecasting their future development. The parameters defining the development of airport environs were subdivided into the following factors: city, airport, and airport environ itself. Using the method of hierarchical cluster analysis, the airports and surrounding territories were grouped by the set of parameters that correspond with the three elements of consideration. The authors determine the spatial characteristics of the formation of airport environs and distribution of functions within their limits over the indicated timeframe; as well as suggest classification of the airport environs of Russia’s largest cities in accordance with their urbanization level. The article also examines the trends in evolution of the airport adjacent territories based on the stages of their spatial and functional development.
Ordynskaya Y. - The principles of development of settlement zones in Russia-China border zone pp. 50-54


Abstract: The subject of this research is the forms of settlement located in border zone, as well as their emergence and development in the region under consideration. They serve as the foundation for the establishment of systems with particular spatial structure – agglomerations (China – Manchuria, Suifenhe, Heihe, Hunchun; Russia – Ussuriysk, Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchensk); transagglomerations (Heihe – Blagoveshchensk, Manchuria – Zabaykalsk, Fuyuan – Khabarovsk, Dongning – Pokrovka); national settlement systems Manchuria – Hailar, Dongning – Hunchun, transboundary settlement systems. This is an evident beginning of the new stage of structural transformations, on a scale of large localities, as well as forms of settlement. Therefore, elaboration of the forecasting principles of their emergence and development is relevant. In terms of such elaboration, the author considered the historical traditions, modern trends, and peculiarities in city-forming and settlement. The scientific novelty lies formulating the principles that view the effect as a result of targeted actions upon the process of the formation of city-planning systems. This will allow determining the optimal development trajectory for the new city-planning objects, as well as exclude obtaining the null or negative effect as a result. 
Potapenko A.A. - Disproportions of the spatial structure of the city as a reserve for the development of the city frame: territorial and communication model and analysis of cellular data pp. 50-70



Abstract: The work is devoted to the identification of existing imbalances in the spatial structure of the city and the assessment of reserves for improving the efficiency of spatial organization, primarily due to the development of the framework of the city as a stable structure-forming part of the spatial system of the city, characterized by a high degree of development. The subject of the study is the types of territories forming the framework of the city. The definition of the role and potential of individual territories is carried out by means of modeling using the methodology of constructing a territorial and communication model of the city of O.A. Bayevsky on the basis of the frame-tissue theory of A.E. Gutnov. The simulation results are compared with the analysis of mobile operator data on daily migrations of people in the city. As a result of the modeling, the territories were typified, the framework and fabric of the city were identified, as well as territories with disproportions of saturation with points of attraction and connectivity with the population. Comparison of the results of analytical modeling and visualization of real movements of cellular subscribers during the day confirms the significant disproportions of the spatial structure of the city of Vladivostok, expressed in its monocentricity. The prospects for improving the efficiency of the spatial organization of the city are associated with the need to move away from monocentricity through the development of local centers in the city districts. Clarification of the disproportions of daily migrations by city districts allows us to confirm the need and assess the reserves for the development of new growth points and business activity. The results of the territorial-communication model are compared with the results of the unevenly-zoned model of the city developed by the author earlier, built according to the method of A.A. Vysokovsky, which allows us to determine not only the existing configuration of the city frame, but also promising territories for its development. As a result of the work, recommendations are proposed for the development of the city's framework, and appropriate generalized directions of urban planning policy are proposed for the selected types of territories.
Zazulya V.S. - Problems and trends in the development of public spaces: Russian and foreign experience pp. 56-72


