Litera - rubric Parody
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MAIN PAGE > Journal "Litera" > Rubric "Parody"
Tselikova E.V. - A.A. Fet's essays "From the Village" and Pavel Medvedev's article "Dreams and Reality": on the history of the controversy pp. 8-17


Abstract: The article analyzes in detail the views on the purpose of art and science of representatives of the aesthetic school and the school of democratic poetry of Russian literature of the XIX century. As a material for analysis, A.A. Fet's essays "From the Village" are used, in which the poet's view of the role and tasks of poetry, science and art in general is presented in detail. The opinion of the opponents – the democratic school – is presented by the example of the article "Dreams and reality" by the author of the satirical magazine "Iskra" Pavel Medvedev. The article examines in detail the polemical dialogue between the two schools, analyzes and compares the arguments of its representatives. The article discusses various mechanisms that allow the use of aesthetic beliefs as a basis for the formation of a parodically distorted personality and as a way to expose true views. P.A. Medvedev's cycle "Dreams and Reality", combining the features of satirical parody and satire itself, was created as a tool capable of discrediting A.A. Fet's journalistic speeches in essays "From the Village" and thus exposing not only his aesthetic, but also his socio-political position, the beliefs of a reactionary and a serf. The parodist achieved this effect exclusively through interpretation and commenting on the statements of A.A. Fet himself.
Sysoeva O.A. - Parody as the Means of Transformation of 'Conversational' Genres in Sasha Sokolov's Novel 'Between the Dog and the Wolf' pp. 11-19


Abstract: The subject of the research is the analysis of parodic genre features of compositional inserts in a literary text. The object of the research is Sasha Sokolov's novel 'Between the Dog and the Wolf' (written in 1980). In the course of her research, the author compares genre inserts in the novel to 'primary' conversational genres and discovers their similarities and differences. The researcher also outlines a wide range of functions of a genre insert. Special attention is paid to the phenomenon of travesty recession achieved through collision of famous folklore and literary themes, motifs, plots and images with folk conversational power that represents human everyday style of life and views. The researcher has used cultural historical, systemic typological, historical literary methods as well as the method of intertextual analysis. The methodological basis of the research includes researches of M. Bakhtin, D. Likhachev, L. Khatchin, L. Kikhnei, V. Ivanyuk, L. Vvedensky and T. Safarova. The main conclusions of the research are the following. In his novel 'Between the Dog and the Wolf' Sasha Sokolov parodies 'canons' (forms) of a number of conversational genres of business and conversational style as well as the confession and sermon genres. The aim of the paradoy is to destroy the order of cultural signs and to give them unexpected meaning. Thus, the writer follows the tradition of ancient Russian literature when not individual writing style but business, church or literary genre is subject to travesty. One of the main goals of the writer is to represent public point of view on cultural and ideological stereotypes by using comic means.
Tselikova E.V. - A. A. Fet – the author of essays “From the Village”. To the origins of formation of parodic personality pp. 20-27


Abstract: The article analyzes the origins of publicistic heritage of Afanasy Fet. Analysis is conducted on the historical-literary situation, biographical facts of the poet, reminiscences of contemporaries and friends. The author also explores the opinions of literary critics, writers-raznochintsy (of miscellaneous ranks), and representatives of democratic criticism. Detailed description is given to the poet’s views on the aims and goals of the farmers and owners of the land. Based on the results of analysis of egodocuments, the persona of A. A. Fet is presented in contemporaries’ perception in two guises: lyrical poet and landlord-farmer. Image of the latter is being revealed through the essays of A. A. Fet “From the Village”. Similar “duality” of the image of A. A. Fet subsequently becomes the subject of parodic reinterpretation. Most vividly, the parodic personality of A. A. Fet appears in works of the poets of the satirical journal “The Spark” (Iskra). The author describes the history of creation of the essays “From the Village” as an original text for parodic personality of A. A. Fet in the work of the parodist of “The Spark” journal Pavel Medvedev. Analysis of the mechanisms of formation of parodic personality is presented. The source of parodic interpretation, as well as the material for creating parodic image, become not only the poet’s texts, but also egodocuments, comments of his contemporaries and friends, and publically expressed opinions of the readers.
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