Psychology and Psychotechnics - rubric Societal passions
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Societal passions
Berezina T.N. -
Artemeva O.A. -
Nadykto E.I. -
Andreev I.L. -
Trunov D. -
Trunov D. -
Nadykto E.I. -
Bueva L.P. -
Kryuchkova, A.B. - Correlation of temper qualities and variables of aggressiveness. pp. 0-0
Abstract: The article discusses the relation between temperamental traits and variables of aggression. The concept of aggression and aggressive behavior is one of the most controversial in the world psychology. Even today psychologists haven’t come to an agreement on the origin of and the way to control aggressive behavior. The majority of foreign researches, especially American ones, tend to seek the main reasons of aggression in the sphere of inherited personal traits conditioned by genetic premises, peculiarities of prenatal development, nationality and others.
T. N. Berezina - Development of Interpersonal Relationships in Little Groups. pp. 0-0
Abstract: The author of the article is giving an unusual classification of little groups according to the type of relationship ongoing inside the group. There are 5 types of interpersonal relationships: filiation (based on the common origin), neighborhood (based on the common place of living), love (based on shared feelings), cooperation (based on shared activity) and friendship (based on shared communication). The author is also analyzing how development of a relationship and social creativity are related. A relationship can possibly develop only if it is based on one dominant, in a word, on what is being shared. All the other similarities simply derive from the main dominant. However, social creativity builds little groups even when there are no relationships already existing there. It just creates new ones.
Mahovskaya, O. I. - Problem of the “Generation Gap” Based on the Tradition of Russian Humanities: Hamlets and Don Quixotes of the 19th-21st Centuries pp. 0-0
Abstract: The article discusses the generation gap. The author discusses the historical background and brings out the problem of the generation gap in Western rational and Russian irrational arts. She also covers the “fatal” generation gap” discussed by the modern Russian sociologists and talks about the psychological version of the dramatic relationship between “Hamlets” and “Don Quixotes”.
Gurevich, P. S. - Crisis as the cloud of stun gas. Part 1 pp. 0-0
Abstract: In author’s opinion, journalists, politicians and researchers do not treat the psychological aspects of the crisis with enough patience. More often they just talk about the panic which we should try to prevent. The author of the article described three psychological states inspired by the crisis: trans, panic and mortification.
Keywords: philosophy, psychology, crisis, trans, panic, psychic numbness, crowd, civilization crisis, values, globalization, social passions
Gurevich, P. S. - Crisis as the cloud of stun gas. Part 2 (final part) pp. 0-0
Abstract: Abstract: the previous article was devoted to social and psychological processes related to the crisis. The author marked the three psychological mechanisms, trance, panic and mortification as the forms of social reaction to the world catastrophe. Continuing to analyze the social situate in Russia, the author is now turning to the psychology of extreme situations.
Keywords: philosophy, psychology, extreme situation, psychological numbness, psychological rehabilitation, common sense, catastrophe, danger, stress, psychological phantasmagoria
Aleynik, R. M. - Is Alfred Adler a social genius? pp. 0-0
Abstract: Resume: the article is devoted to Alfred Adler from the point of view of his social researches. The author has pointed out Adler’s role as a creator of individual psychology and noted that there is a modern tendency to further study Adler’s works and to bring closer Freud’s study and Adlerian psychology.
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, psyche, society, synergism, sociality, depth psychology, individual (adlerian) psychology, compensation, neurosis
Shazhinbatyn, A. - N. A. Berdyaev about national passions pp. 0-0
Abstract: The article describes N. A. Berdyev’s views on the problem of “nationality and humankind”. The author distinguished the two extreme points of view on this matter, nationalism and cosmopolitism. According to the great philosopher, both of them prevent from understanding the problem as it is. The author of the article also paid attention at the formation of the universal culture.
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, nation, nationalism, cosmopolitism, humankind, national passions, national ideas, messianism, universalism
Antonov, V. F. - Origins of Aggression in Modern Society pp. 0-0
Abstract: Review: it may seem that aggression is typical only for a rude and uneducated person. However, it is quite evident that aggression is also specific for the people who traditionally think of themselves as the intellectual elite. Aggressive tendencies of such people are usually revealed in different spheres of business, literature, art and so on. The article contains polemic thoughts on origins of aggression in modern society, cycles of aggression and criminal motivation studied by a psychoanalytical method. All of those are to be judged by the reader
Keywords: psychology, aggression, destructive nature, behavior, violence, responsibility, hierarchy, motivation, convention, limitations
Sultanova, N.D., Fukin, A.I. - Study of a Functional Status of Forces Migrants of Blue-Collar Jobs pp. 0-0
Abstract: Functional status defines the quality and the level of public life, labor productivity and labor capacity. According to the authors, if we study the functional status of forced migrants, it will show us the way to improve their well-being and labor capacity when they move to a new place.
Keywords: psychology, forced migrants, mature age, professional groups, functional status
Sultanova, N. D. - Migration Movements Across the Territory of Tatarstan in the Context of Personal Oriented Education of Forced Migrants pp. 0-0
Abstract: In the epoch of inter-existence, for forced migrants very topical becomes the position directed at the development of international and national identity and broadening of conceptions of policultural migration space where vital strategies and technologies are learnt. It is becoming a necessity to include a psychological program of informal education in the process of adaptation of people of mature age. Special attention is given to the development of national features of migration movements in history, from ancient times till now. The author also focused on the role of migrants and immigrants in overall personal development as well as importance of a strong personal position for people coming back to their historical homeland.
Keywords: forced migrants, informal formation, mature age, personal-oriented education, themes of psychological program, inter-existence, productive and valuable development, international and national conscious, returning to historical homeland, vital strategies a
Rostovtseva M.V., Khokhrina Z.V., Gudovskii I.V., Goncharova T.M. - Druzhinas (Young Volunteer Teams) and Crime Prevention in High School pp. 1-7


Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the impact of school students' participation in volunteer teems (druzhinas) on the development of their personal traits (aggression and adaptability) that may serve as internal subjective factors to prevent or commit violations of law by school students. The article presents the results of the survey that involved school students aged 14 - 16 who study at School No. 11 named after A. Kulakov in Krasnoyarsk. Based on the results of the research, school students were divided into two groups: current members of druzhinas or those who are going to join a druzhina and students who are not interested in joining druzhinas. The authors describe results of tests for both groups and demonstrate that school students oriented at joining druzhinas are less aggressive and more adaptable. Thus, the authors conclude that druzhinas may be viewed as the mean of crime prevention in high school. The tests used by the authors of the article during their survey include Attitude to Volunteering Test (offered by the authors themselves), Roger's and Diamond's Social and Psychological Adaptation Inventory and Buss - Durkee Hostility Inventory. The results of the research prove the hypothesis that school students who participate in druzhinas have a higher level of adaptability and lower level of aggression. School students who are not members of druzhinas and not interested in joining volunteer teams are inclined towards physical aggression and disadaptation. The authors conclude that a positive attitude of school students towards participation in young volunteer teams make them develop 'positive' behavioral patterns approved by the society, school and law. This means that young volunteer groups can be viewed as the mean of crime or administrative offense prevention that will also contribute to the development of patriotism and patriotic education of school students.   
Keywords: volunteering, motivation, disadaptation, adaptation, aggression, druzhinas, prevention, offense, school students, volunteers
Shkurko T.A., Lomova M. - Socio-Psychological Needs and Attitude to a Partner's Appearance in Registered and Unregistered Marriages pp. 1-14


Abstract: The subject of the research is the socio-psychological needs of partners and their compatibility as well as attitude to their own appearance and appearance of their partners in registered and unregistered marriages. The authors of the article analyze attitude to one's own appearance and partner's appearance, socio-psychological needs and partner compatibility as the factors of legitimizing relations (i.e. becoming officially married). 87 couples (174 men and women) aged 19 - 59 years old participated in the research. The research methods included: 1) The questionnaire 'History of Couple's Relations' offered by the authors of the article; 2) Evaluative Interpretation of One's Appearance and its Conformity to Gender and Age Constructs Inventory offered by V. A. Labunsky; 3) Color Choice Relations Test by A. M. Etkind; 4) Interpersonal Relations Inventory offered by W. Schutz and adapted by A. A. Rukavishnikov. The methods used to analyze data included Mann-Witney Test and Kruskal - Wallis Test. The results of the research demonstrate that there are significant differences in the intensity of the need for control of women who are officially and unofficially married. The authors make a conclusion about the important role of compatibility of socio-psychological needs including legitimizing their relations. The authors also describe the phenomenon of asymmetrical attitudes to one's appearance experienced by an individual and his or her partner as it was demonstrated by oficially and unoficially married women. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors describe the role of social needs and attitude to one's appearance and appearance of one's partner in the process of legitimizing relations between men and women.  
Keywords: registered marriage, marriage, partner compatibility, appearance, attitude, the need for control, socio-psychological need, need, unregistered marriage, legitimizing relations
Sidorenkov A.V., Salnikova E.S. - Antecedents of workers’ contribution to the activity of small production groups pp. 1-9


Abstract: The goal of this research consists in studying the degree of workers’ contribution to the activity of small production groups depending on their inclusion or non-inclusion into the informal subgroups. The sampling involved 302 employees (55% women and 45% men, aged from 18 to 67) from 35 primary corporate units with different content of activity. Two categories of employees were determined –members included into the subgroups (N=163) and non-included (N=139). For collection of empirical data were used the subscale of contribution to group activity from the leadership survey, contribution and style of interpersonal communication, and formalized algorithm for identification of informal group and their composition win the small group. These methods are included to the computer program “Group Profile – Universal”. The role of gender, age and inclusion/non-inclusion into informal subgroups of the employees, as well as their contribution to group activity were examined for the first time. It is established that gender is not an antecedent of the employees’ contribution to group activity; the age, in turn, is a predictor of their contribution to group activity. It is also noted that the members of informal subgroups make greater contribution to the group than the “independent” members. The results of this research may be used for the purpose of forecasting the contribution of employees to the group as an aspect of their organizational civic behavior, and based in that, group efficiency. The prospect of study consists in revealing other determinants of workers’ contribution to the informal subgroup, small group.
Keywords: inclusion in the subgroup, age, gender, contribution to the group, aspects of civic behavior, extra-role behavior, organizational spontaneity, informal subgroup, organizational civic behavior, small group
Yanovsky M.I. - About the Psychological Nature of Fascism pp. 1-10