Abstract: In modern world, the problems of formation of the quality urban environment are brought to the forefront in megalopolises, small cities, and urban localities. In the conditions of rapid urbanization and expanding urban population, the public spaces are becoming an important element of the city planning system, foundation for the formation of urban environment, reflection of the level of cultural and social life. The design of comfortable public urban spaces consists not only in the functional and technical nuances, which determine the components of this environment, but also in conceptual designation of the space. The tasks of comprehensive approach in creation and modernization of the new and existing public spaces gain priority. The article is dedicated to theoretical analysis of the problematic, patterns and relevant trends in formation and modernization of public urban spaces on the example of Russian and foreign experience. The analysis of this question allows formulating the key principles and conditions for formation and development of the efficient system of urban public spaces. The object of this article is the environment of public urban spaces under various urban planning conditions. The subject of this article is the peculiarities and trends in the formation of urban public spaces. The goal consists in determination of the factors, conditions, functions, specificity, and patterns that impact the formation of the environment of urban public spaces.
Lipovka A.Y., Fedchenko I.G. - Morphological periodization of large-scale residential development in Krasnoyarsk pp. 56-72


Abstract: This article is dedicated to examination and testing of the modern methods of morphological analysis of the territories of large-scale residential development. The urban planning theory marks the emergence of works on the study of morphotypification of residential construction of different periods. A number of recent publications provide the analysis of the morphotypes of urban environment using GIS technologies to determine such parameters as the density of urban fabric, porosity and ratio of open and closed spaces, number of storeys in a building; nature of the relative positions of buildings in a residential group, neighborhood unit, etc. The author outlines the new vectors in studying construction patterns and evolution of topography of large-scale residential development plan. The goal of this research lies in determination of the morphological periods of large-scale residential development in Krasnoyarsk based on the analysis of topology, study of the structure of the plan based on geoinformation data analysis. The article aims to determine the construction periods of large-scale residential development through the use of mathematical analysis; analyze the topology of the plan of living quarters of various construction periods; establish the morphotypes of residential planning units that are characteristic to the periods of large-scale residential construction; substantiate the morphological periods of neighborhood units of large-scale residential development. The author describes the typical morphotopes of residential development of the city based on determination of the preferred geometry and number of storeys in a building: “ribbon”, “dot”, “spline”, “L-shaped”, “U-shaped”, “circuit”. The article conducts a comprehensive calculation of morphotopes based on the key indicators, and reveals the morphotypes characteristic to different periods of large-scale residential construction: 1st period (1960–1975) – “ribbon development”; 2nd period (1975–1990) – “sporadic building” due to varying geometry of the building plan; 3rd  period (1990–2010) – “mixed housing” due to coexistence of different types of buildings; 4th period (2010–2020) – “homogeneous development” due to the presence of typical, recurring morphotope. Substantiation is given to morphological periods of residential construction.
Sadkovskaya O. - Spatial concept of organization of coastal areas of the Temernik River pp. 57-75


Abstract: This article is prepared on the basis of results obtained from the scientific research “Formation of the universal concept of development of coastal areas of the Temernik River in Rostov-On-Don” conducted by the Scientific Research and Design Institute of Urban Planning in accordance with state task of Ministry of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector of Rostov Oblast for executing the applied scientific research; as well as summarizes a number of projects and publications dedicated to the topic of rehabilitation of the Temernik River. Degradation of the small lowland river Temernik as a consequence of the development of the city Rostov-On-Don negatively affects not only the urban ecology, but also the image of riverine areas, which gradually led to “rejection” of the urban fabric from the river. In terms of the constant compaction of urban fabric and increasing deficiency of pedestrian spaces, rehabilitation of the Temernik River valley manifests as a possibility of a new stage of development of the urban infrastructure. In the course of studying the riverine areas, the author assess three indicators: access, populace, and landscape. The author develops visual triangle-based diagrams, where on three of its axes are plotted the approximate values of the aforementioned indicators. The analysis of the diagrams allows determining the boundaries of areas, which can be potentially transform into the public recreation spaces. The author proposes the approach towards examination of the Temernik River valley; carries out differentiation of coastal areas; outlines the territories that hold potential of being transformed to the public recreation spaces; develops the pattern of organization of public recreation spaces formed within the coastal area of the Temernik River, taking into account the implementation of eco technologies and cognitive approach towards designing urban spaces. The formation of hybrid spaces, which are able to integrate eco technologies, landscape, pedestrian spaces, infrastructure, and others underlie the creation of spatial concept of coastal areas of the Temernik River.
Burdina D.P., Kazantsev P.A. - Principles of sustainable development of the autonomous island territories of the Gulf of Peter the Great pp. 62-76


