Litera - rubric Didactics
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MAIN PAGE > Journal "Litera" > Rubric "Didactics"
Vorontsova M., Zhuravleva A. - Using Films in Foreign Language Teaching: Cognitive Arguments pp. 11-17


Abstract: The article focuses on the theoretical bases of using films in foreign language teaching. The authors describe an experience of testing a dynamic usage-based approach of teaching foreign languages, based on usage-based theory of language acquisition, the emergentism theory of language development and the dynamic approach to second language acquisition. In this teaching approach the students are shown a film in fragments, each fragment is shown several times and is accompanied by a specific assignment. The lesson structure is given in the article. The present approach was used in a general course of English at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, a faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. After the course the students completed a questionnaire. The research showed that students react positively to the approach; as a result of it, they are more interested in learning, motivated, their vocabulary develops. The theoretical background has shown that the approach could also be viewed through the prism of psychological studies on attention and memory. The authors conclude that the approach is worthy of attention and further empirical studies should be conducted.
Dorfman O., Chernova O. - Development of the communicative competence of students of technical universities as a strategy for teaching effective communication pp. 27-35


Abstract: The article is written at the junction of several branches of science, reflects one of the problems of university teaching of the Russian language in technical universities. The purpose of the study is to prove that the development of communicative competence, which is the most important task of modern education, should be carried out in the light of new requirements. The author considers the issues of formation of communicative competence of students of technical universities. It is argued that philological disciplines should be included at all levels of higher education, which contributes to the formation of a highly qualified specialist with not only professional, but also flexible skills (soft skills). The relevance of the issues of improving the level of communicative culture of students at the university is due to the requirements of the new time, the dynamics of changes in the professional industry. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is a systematic view of the competence approach in university education: communicative competence in the system of learning outcomes; in the structure of university teaching; content modules that form communicative competence; didactic conditions, forms, methods and techniques of its development. The author dwells on the consideration of the communicative competence of the CC-4, presented in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the block "communication", reviews the disciplines forming it in technical universities, identifying current teaching trends, analyzes the content of training and provides a list of effective methods and techniques for the formation of communicative competence.
Danilina O. - From the experience of using media texts in RFL classes in a group of 4th-year philology students of Shenzhen MSU-BIT University pp. 42-50



Abstract: Recently, the concept of a language environment has acquired particular importance in the methodology and practice of teaching RFL, the key component of which is a textbook accompanied by culturological materials, including media texts, understood as "dynamic complex units of the highest level through which speech communication is carried out in the field of mass communications" (N. A. Kuzmina). Being the main unit of the media stream division, it unites various types of media products. Taking into account the current stage of technology development, the use of media texts at the B2-C1 language proficiency levels, characterized by broad communicative competence, understanding of the nuances of intercultural communication, seems appropriate and desirable. Although some authentic Internet texts require the formation of communicative competence in foreign recipient students close to the capabilities of native speakers, they are necessary for solving certain methodological tasks. In this regard, the work with an authentic post on the topic of intelligence from the site "Pikabu" in a group of 4th-year philology students of the Shenzhen MSU-BIT University preceded the discussion of the topic based on the material of reviews of the book by D. S. Likhachev "Letters about good and beautiful". The chosen media text allowed students to analyze, interpret the statement, and evaluate it. The discussion of the semantic side of the text activated their critical thinking, the development of communicative abilities. The discussion of the language side made it possible to attract the attention of students to its stylistic and genre features. The motivation of students while discussing the topic on the material of the post increased, so the subsequent study of the text of Likhachev's letter took place in an atmosphere of interest. Thus, the work with authentic material that is minimal in volume, but as representative as possible for the modern Russian media space, has proved its motivating and cognitive value. The use of media products of the considered type in Russian language classes at an advanced stage is a way to increase the motivation of students while discussing complex socio-cultural and linguistic problems.
Shirlina E.N., Kostina N.I., Kostina D.M. - Didactic potential of intellectual games in teaching scanning pp. 79-88



Abstract: The authors consider the role of scanning in the formation of linguistic and general academic competences, the skills needed to find the necessary information in the text, the stages of work on the text, as well as the difficulties associated with the teaching of scanning. The focus is on the role of active reading and gamification elements in overcoming these difficulties. The aim of the paper is to establish the extent to which active pre-reading and teamwork in a competitive environment will affect students' motivation to learn scanning and the quality of the acquisition of information. The article gives recommendations on how to organize the learning of exploratory reading in the format of an intellectual game and gives an example of an intellectual game "What? Where? When?" on the basis of a country study text. The novelty of the research consists in the authors' proposed approach to intellectual games as a tool not only for assessing students' knowledge, but also for shaping students' scanning competence. The intellectual game which was held with the students of non-language specialties allowed to reveal the main advantages and difficulties of using such a format, to find ways of overcoming them, to work out the recommendations for conducting intellectual games based on the work with the text. The results allowed us to confirm the hypothesis about the increase of motivation to reading through intellectual game activity, the ability to concentrate on the content of the text and not only on the language aspect, as well as increasing the level of cognitive activity.
Asadi Sangachin Z., Sheikhi Jolandan N., Valipur A. - Analysis of the Russian-Persian translation training program in Iran and ways to overcome existing problems pp. 87-95