Abstract: The article analyzes the psychological basis of fascism. Fascism is interpreted as an ideology not of maximizing power and control, but of absolutization of inequality. The probability of the role of Kant's "categorical imperative" principle in its formation is substantiated. Kant denied the affinity of human consciousness (mind) with the Transcendent. Therefore, the categorical imperative, being the maximalism of self-blind submission to a "duty" arbitrarily set by a person for himself, is a form of self-violence over his mind. Establishing morality for himself, a person inevitably feels his exclusivity, elitism, realizes himself as the creator and owner of morality (and even "God himself"). This attitude is obviously inherent in the fascist personality. At the same time, the lack of reflection and self-criticism leads to self-encapsulation and, consequently, to self-abasement, experiencing oneself as a "Victim". The pseudo-moral experience of being a victim is the hidden core of the fascized personality. The self-pity of the "Victim", without changing its essence, can expand and extend to the collective "I", to "my own". This is how empathy arises, which, spreading to its community: nation, race, and becomes the basis of group egoism. Empathy among adherents of fascism can play a big role, since empathy for "their own" replaces morality as a single moral norm.
Keywords: cognitive schema, empathy, self - pity, victim, categorical imperative, fascized personality, nazism, fascism, inequality, transcendent
Parkhomenko R.N. -


Eltsova K. -


Eltsova, K. K. - Psychology of ‘Elitism’: Methods of Creation of Media Brands on the Runet pp. 11-21


Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the discourse about elitism that is issued by a number of Russian Internet projects as an instrument for developing a reputation of the mass media intended for more educated and qualified groups of the modern Russian society. The author is referring to such projects as,, Lookatme, Openspace (2008-2012), Colta, Esquire and Snob that (re)produce one of the most significant elitist discourses in modern Russia. The research is based on the articles published during the period since 2008 till 2013. By using the method of discourse analysis as the main analytical instrument of research, Eltsova defines and systematizes particular strategies and mechanisms for building up the reputation of these editions as media products identifying a high social status of the target audience. The results of research, first of all, proves the initial statement that these media projects oppose themselves to what they see as editions for mass audience, or ‘glamour’. Noteworthy that the basic feature of ‘non-glamourness’ or even ‘anti-glamourness’ of this or that edition on the list is a ‘long text’ implicitly represented as a ‘qualitative text’ based on the logic of the analyzed discourse. At the same time, rhetoric of the ‘elitist’ status of this or that media projects being studied is negated when the discussion drifts to the economic aspects of such projects. Finally, due to the influence of financial and marketing rhetoric, the image of the target audience as the ‘educated minority’ (that had been defined at the previous stages of research) is now completed with the image of the ‘average intelligent person’.
Keywords: psychology, elitism, status-associated practices, elitist discourse, media representations, discourse-analysis, creating the brand reputation, audience creation, media-format.
Kalabekova S.V. - Social Illusions of the Consumer Society


Abstract: The object under research of the present article is the consumer society, the subject of the research is the nature of illusion as a social phenomenon. The author considers the issues of formation and implementation of illusions into collective conscience as a specific mechanism of social regulation and adaptation to conditions of modern society. The author describes consequences caused by social illusions for individual and collective consciousness. The special role of mass society, network structures and mass media in creation of space of illusions is underlined, risks of the distorted perception of the world for reality life are traced. The methodological basis of the research involves dialectical principles of objectivity, specificity and the need to interpret social illusion as an integral phenomenon. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proposes a thesis about contradictory and controversial nature of social illusions as well as their dependence on requirements of consumerist ideologies. The results of the research allow to make the following conclusions: 1) the author proves that social illusions are in demand in the consumer society; 2) risks of social illusions especially need to be studied further. 
Keywords: communication, manipulation, everyday life, consumer society, consumerism , irreality, confabulation, illusion, creativity, collective conscience
Kalabekova S.V. - Social Illusions of the Consumer Society pp. 13-19


Abstract: The object under research of the present article is the consumer society, the subject of the research is the nature of illusion as a social phenomenon. The author considers the issues of formation and implementation of illusions into collective conscience as a specific mechanism of social regulation and adaptation to conditions of modern society. The author describes consequences caused by social illusions for individual and collective consciousness. The special role of mass society, network structures and mass media in creation of space of illusions is underlined, risks of the distorted perception of the world for reality life are traced. The methodological basis of the research involves dialectical principles of objectivity, specificity and the need to interpret social illusion as an integral phenomenon. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proposes a thesis about contradictory and controversial nature of social illusions as well as their dependence on requirements of consumerist ideologies. The results of the research allow to make the following conclusions: 1) the author proves that social illusions are in demand in the consumer society; 2) risks of social illusions especially need to be studied further. 
Keywords: communication, manipulation, everyday life, consumer society, consumerism, irreality, confabulation, illusion, creativity, collective conscience
Sorokoletova, D. V. - Freud about Origin of Culture pp. 17-24
Abstract: Freud introduced his own conception of origin of culture. Freud’s conception differed from other similar conceptions (by Karl Marx, Ernst Cassirer, Eugene Fink and others). The author described the main positions of Freud’s conception based on the idea of culture being the particular feature which makes human different from animals. Special attention is paid at origin of taboos and totems.
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, culture, labor, activity, human, instinct, fear, animal
Shazhinbatyn, A. - Mentality as an Expression of Ethnicity pp. 18-26
Abstract: The author views ethnicity as an anthropological but not social phenomenon. In this context, mentality expresses not only specific culture but also certain aspects of human nature. The latter is often used in psychological literature nowadays
Keywords: psychology, human nature, society, mentality, culture, ethnicity, people’s cognition, spirit, personality, consciousness
Shazhinbatyn, A. - Anthropological Meaning of Socialization pp. 30-43
Abstract: The author views ethnicity as an anthropological phenomenon. The author shows that it is possible to understand ethnicity not only through analysis of social and economic problems. If we think of human and remember what we know about human, we can see quite unexpected aspects of this matter
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, ethnicity, culture, socialization, projective systems, economy, up-bringing, society
Kazantseva E.V., Lipovaya O.A. - The Problem of Describing the Narrative Structure of Social Representations pp. 33-43


Abstract: The authors of the article discuss the scientific experience and possibility of applying the narrative approach to the analysis of the phenomenon of social representations. They analyze the content of the concepts and points of intersection between two traditions: the narrative approach and the concept of social representations; typical examples of empirical studies proposed by foreign authors at the interface of the narrative approach and the concept of social representations. The authors offer the main areas for further research, present and analyze cognitive structures developed in modern studies of social representations, "theme" and "cognitive polyphasia". Theoretical schemes for considering social representations with the help of narrative structures are described. The authors also analyze the studies of foreign authors who support the concept of social representations not familiar to the Russian-speaking reader such as J. Laszlo, R. Farr, V. Duaz, and S. Jovchelovitch. A theoretical model of considering social representations based on narrative structures is demonstrated. For the first time in Russian academic literature, a study examining the phenomenon of social representations through the prism of a narrative approach is presented. The points of intersection of the two approaches are described, and the unity of the general scientific sociocultural paradigm is demonstrated for considering narrative and social representations. The urgency and the scientific nature of the superposition of the narrative matrix on the structure of social representations is substantiated, microgenetic processes are identified which allows a detailed analysis of the internal mechanisms of social representations. 
Keywords: objectification, metasystem, discursive psychology, cognitive polyphase, temata, social representations, narrative approach, anchoring, Central core, representative field
Nadykto, E. I. - Problem Analysis of Intergenerational Continuity: Social and Psychological Characteristics and Constructs pp. 35-46
Abstract: The article is devoted to structural, functional and conceptual components of the mechanism of the values succession from one generation to another. The author of the article describes how it is possible to regulate the mechanism of succession through some constructs. The author also evidently shows the influence of personal qualities of the succession subjects on the mechanism of succession.
Keywords: psychology, continuity, succession, communication, authority, trust, imitation, conflict, generation, tendencies.
Uzianova Y.S., Vorontsova T.A. - Psychological Characteristics of a Person Showing the Need for Control in Interpersonal Relationships: the Level of Aggression and Life Satisfaction pp. 36-55



Abstract: The purpose of the study: to identify the psychological characteristics of a person who shows the need for control in relationships: the level of aggression and life satisfaction. Subject of study: the need for control in relationships, the level of aggression and life satisfaction in adults. The study sample consisted of 105 people, including 73 women and 32 men aged 20 to 62 years (M age = 38). Research methods: testing, methods of mathematical statistics (Spearman's rank correlation method, Mann-Whitney U-test); fundamental interpersonal relations orientation-behaviour, FIRO-B by W. Schutz, adapted by A. A. Rukavishnikov; satisfaction with life scale, SWLS, by E. Diener, adapted by E. N. Osin, D. A. Leontiev; methodology for determining the integral forms of communicative aggressiveness V. V. Boyko. As a result of the study: 1) a direct relationship is shown between the need of an adult to control others and his level of satisfaction with life; 2) it has been shown that the need to control others is much higher in adults who are characterized by a high level of life satisfaction; 3) there is no significant relationship between the level of aggression and the need to control others / experience control from others; 4) it has been shown a direct relationship between the need to experience control from other people and the level of self-aggression in an adult. Scientific novelty: the study expands the theoretical understanding of the psychological characteristics of a person who shows the need for control in relationships, fixes the relationship of the need for control with life satisfaction and auto-aggression. Scope of the results: from a practical point of view, understanding the phenomena that accompany the need for interpersonal control can be the basis for choosing a strategy for providing psychological assistance to a person to harmonize his relationships.
Keywords: self-aggression, aggression, power, life satisfaction, need to control others, controlling personality, need for control, need, control, ritualization of aggression
Sidorenkov A.V. - Interpersonal Differences as Determinants of Conflicts in Small Groups pp. 38-50