Abstract: This article explores the prerequisites for sustainable development of island territories of the Gulf of Peter the Great that retained their autonomy from continental Vladivostok – AskoldIsland, Popov Island, Reyneke Island, Rikord Island, Putyanin Island. A brief overview is provided on the development of islands in prerevolutionary and Soviet period, as well as at the turn of the XX – XXI centuries. It is noted, that the initial period of islands territorial development (late XIX – early XX centuries) is characterized with sustainable natural resource management based on consideration of the local landscape, natural and climatic conditions. Computer modeling of the annual course of wind and insolation regime of island territories is conducted for elaboration of the advanced models of sustainable natural resource management. This allowed determining comfort and discomfort landscape areas of the indicated islands for the three main seasons – winter, spring-summer, and summer. Typical terrain contributes to localization of the comfort and discomfort zones. At the same time, comfort and discomfort zone would be specific for each of the three seasons, which should be considered in arranging various types of recreation activities. Based on the results of studying the peculiarities of socioeconomic development of the islands and their landscape-climatic specificity, the author highlights three groups of islands and suggests models of sustainable development for each group: 1) Model of full-scale economic-recreational development with restoration of the collapsed ecological framework  (Popov Island and Putyanin Island); 2) Model of autonomous development with restoration of the collapsed ecological framework (Reyneke Islan); 3) Model of economical development (Askold Island, Rikord Island). The author develops the schemes of territorial development of the islands, and suggests projects on formation of sustainable environment of rural localities and tourist routs.
Slabukha A.V. - On the methods of organizing planning of settlements in conjunction with the construction of Siberian railroad pp. 66-73


Abstract: The subject of this research is the relationship issues among the members of the planning organization of settlements – central specialized departments, local government and “societies” due to the laying of the transcontinental railroad across Siberia in the late XIX century. The object of this research is one of the methods of organizing the design and development of near-railway settlements – established communication between the aforementioned parties. The article examines the response of local “societies” to the letter (1895) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Empire about the need to present the decisions on characteristics of possible locations for development of cities or large settlements (in conjunction with the laying of railroad) and the need for their advance and efficient planning. Special attention is given to the results of analysis of the situation by the local “societies” with defining importance of the natural and economic conditions in the context of emergence of the new and development of the existing settlements. Author’s special contribution into this research lies in revelation of the question about the joint participation of central government, local government, and local “societies” in discussion the issues and adopting the decisions pertaining to the design of settlements due to realization of the largest nationwide project – the construction of Siberian railroad.
Veretennikova K.V. - Consideration of the impact of airport in the city development planning of the near-airport zones of the largest cities pp. 66-73


Abstract: This article is dedicated to the problem of the limited consideration of the impact of airport upon the surrounding territories in preparation of city development documentation in Russia. The object of this research is the near-airport territories of the largest cities, while the subject is their city development regulation. The article analyzed the factors and consequences of urbanization of the territories located near airports. Attention is turned to the fact that currently the documentation on regulation of such territories has a strictly technical orientation that neglects the city-forming potential of an airport. It is underlined that in Russia airport is typically considered as transport object and the source of negative effect on the surrounding areas, which is reflected in preparation of documentation. The described issues are viewed on the example of the near-airport territory of Pulkovo International Airport in Saint Petersburg. In the course of this study the author applies the methods of city development analysis, systematization, comparison of the national and foreign experience of development of the near-airport territories. A hypothesis is proposed that the cause of the emerging transport and social issues in the near-airport territory lies in the lack of consonance in the process of planning that leads to the irrational use of territorial resources, transport infrastructure, as well as degradation of natural carcass. The article proves the need for coordinated strategic planning of the near-airport territories, provides a list of instruments that encourage achieving the set goals.
Voronina O. - The main directions in the process of studying the principles of settlement and localization of small and medium-sized settlements on the territory of the Middle Ob region. pp. 66-78