Abstract: This article discusses the problems of teaching translation from Russian to Persian and back at Iranian universities, compares the program of Iranian audiences with the program of translation training in some leading countries of the world. The characteristic features of the translation training system in different countries are highlighted and described, from which it is possible to characterize the shortcomings of translation training in Iran. The purpose of the article is to study the existing shortcomings of translation training in Iran and ways to solve the problems outlined. The author pays special attention to the theory of translation and the basics of translation didactics, which help to find problems in the translation training program. The novelty of this article is that the problem of the translation training program from Russian into Persian has never been studied, and basically the issue of translation training in Iran has been little studied and requires further research. The results of this article are applied in connection with the improvement of the translation training system and, finally, the increase in the quality of translation. In conclusion, it is revealed that all the shortcomings of translation training in Iran arise from the use of non-modern methods of education of translators. The old method of teaching translation and ignoring the basics of the theory and didactics of translation are the reasons for the shortcomings in the translation training program in Iran.
Flerov O.V. - Grammar material in early learning English pp. 98-118


Abstract: The object of research in the article is early learning foreign languages. The matter of research is forming children’s grammar skills. The author shows importance of the questions of early learning foreign languages and teaching grammar. The issue of teaching grammar to children seems to be twice topical due to their being unable to perceive grammar rules and phenomena in their pure form. Particular attention is paid to forming English grammar minimum of rules and their exceptions.The method of research is linguistic and pedagogical analysis as well as empiric data obtained during author’s teaching English to children.The main author’s conclusions are the following. Specificity of grammar phenomena (logic, abstractness) makes them impossible for children to understand in explicit form. Children being unable to perceive grammar in pure form doesn’t mean that it is worthwhile to give up on forming their grammar skills. These skills imply not only using words according to the rules but their exceptions as well. The latter present a difficulty as they forma considerable part of grammar minimum.The novelty of this article consists in its viewing grammar material for children in quite a broad spectrum of adjoining linguodidactic questions: necessity of early learning foreign languages in general, the place of grammar in learning them according to present day ideas, forming curricula basing on learners’ age, specificity of grammar material and difficulties of its including in curricula for children.
Aleshinskaya E. - On the question of psychological aspects of learning English pp. 119-139


Abstract: The object of research is learning and teaching English. The matter of research is psychological aspects of this process. The author analyses such factors in learning English as motivation for learning, aptitudes for studying a language, communicative barrier and ways to overcome it as well as correlation between speech and language as its means. Particular attention is paid to interrelation of didactic and psychological issues in this process. The method of research in this article is analyzing empiric data obtained during author’s own learning English and her teaching it to students. The main conclusions come down to the following. Didactic treatment of learning English is not enough. Success in this process is determined by many factors, among them psychological ones are the most important. The novelty of the article is in its viewing psychological aspects in interrelation with didactic and linguistic ones, which provides multifaceted analysis of the issue of learning English and increasing its efficiency.
Yarovenko T.V. - Explanation of the Meanings of Russian Words Using Antonyms as the Means of Developing Speech Skills During the Lessons of Russian as a Foreign Language pp. 138-144


Abstract: In the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language, the development of speech is one of the main tasks. For this purpose, new methods for improving the quality of teaching are constantly being searched for and existing ones are being improved. The main methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language are based on the principle of complete immersion into the language environment, that is, without a translator and the mediator language. With each topic a new vocabulary is introduced, the explanation of which is due to the lexical units studied at the elementary and basic levels. In the course of conducting classes, Yarovenko discovered an interesting pattern: when explaining a new vocabulary, in case of a misunderstanding of words, foreign students asked to call antonyms. The method of conversation revealed that they understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Yarovenko analyzes the peculiar approach of cadets to the study of the Russian language through antonymy, we came to the conclusion that it is expedient to further develop this skill in them, since the lexical composition of the Russian language is significantly enriched with the help of antonyms and synonyms. He studied the scientific literature on the methodology of teaching RCTs for the study of antonyms and their use in Russian. As a result, it was established that the antonymy of the Russian language as a strategy for learning Russian speech is not considered. The author developed recommendations for working with antonyms in Russian language classes as a foreign language and received a positive result: the speech constructs had practically no lexical errors, clarity of pronunciation was present, the fear of the language barrier was reduced. Moreover, the cadets began to independently initiate dialogues.  
Kosteeva D. - Linguodidactic discourse: the student as a subject in teaching foreign languages pp. 164-174



Abstract: In this paper, an attempt is made to differentiate pedagogical, didactic, methodological and linguodidactic discourses in the field of teaching foreign languages in order to highlight the special position of linguodidactic discourse. A review of research shows that in the field of teaching foreign languages, related types of discourses are used without a clear definition of the grounds for their differentiation. To define the boundaries between discourses, the paper uses an approach based on the definition of speech genres by M. M. Bakhin and genres of discourse by V. I. Tyupa. Thus, the main parameters for the differentiation of discourses are the positions of subjects and strategies of their interaction. The analysis of studies addressing pedagogical, didactic, methodological and linguodidactic discourses, based on these parameters, allows us to distinguish between related types of discourses in the field of teaching foreign languages. In comparison with them, the specificity of linguodidactic discourse allows us to take into account, on the one hand, the fact that in it language functions simultaneously as a material and as a means of teaching. On the other hand, it covers the widest, in comparison with other discourses, the field of options for communicative strategies of interaction between subjects — the teacher and the student. As a result, in addition to the one-sided strategy of teacher-student interaction for pedagogical, methodological and didactic discourses, linguodidactic discourse makes it possible to include interaction strategies reflecting the new active role of the student as an equal subject of discourse, as well as those strategies that previously belonged to different types of related discourses.
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