Abstract: The subject of the research is the types of interpersonal differences (conflict of interests, organisation conflict, activity conflict, conflict of opinions and ideas, personal differences and conflict of vlalues), levels of the conflict (interpersonal, microgroup and group) and conflict types (job and subject oriented conflicts). The object of the research is small production teams represented by companies small in number and primary departments at medium-sized and major organisations or enterprises. Special attention is paid to the relationship between each type of difference taken individually or jointly and variables (levels and types) of the conflict in a group in general and inside informal subgroups. The research involved 42 work teams (334 workers) who were tested using the interpersonal conflict inventory, types of interpersonal conflict inventory and types of group and microgroup conflict inventory. All questionnaries were integrated into a computer testing program 'Group Profile - Universal' using a formalised methd of detecting informal subgroups. Respondents were tested on a PC individually. The results of their tests were processed using the GP-U (M16) method. For the first time in the academic literature the author studies the relationship between different conflict types and conflict variables in a group in general and inside informal subgroups in particular based on the classification of conflicts and a multi-dimension model of intra-group conflict. It was shown that types of interpersonal conflicts have direct links with these or those variables (levels and types) of the conflict in a group and informal subgroups. Generally speaking, types of interpersonal differences are predictors of: (a) interpersonal and group conflicts in a group as a whole, and (b) interpersonal and microgroup conflicts in informal subgroups. Certain combinations of types of differences are also predictors of variables of the conflict. Some types of differences are stronger predictors of conflict variables in a group or subgroup when they are combined rather than separated. The results can be used in practice to predict the appearance and development of these or those conflict variables in a group as well as to manage conflicts through managing differences.
Keywords: job conflict, interpersonal conflict, conflict of values, conflict of opinions, authorizing contradictions, conflict of interests, types of conflicts, levels of the conflict, types of differences, subject conflict
Kamalova O.M. - Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Interpersonal and Intergroup Relations pp. 38-47



Abstract: The author analyzes the essential characteristics of the stability and variability of stereotypes, the formation and functioning of social and professional stereotypes. Various points of view of domestic and foreign scientists are presented, revealing the understanding of the term "Stereotypes" in interpersonal and intergroup relations and their socio-psychological features. Examples of the emergence, change and disappearance of social stereotypes, as well as the formation and causes of negative stereotypes are studied. The author considers a person's vision of social reality and hinders adequate mutual understanding of people as well as the integration of both intergroup and interpersonal relationships, which leads to increased interpersonal tension in the interaction between people. The main conclusions of the study are that social stereotypes are the result of information received through various sources and are only generalized representations of social reality. In conditions of information scarcity, the social stereotype plays a conservative role, forming people's misconceptions about what is happening, deforming the process of interpretation and the nature of interpersonal interaction. The formation and functioning of stereotypes directly depend on a person's awareness of social and professional reality. When people interact with each other, stereotyping carries an evaluative burden and is mainly a negative phenomenon. A distorted vision of social reality prevents adequate mutual understanding of people and integration of both intergroup and interpersonal relationships, which leads to increased interpersonal and intergroup tension.
Keywords: representation, perception, Team work, intergroup relations, interpersonal relationships, social stereotype, stereotyping, stereotype, interaction, social education
Artemeva O.A., Sinyova O.V. - International pp. 39-48


Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of internationalism and isolationism of the domestic psychology of the first half of the XX century. The object of the study is the international trends in the development of domestic practice-oriented psychology, and the subject is international scientific communication as a condition for the development of the main scientific and practical trends in the domestic psychology of the period studied. An original approach to solving the problem is proposed in the context of the idea of a self-developing collective subject of scientific knowledge involved in the system of international scientific communication. The method of historical and psychological reconstruction is being implemented. The results of the analysis of data on international cooperation in the course of the organization of scientific and practical trends, as well as on official and informal contacts of the leading representatives of Soviet pedology, psychotechnology and psychoanalysis with foreign scientists are presented. The novelty of the study consists in revealing the specifics and role of the general social and scientific and social conditions in the implementation of the inter-ethnic scientific communication of domestic psychologists: the significance of not only social need is determined (in increasing labor productivity, educating a new person, theoretical and ideological justification of social transformations, recognition and strengthening of political positions of the Soviet state abroad), but also scientific policy in relation to the scientific and practical trends of psychology ii. Conclusions are drawn about the close relationship of international scientific communication, Soviet science policy and the processes of institutionalization of domestic scientific and practical trends in the 1920s. 
Keywords: science communication, social history of science, Soviet psychology, Russian psychology, internationalism, national peculiarities of science, practical psychology, pedology, psychotechnics, psychoanalysis
Voskoboynik, E. S. - Peculiarities of the Africans’ Perception of the World. pp. 39-48
Abstract: The article analyzes peculiarities of the Africans’ mentality. The author describes a so-called traditional way of thinking and interprets African philosophy.
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, religion, mentality, tradition, totem, taboo, ritual, generation
Bueva, L. P. - Identification Mechanism in Culture pp. 41-49
Abstract: One of the deepest human needs described by Fromm is his aspiration to be like the object of admiration. When an individual happens to be in the world of mysterious things and phenomena, he is simply unable to understand the purpose and meaning of his being. This is why he needs the orientation system which would allow him to identify himself in comparison with a well-known ideal.
Keywords: psychology, defense mechanism, phenomenon, identification, human, stage, crisis, manipulation, life cycle, socialization.
Savinkov S.N., Kozyreva V.V. - Social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience pp. 43-58


Abstract: This article examines the social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience. There are different research dedicated to social representations of couples with different marital experience about trust, infidelity, love, mutual understanding; however, the analysis of psychological-pedagogical literature demonstrates that there were no research dedicated to fidelity in the relationships between spouses. Therefore, the selected topic is unique. The subject of this article is the social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience. The hypothesis lies in the fact that there are substantial differences in social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience. Young couples believe that fidelity is the indicator of passion, comfort, ease in communication between the spouses, as well as confidence in making the right choice. Mature couples believe that fidelity is the indicator of mutual understanding and trust, as well as lack of passion. The survey involved 21 married couples with 20 to 30 years of marital experience, and 21 couples with less than a year to 3 years of marital experience. It is worth noting that all the respondents were married officially. For verification of the advanced hypothesis, the article employs the following methods: marriage satisfaction questionnaire (V. V. Stolin, T. L. Romanova, G. P. Butenko), “Communication within Family” (Y. E. Aleshina, L. Y. Gozman, E. M. Dubovskaya), Semantic Differential, “Attidude assessment in married couple” (Y. E. Aleshina).
Keywords: marriage, spouses, love, infidelity, relationships, trust, fidelity, representations, psychology, research
Shantyr Y. - Interpretation of Sexuality as a Fundamental Socio-psychological Conceptual Category pp. 48-77



Abstract: This article is devoted to sexuality as a fundamental socio-psychological conceptual category. The paper provides an analytical review of the history of understanding sexuality as a construct of socio-political relations and the formation of state power, reveals all the diversity in approaches and judgments about this conceptual category. The paper shows that the interpretation of sexuality as a concept is not only an important general scientific aspect, but also has a key socio-psychological significance for the development of modern society and the formation of a person as a person by gender. Using the example of various sexual transformations, the article substantiates the relevance of the formation of the semantic content of this conceptual category in our time, when sexuality can no longer be considered separately from the state of the human psyche and those negative trends and various deformations of social consciousness that inevitably affect both the reproductive function of a person and the whole way of family and marriage relations in the modern world. It is possible to change the situation for the better in this area only by forming fundamentally new ideological priorities in the public consciousness. The scientific novelty of this work consists in analytical studies of the concept of sexuality as a fundamental socio-psychological conceptual category and the development on this basis of new theoretical approaches and corresponding definitions of the concept of sexuality and related conceptual categories. The proposed interpretations, according to the author, have a more pronounced social and psychological determinant for the formation of a new worldview in modern society regarding the development of a person, taking into account gender, which will ultimately lead to the improvement of reproductive function, improvement of demographic indicators and, in general, will contribute to improving the quality of life of a modern person in his social and physical realization.
Keywords: asex, asexuality, sex, sexuality, medical psychology, practical psychology, social psychology, psychology, sexual health, terms and concepts
Shazhinbatyn, A. - Ethics as a problem of cultural anthropology. pp. 56-62
Abstract: The problem of ethics is viewed by the world literature from different points of view. It is usually studied as a social and cultural phenomenon. However, the history of world philosophy represents other approaches as well. In particular, I. Kant interpreted ethics from the point of view of philosophical anthropology. The author of the article tries to further develop Kant’s views on the matter.
Keywords: philosophy, ethics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of life, modern culture, history, values, human, world
Ivanochek, E. Z. - Psychological Aspects of the National Character. pp. 62-69
Abstract: The author addresses to the analysis of his own impressions on the hospitability custom of Azerbaijan nation. When considering this custom, the author also comes to analyze the term ‘national character’. The author views this topic from the psychological point of view.
Keywords: psychology, psychoanalysis, ethnos, national character, hospitability, extraversion, introversion, psyche, individual
Tarasova, S. M. - Theoretical justification of social adaptation as interdisciplinary category. pp. 62-69
Abstract: The article considers the phenomenon of social adaptation of personality in terms of different scientific approaches: philosophical, biological, psychological, social, and pedagogical; provides a definition of “social adaptation” proposed by different scientists; analyzes the characteristics of social adaptation, depending on the approach to be taken.
Keywords: pedagogy, adaptation, phenomenon, personality, approach, peculiarities, society, science, school, category
Gurevich, P. S. - Present-Day Psychology pp. 65-72
Abstract: The role of psychology in the modern world is definitely being transformed. A new civilization is being born and it brings along many challenges which cannot be understood and overcome without psychology. Unusually fast social and cultural transformations, inability of many people to adjust to new realities, breakup of identity (i.e. ability to adequately perceive and understand oneself), discovery of new anthropological features, - it all puts psychology in the first place in the modern humanitarian knowledge.
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, psychoanalysis, integral psychology, psyche, personality, knowledge, practice, mind, psychology boom.
Shazhinbatyn, A. - Ethnical Pluralism: Conflict and Adaptation pp. 69-90
Abstract: The feeling of community origin, religion, values, way of survival, i.e. some ‘common ground’, plays an important role in the process of unifying people into groups which is characterized by internal self-identification. Growing as a part of one social group, community of verbal and non-verbal communications allow people to establish understandable adaptation mechanisms that drastically reduce confrontation and conf licts.
Keywords: philosophy, ethnicity, pluralism, conf lict, adaptation, confrontation, development, culture, stratification, system.
Andreev, I. L. - Natural and Psychic Prerequisites of Relations between Property and Power pp. 69-80
Abstract: The article describes the author’s hypothesis about a fundamental role of evolution of time and space concepts in the process of anthropogenesis as natural biological prerequisites for formation of social institutions of property and power.
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, anthropogenesis, mind, psyche, consciousness, space, time, property, power.
Trunov, D. G. - Identity Against Sexuality: the Four Male Complexes (Essay) pp. 71-77
Abstract: The given essay describes male characters Othello, Arbenin, Karandyshev, Bluebeard, Stenka Razin and Perseus. These characters illustrate the conflict between the need in sexual identity and sexual desire when the identity eventually prevails. It is proved by the fact that all of them killed women who were sexually attractive for them (a few women were even their wives and loved ones) just because those women harmed their male identity. Their stories are viewed as some kind of ‘psychological complexes’, metaphors or prototypes repeated in real relations between men and women (even without such a dramatic ending). Men with such a complex omit a ‘symbolic murder’ when they humiliate, assault or ignore women threatening their male identity even if they feel sexual desire towards these women. In the described situations sex as a physiological category is governed by the ‘gender’ as a socio-cultural phenomenon.
Keywords: psychology, identity, sexuality, complex, sex, desire, construct, male, murder, gender.
Artemeva O.A., Dubrovskaya L.D. - Research groups of G. I. Chelpanov: historical-psychological study pp. 72-89


