Philosophical Thought - rubric Cycles and tides in the global world
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Cycles and tides in the global world
Ursul A.D. - Thinker of the Global Epoch (On the 150th Anniversary of Vladimir Vernadsky) pp. 1-63


Abstract: The author believes Vladimir Vernadsky to be the founder of not only global world view and thinking but also global researches. The majority of his ideas were aimed at the planet development. We can say that he foresaw a completely new global stage and tendency of development of science in general. Vladimir Vernadsky's idea about the 'planetary' meaning of science have been already outlined both in current global processes and anticipation of future social and socio-natural evolutionary processes . Modern global studies and global researches have been developing within the framework of the philosopher's concepts including his teachig about noosphere. The author of the article describes how Verandsky's teaching about noosphere have been changed due to creation of the concept and strategy of sustainable development. It is underlined that there is a certain need in observance of one of the main principles of sustainable evelopment - the principle of preservation of biosphere. It is also assumed that today we are facing a new stage in the  development of the teaching about the sphere of mind. This new stage emphasizes the growth of importance of the processes of ecologization, futurization, informatization and globalization and their further development through the global process of sustainable development. The author considers the problem of creating a new type of intellect, noospheric intellect based on individual features of cogitation and thinking, mass media and global communications including systems of artificial intellect. 
Borzykh S.V. - Tourism as a Religion pp. 1-20


Abstract: The question how in the sekulyarny world religions are succeeded by the tourism on the one hand copying its main lines, with another - filling a place which it leaves is considered. Article considers a question of similarity of tourism and religion. Qualities and properties both that, and another are very similar today that does a metaphor of heading very actual. Article studies not only external similarity the practician and the maintenance of both kinds of activity, but also their internal contents. Besides, it is filled with metaphors and comparisons that pulls together both of these concepts even more. As methods of research the comparative analysis, a historical review, a metaphor and analogies, supervision, a reflection, a gipostazirovaniye and modeling, and also deduction and induction act Novelty of the offered work consists, first of all, in those style and a way of a statement by which it is written. Various metaphors and comparisons which confirm with the presence the main conclusions are offered. The last say that today tourism in the form in which it is familiar to most of people, most of all reminds religion, with all that it implies.
Rvalov P.N. - Global media industry: nature and consequences of the globalization of media pp. 1-7


Abstract: The object of this research is the globalization processes in modern world that expand not only upon the political and economic system, but also the new spheres of social life, an important place among which belongs to mediasphere. The subject of this research is the potential of mediasphere as an instrument for influencing the modern audience. Special attention is given to the specific characteristics of information in mediasphere – moment, rapid change, intertextuality, etc. that transform it into a popular consumer product, the output and distribution of which is served by a separate branch of creative economy – media industry. Methodological landmarks of the study imply the structural-functional and systemic approaches towards research of the globalization process in economic segment of mediasphere; contradictions in interpretation of the globalization process in media industry, on one hand, as means of the global progress, and on the other – a threat to the national cultures. Media industry has high potential to globalization, because its goal lies in meeting the demands of maximally broad audience of all countries of the world. Blurring of the national and sociocultural borders, which is a result of globalization of mediasphere, causes the emergence of the clear anti-globalist trends. The main conclusion consists in determining the effect “substitution” of real communication and activity of virtual presence in the situations suggested in the media information space into a separate subject of study. Such effect occurs as a result of the increasing amount of time spent by a modern individual in media space, as well as improving of quality and visual attractiveness of media production. Of special importance is the substantiation of directions that affect the realization of compensation of the negative consequences in activity of the global media industry: financial support of the social and cultural programs aimed at preservation of the national and cultural identity; improvement of the programs on media literacy of the rising generation; development and implementation of the programs of media education and media culture for all social groups.
Safonov A.L., Orlov A.D. - Globalization and the paradigms of social philosophy pp. 1-32


Abstract: The phenomena of globalization point at the profound conceptual crisis of social sciences, which neglected the most acute and large-scale contradictions of postindustrial development. The crisis of social sciences should be considered as testimony to escalation of the transitional processes and imminence of major changes in the structure of postindustrial society, which institutional grounds take roots in the industrial era, but already do not meet the demands and challenges of the present, and even more so, of the future. The systemic complexity of social processes of modernity indicates that the adequate to them social metatheory must not only ascertain the changes and establish the theoretical foundation post factum, but also forecast the social processes under the conditions of global socioeconomic transformations. The study analyzes the forecasting adequacy and bases of the reputed theories that describe the evolution and functioning of society as a whole, as well as social structures ad social institutions in particular. Based on the conducted analysis, the author suggests the principles for creating the new theoretical foundation of social sciences that represents the synthesis of formation theory with a number of specific theories and approaches, namely the theories of social institutions and organizations, social stratification and power structure, functionalist and structuralist approaches.
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A. - Noospherogenesis as a Global Evolutionary Process pp. 9-92


