Psychology and Psychotechnics
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MAIN PAGE > Journal "Psychology and Psychotechnics" > Contents of Issue ¹ 09/2013
Contents of Issue ¹ 09/2013
Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - Faces of Image pp. 821-824


Abstract: Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza believed that all born creatures both intelligent and non-intelligent ones follow the laws of their nature. The higher law of nature says that every item tries to preserve its state. Of course, a stone does not strive to become a cloud or a deep river. A tiger does not dream of becoming a lion and a whale does not want to become an iceberg. Moreover, they try to preserve their form of existence. It is true for humans, too. It is only in fairy-tales a beauty turns into a frog (against her own free will). However, philosophers believe that human has some freedom when it comes to this law of nature. Human tries to preserve his being that defines his existence and activities. People may be different though and this is because all people have a free will. Consequently, humans can change their image. Just like women, men can reject their sex and self-identity. They challenge nature and change their body which leads to transformations in their social roles, too. There was a newspaper article about one man changed his gender and became a woman because he did not want to pay alimonies. The author of the article tries to throw light on this issue and relates it to the diversity of faces of human image.
Keywords: psychology, image, face, identity, being, existence, freedom, personification, screen, sample.
Crowd psychology
Vafin A.M. -


Vafin, A.M. - Political Marginality: Concerning the Problem of Types of Political Leadership pp. 884-888


Abstract: In modern political theory it has already become customary to focus on such topics as political systems, ideologies and political leadership. However, a whole range of issues within these topics are not analyzed. The phenomenon of political marginality is one o such issues. The author of the article analyzes the phenomenon of political marginality and leadership of political marginals. This phenomenon usually describes oppositional leaders who either try to limit their opposition or, on the contrary, start confrontation with the political system. Political psychology usually views political leaders as already established political agents even when they do not have any leadership skills. The author of the article offers a description of different types of political marginals. The author achieves it by expanding the borders of political studies and addressing to modern researches of organizational psychology in transformational, i.e. constantly changing leadership. Transformational leadership symbolizes a certain behavior of leaders that motives workers to follow corporate targets and interests. As a result of his analysis, the author describes the two types of leaders: populist leader and ideologically-driven leader.
Keywords: manipulative ideologies, political psychology, organizational psychology, populism, transformational leadership, political leadership, political marginality, charisma, populist leader, ideologically-driven leader.
Philosophy and psychology
Karpov, A.O. - The Faces of Renaissance: Dispositive Strategies, Psychotechnics and Semiosis pp. 825-835


Abstract: The article describes the history of formation of Renaissance symbolic fields based on Michel Foucault dispositive conceptualization and original theory of epistemogenes is developed by the author. The author outlines dispositive strategies, psychotechnics and semiotic processes connecting Renaissance creators and ‘ordinary’ people. The author also describes the system of dispositive transformations as a result of changes in the internal contents of the ‘renovation’ symbol during X–XVI centuries. Acting as an epistemic item endowed with a semantically complicated cultural implant, the ‘renovation’ symbol brings to life a heterogeneous series of dispositives which, in their turn, create psychocultural phenomena known as ‘Renaissance’, ‘Reformation’, ‘humanism’ and ‘social utopia’. Based on the two parts of the ‘renasci’ symbol, the author discusses their differentiations in spiritual practices at the late Middle Ages which result in division of the ‘renovation’ dispositive into ‘renaissance’ and ‘reformation’. It is shown that historical processes are most likely to happen via dispositive genesis but not cultural shift. A series of dispositive transformations describes the psychocultural movement of the Renaissance epoch and explains why it happened that way but not another.
Keywords: psychology, psychotechnics, Christianity, dispositive, epistemic item, Renaissance, Reformation, humanism, social utopia.
To understand the human being
Andreev I.L., Nazarova L.N., Novosel'tsev V.N. -


Andreev, I. L., Nazarova, L. N., Novoseltsev, V. N. - Psychoendocrine System of Life Support and Human Behavior: Analysis from the Points of View of Philosophy, Medicine and Theory of Management pp. 836-847


Abstract: Human psyche and behavior considerably depends on the ‘internal picture’ of the organism which includes functioning of endocrine glands maintaining its integrity as well as on the ‘internal model of a relationship with the other’ which implies adaptation of human to the external natural and social environment. The authors of the article describe the connection between neuropsychic and hormonal signal-informative and energy outlines of regulation of life support activities and individual behavior from the point of view of philosophy, medicine (psychiatry) and theory of management. Such interdisciplinary approach enables a more adequate and manysided view of psychoendocrinic system of organism life support and biological motivation of human behavior, for instance, to define a number of important, mostly psychological, aspects that are usually left in the shadow when we view the problem of organism sustainability and social status of an individual from the traditional humanitarian point of view.
Keywords: psychoendrocrinology, organism, human, behavior, medicine, homeostasis, immune system, adaption, theory of management.
Person and personality
Chervinskaya-Yakimyuk E.F. -


Chervinskaya-Yakimyuk, E. - The sense of alienation and manifestations of the social maladjustment among the pupils of the technical and vocational school pp. 848-857