Abstract: In the context of the problem of institutionalization of the Russian and Soviet psychology of the early XX century, the research is conducted on the peculiarities of organizing scientific work under the leadership of G. I. Chelpanov. For determination of the composition and characteristics of the research groups created by him, the author carries out biographical and bibliographic analysis of personal written documents, materials that characterizes the official activity of the scholars and communities, historical-psychological works dedicated to life and research activity of G. I. Chelpanov. The three scientific-educational bases for the creation of research groups headed by Chelpanov are highlighted: the Psychological Seminary at the Department of Philosophy of the Imperial University of St. Vladimir in Kiev (1897–1907), the Psychological Seminary at the Imperial Moscow University (1907–1912), and the Institute of Psychology named after L. G. Shchukina (1912–1923). The staff composition of the research groups is revealed. The novelty of this article lies in the description of G. I. Chelpanov as the pioneer of the Russian psychological science and education, who duly appreciated teamwork at the stage of establishment of psychology as big science in the early XX century. The traces the succession of the staff composition of research groups ,as well as the subject of reports and research conducted by the members of the collective, according to the plan developed by the leader G. I. Chelpanov, primarily in the scope of general psychology. It is demonstrated that in the course of socially significant activity, on the collective basis were resolved the tasks of training of competent philosophers and psychologists, and later of implementation of the research program on the development of theoretical-methodological  fundamentals of the empirical research of psyche. The authors underline the importance of individual approach implemented by Chelpanov in working with the scientific associates aimed at the development of their creative skills.
Keywords: institutionalization of science, organization of science, school of thought, apprenticeship, scientific leadership, Georgy Ivanovich Chelpanov, scientific collective, history of Russian psychology, history of Soviet psychology, history of psychology
Yanovsky M.I., Malishevskaya E.V. - Personality traits that contribute to the non-recognition of lies pp. 72-85



Abstract: In the era of the dominance of information technology, the problem of recognizing true and false information is becoming particularly relevant. The purpose of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of lying and the factors affecting its recognition. We believe that lying is not only a distortion of information, but also a form of intersubjective relations. The deceiver creates a closed "world" for the deceived, an information cocoon that replaces reality. This creates a relationship of different levels of two subjects, the deceiver and the deceived, their inequality and the imbalance of the situation. Sensitivity to unjustified inequality of psychological positions in relationships, to disequilibrium in the situation of relationships, according to our assumption, plays an important role in the recognition of lies. The article presents the results of a study of the influence of personality traits that contribute to the non-recognition of lies. An experiment was conducted in which research participants were asked to recognize 10 true and 10 false messages. According to the results of the experiment, the subjects were divided into two equal groups: relatively poorly recognizing lies and relatively well recognizing lies. The properties characteristic of those who do not recognize lies well turned out to be: the tendency to overestimate self-attitude (to put oneself above others), pragmatism, imperiousness, combined with emotional restraint, conformity, etc. Also, those who do not recognize lies are characterized by a lower level of integration and coherence of personal structures. There is some reason to say that poor lie recognition is also promoted by the lower importance of the moral factor in the relationship.
Keywords: inequality, personality traits, personality, lie recognition, psychology of lies, truth, deception, disequilibrium, lies, imperious pragmatism
Artemeva O.A., Karapetova A.V. - Research groups as the foundation for psychological school of V. M. Bekhterev pp. 74-89


Abstract: In the context of studying work organization of the leading teams of Russian psychologists, the article provides characteristics of the research groups that worked under the direction of V. M. Bekhterev in the field of psychology. For outlining the institutional framework, composition and results of the activity of such groups, the author carries out the biographical analysis along with the analysis of the products of scientific activity of the scholar and members of his team. It is demonstrated that the psychological direction of the scientific school of V. M. Bekhterev was formed out of the groups led by him at the premises of Kazan State University, Saint Petersburg Military Medical Academy, Neuropsychiatric Institute, and Institute for Brain Research. The novelty of the implemented approach consists in reconstruction of the establishment of reflexology as an independent psychological direction of scientific activity of V. M. Bekhterev from the perspective of socio-psychological theory of the collective. The individual “branches” of research of the team members were a distinct feature of the organization of collective work, which ensured the fulfillment of creative potential of each scholar and contribution to the development of the collective subject of research. The author also notes the united role of the leader. Throughout 40 years, V. M. Bekhterev united dozens of talented researchers. A crucial characteristic of the psychological “scientific school-research group” represented by a number of research teams was the experimental, practical and socially oriented research program for human study. The author indicates the priority of the scientific school of V. M. Bekhterev in the development and implementation of the objective and comprehensive approach towards studying the psychological phenomena. Based on the described peculiarities of organizing scientific activity, the established research base and of psychological personnel determined the formation of the Leningrad School of Soviet Psychology not only in the works of V. N. Myasishchev, N. M. Shchelovanov, A. V. Yarmolenko, M. Y. Basov, B. G. Ananyev, but also many other Russian psychologists.
Keywords: Bekhterev Vladimir Mikhaylovich, organization of science, Russian psychology, Soviet psychology, history of psychology, school of thought, scientific collective, reflexology, scientific leadership, history of Russian psychology
Kamalova O.M., Karavanova L.Z. - The influence of professional stereotypes on professional self-determination pp. 78-86



Abstract: The article examines professional stereotypes and the choice of profession by a teenager. The points of view of domestic and foreign scientists are presented, revealing the understanding of the "professional stereotype" and its socio-psychological features. The reasons for the emergence of professional stereotypes are studied, a person's vision of social reality, the perception of a particular profession through the prism of positive or negative information received is considered. The article examines the dependence of professional stereotypes on a person's awareness of professional reality. Professional stereotypes are considered from the point of view of obtaining information through various sources and being generalized ideas about the profession. The perception of professional stereotypes by a person depending on the understanding of the type of professional activity is studied. The role of professional stereotypes in the formation of erroneous ideas of people about activities that they do not know is considered. The professional stereotype is based on obtaining subjective information about the profession and on this basis a person's attitude towards it is formed. In modern society, many professional stereotypes formed earlier are not relevant. Misconceptions in the perception of professional stereotypes hinder the understanding of the specifics of performing certain tasks by various professions, which leads to erroneous actions when choosing a profession by teenagers. Currently, professional stereotypes influence the formation of a person's beliefs in various spheres of his life, including in his professional activity.
Keywords: perception, knowledge, teenager, professional stereotype, social stereotype, stereotyping, stereotype, representation, interaction, behavior
Shazhinbatyn, A. - Experience of Understanding the American National Character pp. 80-91
Abstract: Based on the American sources, the author makes an attempt to describe the system of values of the American nation as well as peculiarities of American national character. The author defines such personal traits of an American as self-confidence, the fear of being dependent and unprotected, axiological aspects, ambivalence of feelings and the ‘blind zone’.
Keywords: philosophy, psychology, values, national character, axiology, usefulness, well-being, material comfort, freedom, conformity.
Artemeva O.A., Sinyova O.V. - In pursuit of the research group of L. S. Vygotsky pp. 89-102