Abstract: The hydrographic conditions of the territory of the Middle Ob region determined the unique characteristics of the settlement system formed within its borders. Settlements are located on landscape manes formed by alluvium and having the form of elongated elevations of the middle and high floodplain of the river. During the spring flood, only small areas of land remain not flooded, and transport communication is carried out exclusively by water and air. The determining influence of the hydrographic characteristics of this territory presupposes the presence of marker signs of the settlement system, identified in the process of its formation and development, which means that it requires in-depth study by specialists of the urban planning profile. The relevance of the stated problems is added by the strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation adopted by the government for the period up to 2025. This strategy assumes the concentration of economic growth in a limited number of centers and supports the socio-economic role of cities. However, on the territory of the Middle Ob region, which has significant spatial boundaries, there are no land plots that allow developing a large administrative and territorial center from an average settlement. National trends in urban planning policy do not imply variability for this territory and in recent decades there has been a rapid degradation of the historically established form of settlement of small and medium-sized settlements. In this article, based on the analysis of the main research directions, a small study of the unique historically established system of settlement of small and medium-sized settlements is proved. Historical cartography, notes dating from the end of the XVII – XIX centuries, studies of the XX century, as well as the results of a full–scale survey of the territory collected in scientific expeditions 2018 - 2021 are used as a scientific basis for analysis. For the first time, the question is raised about the need for a special in-depth study of the principles of settlement and localization of small and medium-sized settlements on the territory of the Middle Ob region by urban planning specialists.
AL-Jabri M.K. - Urban development of Amarah (Iraq) during the mid XIX – early XXI centuries pp. 73-87


Abstract: Many countries currently suffer from uneven development of urban areas. There are no requirements for integrated development. Land use in the cities varies depending on physical characteristics and material value. Spatial development is closely connected to socioeconomic arrangement of the city. The study is based on the analysis of urban construction, land use, economic development, and municipal policy. The historical approach allowed following the stages of functionality and development via determination of most notable historical incidents associated with urban aspects. The goal of this article consists in tracing the history of development of the city Amarah from the perspective of urban planning. The author examines the evolution of Amarah in the context of geography, politics and economy. The conducted research reveals the significant transformations and changes that that took place in the last 30 years, namely after 1980, in early 1991 and after 2003, which considerably affected the spatial structure of the city. It is clearly evident that the city Amarah have undergone five different stages: the first and second are the phases of evolution, the third is the phase of discovery, and the fourth and fifth are the phases of major expansion.
Zazulya V.S. - Ecological comfort and public spaces pp. 75-90


Abstract: The key factors influencing psychological and physiological comfort of urban residents include the level of environmental quality, presence of green spaces, connection between man and nature. The increase in urban density makes the creation of ecological comfort zones especially relevant. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of formation of such zone within the structure of public spaces, taking into account the current requirements to the quality of urban environment. The author highlights special significance of public spaces as one of the key object for creation of ecological comfort zones; as well as examines the key problems in formation of public spaces on the background of dynamic urban development.  Clarification is given to the definition of the concept of “ecological comfort in accordance with the basic parameters. The author substantiates the role of public spaces as the important areas in improvement of the quality of life in a modern city. Having analyzed the modern approaches and trends in designing a comfortable urban environment, the author makes proposals on the formation and modernization of ecological comfort zones within the structure of public spaces, as well as systematizes most relevant requirements to determine promising vectors in designing such objects.
Gushchin A.N., Sanok S.I. - The analysis of inner structure of urban planning regulations (on the example of the cities of Ural) pp. 76-88