Abstract: The article focuses on the sense of the alienation and manifestations of the social maladjustment among young people in Poland. The scientific literature describes many sociological and psychological theories and concepts of alienation. One of the possible explanations of the severity of maladaptive behaviour among young people is the theory proposed by M. Seeman. He defines the alienation as a phenomenon occurring in the five dimensions: powerlessness, meaninglessness normlessness, isolation, self-estrangement. The aim of the research is to examine the sense of the alienation and manifestations of the social maladjustment among pupils of the technical and vocational schools. The research was carried out in Cracow among 205 male pupils. The summary contains suggestions for the future research in this area.
Keywords: Melvin Seeman, alienation, anomie, powerlessness, meaninglessness, isolation, self-estrangement, the social maladjustment, pupils of the technical school, pupils of the vocational school.
Psychology and pedagogics
Berezina T.N. -


Berezina, T. N. - Concerning Emotional Safety of Educational Environment pp. 897-902


Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of emotional safety of educational environment. Educational environment is viewed as a holistic, dynamic system enabling translation of socio-cultural experience from generation to another. Emotional safety is viewed as a part of psychological safety of educational environment. The purpose of psychological safety is to protect physical and mental health of all participants of the educational process. Emotional stability of educational environment is viewed as certain conditions under which the quality and quantity of positive emotions are increased and negative emotions are minimized. Based on that provision, the author outlines the two elements of emotional safety: negative emotions and positive emotions. As a source of negative emotions, the author describes the following situations of educational environment: frustration from failures and personal relations, academic anxiety and anxiety before exams, fears and difficulties in communication. As a source of original positive emotions, the author describes achievements, success in studying, sport and other activities, creative work, positive interpersonal relations. It has been affirmed that some emotions can be considered ‘original’ because they influence the physiology. At the same time, original negative emotions create the danger of psychosomatic disorders while original positive emotions decrease danger for one’s physical and mental health in the future. The author of the article describes how emotional safety of educational environment can be studied further.
Keywords: psychology, psychological safety, educational environment, emotional safety, motions, original emotions, psychosomatic illnesses, fear, joy, psychophysiology.
Clinical psychology
Erzin A.I. -


Erzin, A. I. - Proactive Personal Resources of Patients Who Receive Rehabilitation Treatment After Cerebrovascular Accident pp. 889-896


Abstract: The study is devoted to personal constitution of proactive behavior of patients suffering from ischemic cerebrovascular accident. It has been established that the key personal predictors of formation of proactive patterns, based on the patients studied, are their socially determined needs (metaneeds) and a free will. The least developed elements of proactive patients with CVA are reflection and prognosis of consequences of one’s behavior which is most likely to be the result of decreased cognition. The most frequent proactive coping strategies in a group of patients include proactive, reflective and preventive coping. Proactive aggression as a deliberate violent behavior is rarely met compared to reactive aggression. In the course of the study it has been established that proactive personal elements represented as the patient’s desire to achieve personal goals, may be used as a personal resource influencing the success of rehabilitation measures.
Keywords: proactive behavior, proactivity, aggression, coping behavior, cerebrovascular accident, stroke, personal resources, coping strategies, reactive aggression, proactive aggression.
Scenario for your success
Pogontseva D.V. -


Pogontseva, D. V. - Types of Appearance Discrimination pp. 858-861


Abstract: The article is devoted to the phenomenon of appearance discrimination. The author analyzes theoretical and experimental works of foreign researchers devoted to such type of discrimination at lookism. Lookism is the term that is used in foreign literature and describes the phenomenon of discrimination of beautiful people, noteworthy that authors of many publications describe the ‘positive’ discrimination. These foreign researches of discrimination in different interaction situations show that beautiful people tend to receive a higher salary, receive better grades as students and etc. The author of the present article also provides the results of the empiric research of discrimination of good-looking people. Based on the study of Russian respondents, there is the appearance discrimination in Russia (about 89% of all cases) and it is usually lookism (‘positive’ discrimination of beautiful people) and discrimination of people who are too fat/skinny or taller/shorter than average height.
Keywords: discrimination, lookism, attractive appearance, beauty, categorization, attitude, benefit, stereotype, interaction, appearance.
The unpredictable
Kornilyev V.V. -


Korniliev, V. V. - Psychoanalysis of the Image and Motives of Kashchey the Deathless pp. 862-883


Abstract: Psychoanalysis used to be mostly about analyzing the world famous myths and legends. Analysis of fairy-tale heroes also provides lots of accurate information about cultural and social development during a particular epoch. Fairy-tales about Kashchey the Deathless symbolize the struggle between a father and a son for a woman, types of family (matriarchate or patriarchate) and social relationships. Kashchey, being the image of an authoritarian father, patriarchate and greed, is won over by Ivan Tsarevich symbolizing one of the rebellious sons, matriarchate and social justice. The fairy-tale also describes the spheres of interaction between the main heroes at a psychic level: the other world is associated with the unconsciousness and the living world is associated with the static content of psyche. Kashchey the Dealthless is a synthetic image of different types of Serpents in Russian fairy-tales. All of them symbolize anti-social features of patriarchic totemism. Ivan Tsarevich fights the unconscious psychic influence of the authoritarian ancestor by transforming the process of child’s creation: he breaks the needle which symbolizes the male genetics.
Keywords: psychology, fairy-tale, motive, Kashchey the Deathless, Serpent, Ivan, symbolism, totemism, patriarchate, unconsciousness.
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