Abstract: Despite the fact that L. S. Vygotsky is a prominent figure in the history of Russian psychology due to the unique contribution to the development of scientific thought and organization of work of the new scientific center, the research group under his authority becomes the subject of a separate research for the first time. This article discusses the results of biographical analysis based on the historical-psychological sources, published testimonies of his contemporaries, such as memoirs, conversations and interviews, scientific autobiographies, transcripts of speeches, biographical articles, and published archival materials. The novelty of the implemented by the author research approach consists in reference to the research activity of L. S. Vygotsky and his scientific school from the perspective of theory of the collective. It is determined that due to the work in different institutions and different goals of research activity, the group of scholars under the authority of L. S. Vygotsky cannot be defined as a collective. The leader of Soviet psychology and defectology was a head of several interrelated research groups: since 1924 at the premises of the Institute of Experimental Psychology, since 1929 – the Experimental Institute of Defectology and the Academy of Communist Education named after N. K. Krupskaya, since 1932 – the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine. In order to manage the effective research work of the groups, L. S. Vygotsky applied his creative, pedagogical and organizational skills. The scholar implemented a democratic management approach based on the uniformity of administration, cognition, and communication. L. S. Vygotsky’s scientific school was united by a progressive experimental and practice-oriented research program, sensitive to the public needs in building the theory and system of psychological assistance in the USSR.
Keywords: organization of science, Lev Vygotsky, Russian psychology, Soviet psychology, social psychology of science, history of psychology, school of thought, scientific collective, personality of scientific leader, abilities of scientific leader
Alperovich V. - Subjective "world'image" at the stage of early adulthood: comparative analysis of conceptual models pp. 104-117



Abstract: The research purpose was to conduct a comparative analysis of conceptual models reflecting the stability and variability of the individual “world'image”; secondly, to consider various examples of interpretation of everyday social reality, incl. situations of interaction with “one’s own” and “other people’s” communication partners, in personal narratives. The research hypothesis is formulated that the personal “world'image” as a phenomenon that is both stable and changeable can be studied by referring to speech forms, incl. to metaphors and narratives about interaction with different communication partners. A comparative theoretical socio-psychological analysis of activity-based, psychosemantic and other approaches to the study of the “world'image” phenomenon is used, as well as an interpretation of the results of some empirical studies of biographical narratives. In accordance with the hypothesis put forward, it is shown that a personal “world'image”, which is both stable and changeable, can be studied by referring to speech forms: a person’s interaction with communication partners in various categories is reflected in his metaphors and narratives. The scientific novelty and originality of this article are as follows. A comparative analysis of conceptual models of the “world'image” is carried out. The author's narrative model for analyzing interaction with other people in the “world'image” at the stage of early adulthood is presented. The possibilities of narrative analysis of the subject’s ideas about other people in his “world'image” are revealed using the example of various empirical studies.
Keywords: ennemy, alien, own, metaphor, social representations, situation, transitivity, narrative, world'image, friend
Rakhmanovskaya E. - Social Meanings of Freedom


Abstract: This research is devoted to internal freedom and its links with social determinants. The author compared the views of Nikolay Berdyaev and Erich Fromm and made a conclusion that the Russian philosopher was deeper in the problem by virtue of religious basis of his humanism. Berdyaev believes that freedom comes from Ungrund. It has no foundation but it is a foundation of everything. Freedom for him is the clue for any anthropological philosophizing. He denies any social determination of freedom as it appears to be personal challenge, but this challenge might be rejected nevertheless. The paradox is that freedom is much concerned with restrictions. Especially self-restrictions distinguish freedom from self-will; allow person to get free of everything useless, alien and destruction. The author considers the phenomenon of freedom and self-will in terms of good and evil, investigates relationship between freedom and responsibility. Research methods of historical and philosophical analysis, historic comparison and philosophical anthropology are used in the article. The phenomenon of freedom has taken place in the works of many philosophers and each time it presented new meanings and aspects. In this research however it appears as internal freedom which has  an internal sense of personality but not social relationships as a source. 
Keywords: the moral law, responsibility, personality, existentialism, social determination, human existance, perceived need, freedom, self-restriction, self-will
Rakhmanovskaya E.A. - Social Meanings of Freedom pp. 122-134


Abstract: This research is devoted to internal freedom and its links with social determinants. The author compared the views of Nikolay Berdyaev and Erich Fromm and made a conclusion that the Russian philosopher was deeper in the problem by virtue of religious basis of his humanism. Berdyaev believes that freedom comes from Ungrund. It has no foundation but it is a foundation of everything. Freedom for him is the clue for any anthropological philosophizing. He denies any social determination of freedom as it appears to be personal challenge, but this challenge might be rejected nevertheless. The paradox is that freedom is much concerned with restrictions. Especially self-restrictions distinguish freedom from self-will; allow person to get free of everything useless, alien and destruction. The author considers the phenomenon of freedom and self-will in terms of good and evil, investigates relationship between freedom and responsibility. Research methods of historical and philosophical analysis, historic comparison and philosophical anthropology are used in the article. The phenomenon of freedom has taken place in the works of many philosophers and each time it presented new meanings and aspects. In this research however it appears as internal freedom which has  an internal sense of personality but not social relationships as a source. 
Keywords: the moral law, responsibility, personality, existentialism, social determination, human existance, perceived need, freedom, self-restriction, self-will
Klyueva N.V., Arefyeva N.S. -


Klyueva, N. V., Arefieva, N. S. - Display of Trust and Manipulations in Management pp. 131-138


Abstract: The research article is devoted to the usage of manipulative strategies by the senior management as well as the relation between manipulation and the level of trust felt by managers towards themselves and personnel in an organization. The authors of the article establish that trust I displayed differently at different business and budgetary organizations. They prove that the heads of business organizations (small business) are mostly oriented at using manipulative strategies which is caused by the features of modern Russian business culture and the low level of trust towards themselves and their employees. The results of the research also show that among senior managers who use manipulative communication strategies, there is the prevailing number of managers with the low level of both selftrust and confidence in the organization. Trust is difficult to be built and supported. Therefore it is very important to understand what level of trust corporate relations are built upon and what factors influence such a level of trust or mistrust. The authors of the article also offer a brief description of a psychological profile of a senior manager from the point of view of his using manipulative strategies, his level of trust/mistrust towards himself/his organization based on the example of the heads of business and budgetary organizations. This is necessary to define the hidden reasons and motives of using manipulative strategies which can help to understand a specific meaning that senior managers give to their relations with the personnel.
Keywords: manipulation, manipulative strategies, self-trust and self-confidence, confidence in the organization, phenomenon of trust, psychological profile, society, manipulations, control, management system.
Nadykto, E. I. - Understanding as a Psychological Aspect of Successive Relations pp. 162-171


Abstract: The article describes the contents of the understanding phenomenon and its relations with the process of values succession. Analysis of scientific literature on psychology, teaching and philosophy focuses on cultural peculiarities of the West and East (the author studies both verbal and writing sources of knowledge and values). Hermeneutics, gnoseology, language studies, logic and social psychology are viewed as methodological grounds for researching different functions of the understanding process. The author defines peculiarities of the learning and understanding processes as well as factors of narrowing borders of the understanding process as the mechanism of adopting values. The author pays special attention at the analysis of consequences of a growing number of commentaries and interpretations of values and distortion of social rules, principles and standards at intrapersonal, interstate and cultural levels. The author proves that it is possible to regulate the mechanism of succession through the understanding process (socio-cultural level) and self-understanding (personal level).
Keywords: psychology, society, personality, succession, values, understanding, interpretation, knowledge, self-understanding, stereotype.
Spirova E.M. -


Spirova, E. M. - On This and The Other Side of Fr eedom and Dignity pp. 247-256


Abstract: Frederick Burrhus Skinner had been the most famous psychologist for quite a long time in the USA. However, researchers mostly focused on the influence of his ideas on professional psychology. It is only lately that philosophers, ethicists and historians have started to take interest in Skinner’s ideas. Skinner searched for the physiological basis of human behavior and therefore, in fact, reduced the scope of psychology. Quite frequently Skinner took even his own psychological interpretation of human behavior as farfetched or excessive. He tried to explain the exterior forms of human behavior by using the method of observing human’s and animal’s actions. Skinner was both respected and criticized by his contemporaries. However, his hour has struck. Today Skinner’s ideas are quite popular because the tendency towards physiological explanation of mental and emotional processes is growing in the academic community. The author of the present article uses the historical method to show the great influence of Skinner on the academic community at the very beginning of Skinner’s creating his teaching. The author of the article also uses the comparative method to define whether behavioral ideas are close to the attempts of modern researchers to reduce the psychological component of human behavior. The novelty and practical importance of the research is that the researcher is trying to study how Skinner’s ideas developed in the previous century and have been transformed this century. The author shows that today researchers criticize the concepts of human freedom and dignity again. According to Skinner and many modern researchers, human freedom and dignity have no actual content or meaning.
Keywords: psychology, Behaviorism, freedom, dignity, behavior, psyche (mind), science, Neo-Behaviorism, world view, personality.
Razin, A. A. - Personality Typology: Interests and Needs pp. 338-344


Abstract: Human is driven by his interests and needs. The nature of human can be determined based on the dominance of particular interests and needs. In order to take people’s needs to a higher stage, a society needs an adequate social technology.
Keywords: psychology, ethnoculture, human, needs, vital needs, basic needs, higher needs, variety of needs, perverse interests and needs.
Malinina K.O. -


Malinina, K. O. - Anomia in the Social and Cultural Environment pp. 361-369


Abstract: The subject being studied by the author is the social anomia. The purpose of the research is to provide a brief summary of the theories of anomia in terms of social and cultural environment and to analyze these theories in order to make a systematizing table. According to the author, the table would allow to develop triggers and methods for managing different forms of appearance of the studied phenomenon. This, in its turn, will allow to manage social processes. The author states that even though deviant behavior can trigger the evolutionary development of the society, it needs to be confined to certain limits. Analysis of works written by famous scientists as well as analysis of different approaches, terms and their classifications allowed the author to present anomic processes in a form of a summary table accompanied with comments. The scope of application of the research results includes social relations in all groups of people (from small groups to bigger associations including associations at the country level) where intrapersonal, intragroup contacts inevitably occur and solutions of intrapersonal, interpersonal and intragroup conflicts. Today’s Russian society is in the process of transformation which is usually accompanied with social anomia. Absence of standards and destruction of moral principles lead to the collapse of the social order. To maintain a more efficient functioning of the entire corporate state including social relations, it is necessary to develop regulation mechanisms of anomic processes.
Keywords: social anomia, psychological anomia, retreatism, innovation, conformism, rebellion, ritualism, social and cultural dynamics, deviant behavior, suicide.
Murashchenkova N. -