Abstract: The article notes that the doctrine of the noosphere in the works of Vladimir Vernadsky developed on the conceptual and ideological basis in which globalism and the idea of the formation of noosphere were connected to form a coherent vision of the future. A characteristic feature of the future will noospherogenesis its worldwide character is determined not only by global processes and the biosphere-environmental considerations, and in fact all the major components of the system and the megatrends of human activity as a civilizational and cultural evolution. Noospherogenesis considered in this work as the basic means of survival of mankind and the shape and the main goal of all present and future development of civilization, including the transition to global sustainability, the creation of an information civilization, globalization and other positive processes of global development. It is also about a new stage - is non-classical, and not just in the doctrine of the noosphere, but wider - in noosphere studies and thereby turning the "exercises" in science or scientific field. Discloses a process for the global transition to sustainable development of mankind, info essence of the phenomenon of the noosphere and the formation of its main core - noosphere collective intelligence.We use an evolutionary (especially universal evolutionary) approach and methods of global research and information approach and criteria development. It is also shown that the study of the future futurological approach can radically change the traditional approaches and methods of research, focusing scientific research in the past and the present in the direction of understanding and predicting the future.The authors makes a single evolutionary concept formation and information of the noosphere, not only as a planetary phenomenon, but as a necessary step in the universal process of self-organization of matter. Scope of the mind seems like does not exist yet, and the hypothetical future state of society and its interaction with nature, in which priority will occupy the global common human intelligence, orienting the evolution of society and nature in a safe direction for civilization. Noospherogenesis considered in this work as the basic means of survival of mankind and the shape and the main goal of all present and future development of civilization, including the transition to global sustainability, the creation of an information civilization, globalization and other positive processes of global development.It is shown that mankind has transformed into a single, coherent civilization noosphere, accompanied by the formation of a fundamentally new way to secure socio-natural coevolutionary interactions. Hypotheses about the possibility of transformation of cultural and civilizational processes in the noosphere stage of their evolution beyond the planet. It has been argued the need to enhance conceptual understanding of the phenomenon of the noosphere to evolution-cosmic scale. We are talking about the fact that social evolution creates chances of becoming the sphere of reason, not only in the biosphere on a global scale, but also that the formation of the noosphere due to continuing global evolution of the Universe and is a necessary stage of its deployment, which will be implemented in the social and natural form first in the world, and then beyond.
Ursul A.D. - Globalistics and globalization studies: formation of the new integrative directions pp. 17-29


Abstract: The author demonstrates that globalistics acquires not only a disciplinary form of its existence and development, but also manifests the integrative intentions that expand the global sphere of scientific search. The article reviews a number of directions of this search, which can be qualified as interdisciplinary sections of globalistics, since they have been formed as a result of its interaction with the specific scientific disciplines. At the same time, attention is turned to the fact that each of the examined global processes and systems formed by them can become the source of emergence of a new direction (sector) of globalistics. The trends of the indicated globally integrative processes and especially the mechanisms of their expansion are considered. The author determines the external and internal sources of the "global synthesis" of knowledge, which carries not only interdisciplinary character, but is also a part of "internal" content of globalistics that is exemplified  by globalization studies included in globalistics. It is assumed that among the new integrative directions of globalistics may appear the sections that correspond to one or another global and globalizational processes and systems. This is one of the prioritized sources of the emergence of new directions for global research of not only interdisciplinary nature.
Ziabkin M. - Symbolic instruments of the state as an actor of political system pp. 23-32


Abstract: The subject of this research is the theoretical-methodological foundations of analysis of the symbolic capital of the country, as well as prospects for its optimization in the globalizational context. The object is the symbolic capital of the country as category of social philosophy, and its role in the functioning of the government as an actor of political system. The author substantiates a position that the effective symbolical capital of the country must be adequate to the modern sociopolitical conjuncture. At the same time, under the conditions of globalization of orientation upon the values of the open world presuppose the expansion of the processes of cooperation between the symbolic capitals of the states, but not necessarily leads to unification of cultures, because can serve to the development of cultural pluralism and support of the ethnocultural variety via creating the fields of value collaboration. The author examines the specificity of establishment of the symbolic content of the core state symbols: flag and coat of arms. It is noted that the symbolic capital in politics carries out the functions of the horizontal legitimizing subject, as well as vertical manipulating subject. This allows justification of the necessity of the state cultural policy, oriented towards the establishment of the equal dialogue between the actors of political system for the purpose of prevention degradation of the national symbolic capital.
Suslov A.V., Gusev D.A. - A Bridge across the Abyss? Digitalization and Transhumanism as a New Anthropological and Social Reality in the Context of Ideological Searches of Personality (Historical, Philosophical and General Theoretical Aspects) pp. 24-37