Abstract: The subject of this research is the inner structure of urban planning regulations. It is a known fact that urban planning regulations were introduces into practice in 2004 due to acceptance of the new revision of the Town Planning Code. Currently, there has accumulated the traditional practice of their usage as the means of urban development management. Therefore, the analysis of inner structure of urban planning regulations and identification of patterns and interdependencies becomes a relevant task in both, theoretical and practical aspects. The authors come to the conclusion that at this point have formed the two ways of comprising urban planning regulations: activity and object. The first one is based on listing the types of permitted use as types of activity; and the second one leans on listing the types of objects that can be created within the framework of the types of permitted use. The authors also conduct a frequency analysis of the types of permitted use contained in urban planning regulations. It is demonstrated that most of the types of permitted use is characteristic to the social and business urban planning zones, and the least of them for recreational and urban planning zones, as well as special purpose zones. The author underlines that the variety of the types of permitted use inversely relates to the level of rigidity of administrative regulation.
Ismailova N.V., Sadkovskaya O.E., Rundin D.V. - Development of Òaganrog city as a tourist center pp. 78-98



Abstract: The subject of the study is the planning and architectural organization of the city. The object of the study is the city of Taganrog, Rostov Region (Russia). The change in the main vector of socio-economic transformations of the city, as a large industrial pole of the region, at the same time having important cultural and historical significance, is due to the current socio-economic transformations in the country. Among the new strategic priorities and directions for the city are the preservation and development of the cultural space and the development of the tourist potential of the city, to the implementation of which there are a number of positive prerequisites. The changes taking place cause the need for spatial transformations of the urban fabric. The problems and features of the planning structure and infrastructure of the urban area were considered, as well as obstacles to urban planning transformation and the formation of the city as a tourist center (destination) were identified. To comprehensively solve the existing urban planning problems of the city of Taganrog and form it as a tourist center, a single architectural and urban planning approach is proposed (hereinafter, a single approach). The proposed approach is based on the principles of development: hospitality, compliance with needs, continuity, connectivity and «accessible sea». A single approach synchronizes urban planning mechanisms, within the framework of which a system of architectural and urban planning measures is made to implement a certain goal – the formation of a tourist destination. The system of measures is formed taking into account the justified principles of development, planning methods and techniques. As a practical application of a single approach, a set of architectural and urban planning measures and urban planning mechanisms for their implementation is proposed. Recommendations are given on updating the documents for regulating urban planning activities, taking into account the complex of architectural and urban planning measures: the master plan, local standards for urban planning design, land use and development rules, rules for the improvement of the territory of the municipality.
Ordynskaya Y. - Methodological toolset for regulation of development of border areas based on comparative analysis of urban development systems of various zones of Russian borderland pp. 155-165


Abstract: Research is conducted on the border region, examining existing and forming systems of populated areas of Russia – Kazakhstan and Russia – China. In this case, the category of boundary (as one of the definitions of border) is a core element of transboundariness, while demarcation of the space serves as the main feature of the studied transboundary region (V. A. Kolosov was one of the first to introduce this concept into the Russian academic discourse) [5]. Transboundary region is viewed as a modern form of border cooperation. It is established that development of Russian borderlands (within the zone of research) takes place at different paces, which is associated with distinction by level of intensity by the border cooperation and integration ties. The work outlines vast differences in the level of development of the territory – border space is diverse and requires overcoming the existing disproportions. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author is first to determine and compare typological groups of the systems of resettlement characteristic to the border zones of Russia – Kazakhstan and Russia – China. The work also explores the specificity of development of these territories, based on which the author determines the methodological toolset for their possible further development. Analysis is conducted on the transboundary interconnections and formation of the systems of resettlement in the border area. The research outlines the meso-regions in the borderlands, defining development of promising settlements – hubs of border cooperation.
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