Muraschenkova, N. V. - Social and Psychological Determinants of Young People’s Views on True Patriotism pp. 468-482


Abstract: The author of the article pays special attention at the importance of social and psychological research of youth people’s views on patriotism and patriots. The subject under review is the value orientations, basic belies and types of ethnic identity as psychological determinants of young people’s views on true patriotism. Theoretical grounds of research include works by Russian and foreign psychologists on the phenomenon of patriotism (A. Gostev, V. Koltsova, N. Sinyagina, V. Sosnin and others), social and personal views (S. Moskovichi, T. Emelianova, K Abulkhanova and others), value orientations (U. Bilski, V. Gritsenko, V. Karandashev, S. Shvartz and etc.), basic personality beliefs (R. Yanoff-Bulman, S. Epstein, O. Kravtsova, M. Padun and others) and ethnic identity (N. Lebedeva, G. Soldatova, T. Stephanenko and others). Methodological base of research is the complex and systems approach as they are introduce in Russian psychology. Research methods are analysis, synthesis, summary, survey, factor analysis, regression analysis and U-criterion offered by Manna-Whitney for comparing data. As a result of the empiric research that involved 314 respondents, the author describes the factor structure and psychological determinants of young people’s views on patriotism. The author proves that values, basic beliefs, types of ethnic identity and gender of respondents are significant determinants of young people’s views on true patriotism. The results of the research prove the importance of further social and psychological researches on the matter.
Keywords: youth, true patriotism, prevention of extremism, personal views, views on patriotism, factor analysis, psychological determinants, value orientations, personal beliefs, types of ethnic identity.
Shazhinbatyn A. - Man in Three Contexts


Abstract: The article offers a reconstruction of the ideas of an outstanding American cultural scientist Leslie A. White. Attention is focused on the analysis of his ideas of cultural communication. Reflecting on the origins of language, the author, following White, turns to the philosophical comprehension of man. The main idea of the article is that man should be regarded in three contexts: as a physical object, as a representative of the natural world, and as a human being. White insists on the difference between human beings and animals. He relates this demarcation to the symbolic nature of culture. In his opinion, man has a unique aptitude for symbolic behaviour and hence in each his action and state man experiences the influence of cultural traditions. The author gives a critical assessment of methods of cultural anthropology and introduces important points of the philosophical comprehension of man into analysis of L. White’s conception. The reconstruction of the ideas of L. White creates a need to develop polemic attitude to some of his statements. The conception of L. White and his contribution to cultural science have been discussed by many Russian researchers. However, the scientific legacy of the American scientist is multi-faceted. White’s desire to surpass the framework of evolutional anthropology and to integrate philosophical and anthropological approaches to the analysis of man as a symbolic subject is of special value. L. White saw the significance of his conception in showing the difference between man and animal. In this sense, his ideas are significant for debates with post-modernist approaches that proceed from the principal unity of man and animal.
Keywords: man, culture, symbol, behaviour, speech, genesis, training, meaning, word, reflex
Shazhinbatyn A. - Man in Three Contexts pp. 551-559


Abstract: The article offers a reconstruction of the ideas of an outstanding American cultural scientist Leslie A. White. Attention is focused on the analysis of his ideas of cultural communication. Reflecting on the origins of language, the author, following White, turns to the philosophical comprehension of man. The main idea of the article is that man should be regarded in three contexts: as a physical object, as a representative of the natural world, and as a human being. White insists on the difference between human beings and animals. He relates this demarcation to the symbolic nature of culture. In his opinion, man has a unique aptitude for symbolic behaviour and hence in each his action and state man experiences the influence of cultural traditions. The author gives a critical assessment of methods of cultural anthropology and introduces important points of the philosophical comprehension of man into analysis of L. White’s conception. The reconstruction of the ideas of L. White creates a need to develop polemic attitude to some of his statements. The conception of L. White and his contribution to cultural science have been discussed by many Russian researchers. However, the scientific legacy of the American scientist is multi-faceted. White’s desire to surpass the framework of evolutional anthropology and to integrate philosophical and anthropological approaches to the analysis of man as a symbolic subject is of special value. L. White saw the significance of his conception in showing the difference between man and animal. In this sense, his ideas are significant for debates with post-modernist approaches that proceed from the principal unity of man and animal.
Keywords: man, culture, symbol, behaviour, speech, genesis, training, meaning, word, reflex
Semerikova A.A. - Pornography In Terms of the Genesis of Criminal Sexual Behavior


Abstract: The present research article is devoted to pornography as a destructive social phenomenon contributing to the escalation of criminal sexual violence at the present stage of society development. The subject of the research is the concept of pornography, with the identification of significant key characteristics used to classify certain objects or phenomena as products of the porn industry, and the consequences of its consumption which are the effects of pornography on the development of personal sexuality and formation of motivation and choice of behavior in the process of fulfilling sexual needs. The empirical basis of this research article involves two independent studies: psychological research and psychiatric study of perpetrators of violent sexual crimes, and victims of sexual violence; the survey of citizens of the Russian Federation in the framework of study of the level of sexual culture in Russia at the present stage of society development.The scientific novelty of this study is caused by the fact that the author reveals the destructive aspects of the impact of pornography on personality. Semerikova proves that pornographic products firstly, contributes to the formation and escalation of personal aggression, simplifies the process of formation of motivation for sexual violence as the ideology of the subordinate position of women who are destined to serve sexual interests of men and satisfy their sexual needs; secondly, contributes to the development of dependence of sexual arousal on demonstration of pornographic materials without which sexual excitement becomes impossible, this causing the development of mental impotence, development of neuroses and other mental or psychic instability affecting, in its turn, the sphere of volitional regulation and the degree of control over sexual behavior.
Keywords: escalation, aggression, pornography, pornographic products, crime, sexual needs, addiction, psychic instability, influence, sexual abuse
Semerikova A.A. - Pornography In Terms of the Genesis of Criminal Sexual Behavior pp. 574-581


Abstract: The present research article is devoted to pornography as a destructive social phenomenon contributing to the escalation of criminal sexual violence at the present stage of society development. The subject of the research is the concept of pornography, with the identification of significant key characteristics used to classify certain objects or phenomena as products of the porn industry, and the consequences of its consumption which are the effects of pornography on the development of personal sexuality and formation of motivation and choice of behavior in the process of fulfilling sexual needs. The empirical basis of this research article involves two independent studies: psychological research and psychiatric study of perpetrators of violent sexual crimes, and victims of sexual violence; the survey of citizens of the Russian Federation in the framework of study of the level of sexual culture in Russia at the present stage of society development.The scientific novelty of this study is caused by the fact that the author reveals the destructive aspects of the impact of pornography on personality. Semerikova proves that pornographic products firstly, contributes to the formation and escalation of personal aggression, simplifies the process of formation of motivation for sexual violence as the ideology of the subordinate position of women who are destined to serve sexual interests of men and satisfy their sexual needs; secondly, contributes to the development of dependence of sexual arousal on demonstration of pornographic materials without which sexual excitement becomes impossible, this causing the development of mental impotence, development of neuroses and other mental or psychic instability affecting, in its turn, the sphere of volitional regulation and the degree of control over sexual behavior.
Keywords: escalation, aggression, pornography, pornographic products, crime, sexual needs, addiction, psychic instability, influence, sexual abuse
Parkhomenko, R. N. - Freedom as the Philosophy of Theanthropism (Nikolay Berdyaev) pp. 636-643


Abstract: The article is devoted to Nikolay Berdyaev’s (1874 – 1948) concepts of freedom and theanthropism. The philosopher believed in creative abilities bringing human out of all other natural world and leading him to self-rescue. Creative activity allows human to exceed the bounds of the world of need and enter the kingdom of freedom. However, based on Berdyaev it is not the determinism of the natural world that is the main enemy of personal freedom – it is objectivization that is the main hinder on his way to freedom. Earlier Berdyaev said about the duality of human nature and existence of the two worlds in human – the inner (subjective) world and the outer (objective) world. In his definition of freedom as a metaphysical beginning Berdayev based, in the first place, on the irrational tradition and intuitivism in Bergson’s traditions. This is why in order to understand and provide a definition the phenomenon of freedom, it is necessary to do it not from the point of view of the rational tradition, but based on our soul and internal experience. Only in this case we can understand Berdyaev’s saying that the problem of freedom is the problem of one’s creativity. In his early works Berdyaev interpreted ontology as monadology and believed that existence had nothing negative in it. In his later works Berdyaev started to oppose freedom and existence and existence was interpreted as the ‘fallen world’. At the same time, freedom is above the natural world and God – freedom lies in the ‘non-existence’ that has a higher status than God himself.
Keywords: psychology, freedom, Berdyaev, philosophy, theanthropism, metaphysics, Russia, human, society, Slavophiles.
Paleev R.N. - Law and Counter-Reformation Passions pp. 747-754