Abstract: One of the main existentials of a person is the fact of his mortality and, most importantly, his knowledge about it, which inevitably leads everyone, one way or another, to the idea of overcoming death, to the idea of immortality, or – a saving bridge across the abyss of non–existence, which connects the present being of a person with his future being. In search of this bridge, a person talks about various "variants" of immortality: physical (naturalistic); biological; social; scientific-technical, technological and technocratic; religious – Christian providential immortality. The totality of socio-philosophical and anthropological concepts grouped around the idea of scientific and technological improvement of human nature, significant prolongation of life and, to the limit, overcoming mortality, is one of the modern trends of philosophical thought, known as transhumanism. The article attempts to consider transhumanism in the broad ideological context of the materialistic-atheistic, scientististic, positivist and evolutionist project, which, in general, is based on the "multifaceted" anthropovolutarianism that is constantly present in the philosophical search for humanity; and also – to analyze transhumanistic ideas from the positions of the opposite – idealistic-theistic, creationist, anti–positivist worldview camp, - based on providentialism, which for centuries and – currently – opposes anthropocentric voluntarism and transhumanism. The research being undertaken aims – in the context of the centuries–old polemic between anthropovolutarianism and providentialism - to clarify the reality or illusory nature of the proposed strategies of immortality, the search for a real bridge leading man and humanity through the abyss of threatened non-existence.
Zhul'kov M.V. - Global revolution: consciousness and form of its manifestation pp. 25-43


Abstract: This article explores the process of global revolution reflected in the globalization of consciousness and society. Human world faced the integration of two worlds – the information world of consciousness and thought, and the world of social reality. Consciousness and society correspond and complement each other. The concept of global revolution is defined as the revolution within consciousness, individual and global. Individual consciousness should endure the group flows of energy, reach more integrity, enhance moral component, which would create conditions for the formation of global consciousness. The research methods include the developed by the author concept of noospheric energitism; systemic, synergetic and energy-information approaches, as well as dialectics of fundamental principles of the existence. Global revolution encapsulates not only the revolution in consciousness, but also in forms of its manifestation, i.e. the forms of social reality. The incipient global consciousness needs a new environment, since it cannot manifest itself in the old forms. Social organization gives way to social orderliness, mobile and dynamic forms of self-discipline. The modern global reality is represented by the model of network mind-civilization , consisting of the planetary web of cities as civilizational centers, which hold the major changes, connected by material, energy and information circuit. This model explains the mechanism of unfolding a global revolution that unites civilizational and consciousness-based components, allows to adequately describe and understand the global revolutionary and evolutionary transformations within consciousness and other forms of social organization, plan and guide panhuman development, foresee risks and reduce the possible negative consequences.
Safonov A.L. - Ethnic Fragmentation of Nations in the Era of Globalization: Socio-Philosophical Aspects pp. 26-59