Abstract: In his research Paleev talks about development of laws and regulations during the Reformation. Academics often underline that the Reformation was the Protestantism. Max Weber believed the Reformation to be the movement that resulted in the origin of the Capitalism. Religious beliefs that contributed to the origin of the Protestantism also formed a new economy and style of life. At the same time, it also had an effect on legal concepts of the European civilization. In fact, the development of new legal views and concepts was quite more dramatic than it seems. Weber's interpretation of the Reformation is often reviewed by today's researchers, however, the latter pay too little attention to so-called counter-reformation movements. The Reformation was not recognized by everyone. Religious movements created new interpretations and concepts of law. That, in its turn, created a complex psychological situation and disagreements oif values. There were social and religious passions around the legal culture. Paleev bases his research mostly on the principle of historicism which allowed to show the influence of Max Weber's ideas not only on the economy and religious beliefs but also development of new legal views of the Christian civilization. In his article Paleev focuses on a difficult situation in Europe when the Reformation created numerous anti-reformation movements and social passions. The author of the article analyzes debates round the religious category of 'salvation'. Martin Luther's concept was often critisized by anti-reformation movements. The author also raises a question about individual behavior that goes beyound the law and religious standards and discuss the idea of Christianity returning to its initial purity as a true essence. The author also emphasizes the need to distinguish between law and religion and proves the independent role of the law. 
Keywords: anti-reformation movements, social passions, salvation, law, psychological motives, rationalist principles, reformation, psychology, management, philosophy
Paleev R.N. - Law and Counter-Reformation Passions pp. 747-754


Abstract: In his research Paleev talks about development of laws and regulations during the Reformation. Academics often underline that the Reformation was the Protestantism. Max Weber believed the Reformation to be the movement that resulted in the origin of the Capitalism. Religious beliefs that contributed to the origin of the Protestantism also formed a new economy and style of life. At the same time, it also had an effect on legal concepts of the European civilization. In fact, the development of new legal views and concepts was quite more dramatic than it seems. Weber's interpretation of the Reformation is often reviewed by today's researchers, however, the latter pay too little attention to so-called counter-reformation movements. The Reformation was not recognized by everyone. Religious movements created new interpretations and concepts of law. That, in its turn, created a complex psychological situation and disagreements oif values. There were social and religious passions around the legal culture. Paleev bases his research mostly on the principle of historicism which allowed to show the influence of Max Weber's ideas not only on the economy and religious beliefs but also development of new legal views of the Christian civilization. In his article Paleev focuses on a difficult situation in Europe when the Reformation created numerous anti-reformation movements and social passions. The author of the article analyzes debates round the religious category of 'salvation'. Martin Luther's concept was often critisized by anti-reformation movements. The author also raises a question about individual behavior that goes beyound the law and religious standards and discuss the idea of Christianity returning to its initial purity as a true essence. The author also emphasizes the need to distinguish between law and religion and proves the independent role of the law. 
Keywords: anti-reformation movements, social passions, salvation, law, psychological motives, rationalist principles, reformation, psychology, management, philosophy
Sedykh N.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - Play as one of the Sides of Human Existence pp. 793-802


Abstract: The author of the article tries to give a definition of the sides of human existence. He also distinguishes between the aforesaid term and the term ‘existentials’. Pavel Gurevich analyzes concepts of Johan Huizinga and Eugene Fink. According to the author, play is a true reflection of human nature due to its passion and fervour. This allows to define the historical forms of play activity including agonality, collective participation in a life of an individual or a family, demonstration of altruism and fancy forms of play activity in the Middle Ages (tournaments, fairs and carnivals). It is underlined that play is older than culture and it is an important factor of culture genesis. Pavel Gurevich also describes peculiarities of play as a specific sphere of human activity. In his research Pavel Gurevich applies methods of philosophical anthropology analysis. Phenomenology of game is related to the human nature and typical human fervour and attitude to unexpected fate. The author also uses methods of historical description of play activity. The novelty of the game is in viewing play as one of the sides of human existence. The author also outlines the watershed in understanding existentials and their closeness to the phenomena of human existence. Play activity is also analyzed as a form of social utopism.
Keywords: psychology, philosophical anthropology, sides of human existence, existential, game, play, culture genesis, human passions, fervour, spontaneity, sacrifice.
Shkurko T.A., Lomova M.A. - Socio-Psychological Factors of Legitimizing Partnership pp. 819-828


Abstract: The authors of the article have studied the basic socio-psychological needs (including the need for control and affect) and their correlation in family relations (parameters of compatibility needs); parameters of psychological well-being (the ability to establish positive relations with others, the degree of autonomy, the degree of competence in managing the surroundings, personal growth, the availability of goals in life, the level of self-acceptance, the overall emotional evaluation of oneself and his or her own life, meaningfulness of life, the ability to perceive and integrate new experiences) and viability (the degree of involvement, level of control, risk acceptance) by partners who are married or cohabitate. 70 people participated in the research including 35 families (24 officially married families and 11 cohabitated families) who have been living together for 1 year at least and 30 years at most. Participants aged from 21 years old to 59 years old. The following empiric research methods have been used: 1. "Methods of diagnosing psychological well-being of the personality" (T. D. Shevelenkova, P. P. Fesenko) [24]; 2. "Test of viability" (D. A. Leontiev, D. I. Rasskazova) [11]; 3. The questionnaire «Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation» (V. Schutz, adapted by A. A. Rukavishnikov) [3]. As a method of data analysis the authors have used the method of comparison of two independent samples based on the Mann-Whitney test. The results of the research have shown that the basic socio-psychological needs do not influence on the preference for a certain type of marriage: cohabitation or official. The factors of legitimizing a partnership union include compatibility of socio-psychological needs of the partners based on the principle of complementarity and their degree of openness to the world. The most important sphere to legitimize of relationships of partners is the sphere of control. The study extends the existing social psychology notions about socio-psychological factors of legitimizing partnership relations and the role of personality's need for control, establishing and developing relations with other people.
Keywords: cohabitation, official marriage, marriage, close emotional relationship, need for control, socio-psychological need, need, family, partner compatibility, legitimizing relations
Shkurko T.A., Lomova M.A. - Socio-Psychological Factors of Legitimizing Partnership pp. 819-828


Abstract: The authors of the article have studied the basic socio-psychological needs (including the need for control and affect) and their correlation in family relations (parameters of compatibility needs); parameters of psychological well-being (the ability to establish positive relations with others, the degree of autonomy, the degree of competence in managing the surroundings, personal growth, the availability of goals in life, the level of self-acceptance, the overall emotional evaluation of oneself and his or her own life, meaningfulness of life, the ability to perceive and integrate new experiences) and viability (the degree of involvement, level of control, risk acceptance) by partners who are married or cohabitate. 70 people participated in the research including 35 families (24 officially married families and 11 cohabitated families) who have been living together for 1 year at least and 30 years at most. Participants aged from 21 years old to 59 years old. The following empiric research methods have been used: 1. "Methods of diagnosing psychological well-being of the personality" (T. D. Shevelenkova, P. P. Fesenko) [24]; 2. "Test of viability" (D. A. Leontiev, D. I. Rasskazova) [11]; 3. The questionnaire «Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation» (V. Schutz, adapted by A. A. Rukavishnikov) [3]. As a method of data analysis the authors have used the method of comparison of two independent samples based on the Mann-Whitney test. The results of the research have shown that the basic socio-psychological needs do not influence on the preference for a certain type of marriage: cohabitation or official. The factors of legitimizing a partnership union include compatibility of socio-psychological needs of the partners based on the principle of complementarity and their degree of openness to the world. The most important sphere to legitimize of relationships of partners is the sphere of control. The study extends the existing social psychology notions about socio-psychological factors of legitimizing partnership relations and the role of personality's need for control, establishing and developing relations with other people.
Keywords: cohabitation, official marriage, marriage, close emotional relationship, need for control, socio-psychological need, need, family, partner compatibility, legitimizing relations
Murashchenkova N. -


Muraschenkova, N. V. - Patriotism as a Factor of Extremism Prevention Among Youth: the Social Psychological Approach pp. 909-921


Abstract: Extremism and patriotism are not traditional topics for psychology. Therefore, it is noted that social psychological researches still lack the conceptual and notional framework for studying such phenomena as patriotism or extremism, in particular, the psychological potential of patriotism as the factor of youth extremism prevention hasn’t been explored. There is a certain contradiction in science between the recognized importance of patriotism in extremism prevention and the absence of social psychological researches that would reveal the potential of patriotism as the factor of youth extremism prevention. This contradiction has made the author of the article to focus on this theme and purpose of research. The subject under research is patriotism as the factor of preventing extremism among youth. The purpose of the article is to reveal the potential of patriotism as the factor of youth extremism prevention. Methodological grounds of research include principles of the complex, systems, subject-centered activity and person-centered approaches as they are introduced in Russian psychology. Theoretical grounds of research include scientific researches aimed at analyzing the phenomenon of extremist’s way of thinking, types of extremism, reasons and determinants of extremism development as well as social psychological researches of patriotism that study social, ethnic and psychological aspects of manifestation and development of patriotism in a modern Russian society. In the course of research the author has also used such theoretical research methods as analysis, synthesis, comparison and summary. The results of research prove the supposition that struggle against youth extremism and teaching patriotism are the two inseparable problems. Noteworthy that one of the hindrances in formation of patriotic attitudes is the ambivalent interpretation and evaluation of patriotism by young people. The author emphasizes the need for solving the problem of multiple interpretations of the term ‘patriotism’ both in the academic community and common sense. The author shows in order to raise the potential of patriotism as the factor of youth extremism prevention, a traditional definition of patriotism should include the aspect reflecting necessary peculiarities of inter-ethnic and cross-cultural relations, in particular: tolerance and respect towards other nations and cultures, recognition of their right to exist and be different without confrontation. The main result of the theoretical research is the revelation of patriotism as the factor of youth extremism prevention from the point of view of the social psychological approach and description of the main differences in extremist and patriotic attitudes at the personality level. The research also proves that being a basic spiritual and moral personal quality, true patriotism is the factor of preventing extremist attitudes and extremist behavior.
Keywords: social psychological approach, youth extremism, hostility, xenophobia, moral nihilism, patriotism, false patriotism, true patriotism, moral quality, inter-ethnic tolerance.
Voronina O.A. -