Abstract: In his article Safonov offers the integral paradigm of sociogenesis that explains social mechanisms of such socio-cultural phenomena of globalization as ethnic fragmentation of nations, actualization of ethnic communities, ethnicity and ethnic identity and systemic crisis of contemporary nations, national identity and national idea. The researcher also touches upon the problem of limits to applicability of primordialism and constructionism as the basic approaches to sociogenesis. Safonov puts forward the problem of defining the essential grounds and attributive features of globalization as a qualitatively new historical epoch that generates, among other phenomena, ethnic fragmentation of nations and actualization of ethnic identity. The researcher criticizes the one sided view on globalization according to which globalization is the process of establishment of the single global social community unifying ethnocultural differences. The methodological basis of the paradigm of sociogenesis offered by the researcher involves the definition of nation and ethnos as a long-existing nonidentical and ontologically different social communities an invidual simultaneously participates in. Globalization is views as a global systemic crisis that unites the world through the universal conflict of social communities and other actors of global changes who have antagonistic interests that objectively generate processes of social divergence, differentiation and social fragmentation including ethnocultural fragmentation. The main conclusions and the scientific novelty of the research include the following. In the era of globalization the phenomenon of ethnic fragmentation of contemporary nations and actualization of ethnicity is explained by  the fact that an individual simultaneously participates in both nation and ethnos. His simultaneous participation in ethnos and nation relates to different and community-specific spheres of social existence, the sphere of political existence for a nation and the sphere of everyday existence for an ethnos. Nation can be defined as a social community which is non-identical to ethnos but co-exists with ethnos. Nation first appeared when the state institution was established. Ontology, genesis and peculiarities of the development of the nation have been determined by the political life of the society which is best described by constructivist approaches. Ethnos can be defined as a social community which genesis and regeneration relate to the sphere of everyday life with its attributive social inheritance. This defines the main features of ethnos which are inertance, evolutionary development and relative independence from the political sphere.  Different historical forms of ethnos exist in all historical epochs including industrial and post-industrial eras and ethnos tends to be actualized in the era of globalization. Genesis and features of ethnic development are better explained by the primordialist approach to sociogenesis. Different stages of the historical development have had a particular balance and forms of the development of ethnic and national communities. Combination and interaction of these ethnic and national communities create a social structure of the society with all its complexity which ca be reduced neither to political processes with their domination of one subject nor ethnocultural processes with their evolutionism and inertance nor economic phenomena. The systematic crisis of contemporary nation as a result of globalization processes actualize commitment of an individual to his ethnos as a more inertial and sustainable community that is less dependent on the crisis of the political sphere or social institutions. Thus, ethnic fragmentation of the society caused by the crisis of nation as a more developed social community and the social progress of the XIXth - XXth centuries objectively generates the phenomena of social regress and archaization of soial relations which, in their turn, is the key factors of the further exacerbation of the crisis of nation, national state and national institutions. 
Rusanova A.A., Luk'yanova N.A. - Constructive and destructive role of symbol as an object of cultural identity in globalization processes pp. 31-44


Abstract: The object of this research is the problematic of globalization processes and cultural identity. The subject is the symbol as an object of cultural identity within the framework of transformation of the value-conceptual sphere of identity under the influence of globalization. The authors examine such aspects of the topic as the emerged problem of “Westernization” of cultural values in Russia, which results in correlation of the value orientations of a person in accordance with the axiological and symbolic forms postulate by the modern mass media. It is noted that for preservation of cultural identity and unity of the Russian society, attention should be turned to the globalization processes that possess a certain set of templates and stamps, symbolic schemes and images, which subconsciously manipulate a person by putting specific behavioral and thinking models into the worldview structure of a person. The conclusion is made that such aspects of cultural identity as the language, system of rituals and symbolic schemes manifests as the description of cultural affiliation, as well as the type of collective consciousness of each society, and thus, must be protected from the effect of the global equating “cult”. The author also believe that symbol as an object of cultural identity gas binary nature, but as a result of globalization processes, attains a more destructive character.
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A. - Universal (Global) Evolutionism and Global Studies pp. 46-101
Abstract: In this paper we propose a general scientific concept of a global (universal) evolution, in which self-organization of the material systems acts as a common ground and a permanent process of progressive development in the visible Universe. The main problem of research of this type of evolution is seen as a superhighway trajectory of evolutionary processes in the Universe, in which there is a continuous self-organization of the material systems, ranging from the Big Bang and to the social level of evolution, which has an indefinite continuation of society and nature. The authors consider it necessary to determine the status of globalistics, to determine the place of the scientific exploration of global processes in modern science, and to build a common vision and assess the prospects for global studies. It is assumed that globalistics, regardless of the narrow or broad definition of its subject, is only part of a broader scientific field – Global Studies (which includes a global evolutionism) and the overall process of globalization of science.
Bagrova E.V. - Crisis phenomena in social development and their management. New philosophical approach pp. 93-104


Abstract: The subject of this article is the philosophical analysis of cyclic development of society, particularly crisis phenomena in sociological and economic context. It is demonstrated that with the development of philosophical, economic, and sociological thought the definition of crises, as well as the very attitude towards them undergone certain changes. The author pursues correlation between the cyclic devilment and the crises phenomena. The goal of this work consists in specification of the main approaches towards anthropogenic crises and impact upon them. The works of Spengler, Toynbee, Jaspers, Marx, Keynes, Toffler, and others, dedicated to the topic of crises are being analyzed. During the course of this research the author highlights the three existing paradigms in the area of social crises:  formalization of crises and their primary causes; formation of the concept regarding overcoming of the crises; formulation of concepts on leveling the cyclic fluctuations. The article demonstrates the evolution of fundamental philosophical paradigm that lies in the conceptual determination of crises. In the result, the new philosophical approach is being proposed – management of the crises phenomena, the main goal of which consists in desynchronization of the cyclic process that will lead to the decrease in social importance of each of the separately examined crisis.  
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