Voronina, O. A. - Fashion as a Factor of Gender Identity pp. 950-960


Abstract: Theories of fashion are viewed from the point of view of their influence on identity. Without opposing to classical philosophical and sociological concepts, the author, however, believes that interpretation of fashion as a semiotic (Roland Barthes) and symbolic (Jean Baudrillard) phenomenon. Based on that approach, the author of the article analyzes how the system of signs representing fashion and vestimentum codes created by fashion influence the process of identity formation. Increasing role of fashion under the conditions of globalization and acceptance of cultural and national diversity is due to the fact that choice of identity is becoming a more complex process. However, searches for individuality haven’t become easier because it is appearing to be even more difficult to find ourselves among numerous and equal models of Self. The simplest way out can be sometimes trying out different types of identity in the form of a collage, mosaic or both. Very often the simplest way to present one’s identity is to present one’s appearance (i.e. body or clothes). The author of the article shows how the codes of Eurocentric fashion are transformed or even rejected from ethnocultural and gender positions. The author also considers the development of fashion in Russia after the Perestroika period and concludes that in Russia fashion in many ways is related to traditional gender identity: femininity is related to glamour and masculinity is related to brutality and success in business.
Keywords: fashion, identity, gender, body, sign, simulacrum, symbol, differences multi-culturalism, glamour.
Borzykh S.V. - Sources of Modern Greed


Abstract: The subject of the present research is the human perception of the inequal distribution of incomes and assets in the modern world. The author of the article appeals to history in order to show that sources of experiencing today's injustice have roots in the past of humanity. Describing the origin of civilization which, according to the author, laid the foundation for the present posture of affairs, the author of the article demonstrates that creation and accumulation of health were a natural process and contracted neither to human nature nor to the logic of the system that we are witnessing today and could have witnessed in the past. The methods of the present research involve historical reenactment, comparative geographical analysis, comparison, general scientific methods of deduction, induction and synthesis. The main conclusions of the present research are the following. Firstly, inequal distribution of wealth is the norm but anomaly within the framework of the system that creates it. Secondly, it does not contracit to human nature but fully agrees thereto. Thirdly, creation of a civilization was an inavoidable process. The scientific novelty of the present research is caused by the fact that the author offers a new approach to studying injustice. The new approach implies viewing injustice as a subjective phenomenon caused by values but not objective reality. 
Keywords: inequality, injuctice, society, good, system, human, history, distribution, wealth, world view
Borzykh S.V. - Sources of Modern Greed pp. 988-999


Abstract: The subject of the present research is the human perception of the inequal distribution of incomes and assets in the modern world. The author of the article appeals to history in order to show that sources of experiencing today's injustice have roots in the past of humanity. Describing the origin of civilization which, according to the author, laid the foundation for the present posture of affairs, the author of the article demonstrates that creation and accumulation of health were a natural process and contracted neither to human nature nor to the logic of the system that we are witnessing today and could have witnessed in the past. The methods of the present research involve historical reenactment, comparative geographical analysis, comparison, general scientific methods of deduction, induction and synthesis. The main conclusions of the present research are the following. Firstly, inequal distribution of wealth is the norm but anomaly within the framework of the system that creates it. Secondly, it does not contracit to human nature but fully agrees thereto. Thirdly, creation of a civilization was an inavoidable process. The scientific novelty of the present research is caused by the fact that the author offers a new approach to studying injustice. The new approach implies viewing injustice as a subjective phenomenon caused by values but not objective reality. 
Keywords: distribution, history, human, system, good, society, injustice, inequality, wealth, world view
Posypanova O.S., Vorob'eva O.S. -


Posypanova, O. S., Vorobieva, O. S. - Subject-Object and Object-Subject Relations in Consumption pp. 1021-1032


Abstract: One’s attitude to material items (for example, goods) is understudied yet very important aspect of psychology. The authors of the present article describe such relations from the point of view of consumer psychology. Based on the results obtained during a focused group interview and questionnaire survey, the authors view differences in attitudes to goods demonstrated by a consumer-subject and consumer-object. Consume subjectivity is described as an integral characteristic of conscious and unconscious behavior of an individual (individual element), awareness about the physical and marketing features of goods (information element) allowing to buy or use goods or services objectively needed by an individual. Consumer objectivity is described as an integral characteristic of conscious and unconscious behavior of an individual with a low level of awareness, reflection or critical understanding, reactive and automatic actions ensuring one’s sensitivity to the marketing influence such as advertising, fashion, placement of goods in shop windows, sales, and etc. According to the author, the level of consumer subjectivity/objectivity is expressed differently with reference to and in relation to different product categories and defined, in the first place, by the emotional and intellectual importance of a particular product, awareness of special features of this particular product category and one’s experience in using it. The subject-object attitude is presented as one’s attitude to an product when a person has much information about the item and its features, the item is moderately important for the person and the person is ready to use it often. The object-subject relation is presented as one’s attitude to a product when a person believes in the advertising or marketing message while he is not really interested in its attributes or when he is into marketing actions such as sales, games, contests, lotteries and etc. and does not plan to use the product often.
Keywords: economic psychology, consumption psychology, consumer behavior, purchase behavior, self-concept of a consumer, consumer subjectivity, consumer objectivity, consumer relations, subject-object relations, object-subject relations.
Shalimov A.B. -


Shalimov, A. B. - Dialectic of the Social and Individual in Social Networks pp. 1030-1036


Abstract: The author of the article views social networks such as Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Twitter as a social institution where dialectic of the individual and social is expressed in interiorization (subjectivization) of social experience and exteriorization (objectivization) of individual experience. In social networks users interiorize their values of free communication, antagonism against prohibitions, particular social roles and attitude to other social institutions. The author of the article pays special attention to such phenomena as the friends list and re-posts on the Internet. Social networks make us think of friendship as something discrete, situational and practical. Re-posts are viewed as the part of degradation of communication in social networks because they cause literal interpretation of any personal content in communication processes and loss of identity. In social networks particular practices are rather exceptional and usually appear in the process of exteriorization of the most successful and popular forms and contents that are created in the course of information exchange and continuous communication. In social networks exteriorization is closely connected with creativity and generation of new forms and contents in the information Internet matrix. The author of the article concludes that in the dialectic process of interiorization of social experience being replaced by exteriorization of individual experience in social networks, our free will allows us to choose between a creative act of personality socialization/initiation and the loss of human identity through on-line communication.
Keywords: social networks, exteriorization of the individual, interiorization of the social, communication, social institution, social media, social relations, society, re-post, creative work.
Efremenkova M.N., Gritsenko V.V. - Analyzing the Mass Media Discourse on Fellow Citizens Migrating into Russia


Abstract: The subject of the research is the psychological content of the discourse on migration of fellow citizens into Russia performed through mass media. The authors of the article also anlayze the responses of readers to related articles and researches. They analyze the Internet discussions provoked by articles about fellow citizens going back to Russia. The authors also examine how the main themes of such articles change as the migration policy and Russian environment develop. In their research the authors attempt to trace back the problems and strategies of adaptation of Russian migrans as these are described in mass media. The authors perform the content analysis of mass media publications to study forms of transmitting information about migrants as well as peculiarities of the image of a migrating fellow citizen created by mass media. Practical imortance and novelty of the research are caused by the fact that the authors study the influence of the mass media discourse on building the image of a migrating fellow citizen in public conscience. According to the authors, the majority of the articles being reviewed build a positive image of a refugee and contain a lot of practical information for displaced residents. The discourse presented by mass media encourages readers to help and sympathize fellow citizens who happen to be refugees. The content analysis of publications has also allowed to evaluate the discourse about migrants from Ukraine as stabilising and constructive. The authors make an assumption that the loyal attitude of Russian mass media towards mass migration of refugees is caused by the radical nationalist situation in Ukraine. 
Efremenkova M.N., Gritsenko V.V. - Analyzing the Mass Media Discourse on Fellow Citizens Migrating into Russia pp. 1105-1115


Abstract: The subject of the research is the psychological content of the discourse on migration of fellow citizens into Russia performed through mass media. The authors of the article also anlayze the responses of readers to related articles and researches. They analyze the Internet discussions provoked by articles about fellow citizens going back to Russia. The authors also examine how the main themes of such articles change as the migration policy and Russian environment develop. In their research the authors attempt to trace back the problems and strategies of adaptation of Russian migrans as these are described in mass media. The authors perform the content analysis of mass media publications to study forms of transmitting information about migrants as well as peculiarities of the image of a migrating fellow citizen created by mass media. Practical imortance and novelty of the research are caused by the fact that the authors study the influence of the mass media discourse on building the image of a migrating fellow citizen in public conscience. According to the authors, the majority of the articles being reviewed build a positive image of a refugee and contain a lot of practical information for displaced residents. The discourse presented by mass media encourages readers to help and sympathize fellow citizens who happen to be refugees. The content analysis of publications has also allowed to evaluate the discourse about migrants from Ukraine as stabilising and constructive. The authors make an assumption that the loyal attitude of Russian mass media towards mass migration of refugees is caused by the radical nationalist situation in Ukraine. 
Keywords: image of Russia, content analysis, fellow citizens, Intert forum, social representations, mass media, discourse on migration, image of migrant, image of fellow citizen, adaptation of migrants
Persiyantseva S.V., Akimova M.K., Ivanova I.I. -


Persiyantseva, S. V., Akimova, M. K., Ivanova, I. I. - Civil Practices as a Display of Civil Identity of Modern Youth pp. 1142-1152


Abstract: The article is devoted to the relation between the level of civil identity and psychological component of social capital. Social capital is a term used to describe social intercourse and institutionalized relations based on mutual recognition. The basis of social capital is the basic positive characteristics of interaction between people and different social groups including trust, honesty, cohesion and solidarity. Distrust and dishonesty as well as the absence of a natural feeling of solidarity in human relations hinder cooperation and destroy he entire system of human and social relations. Psychological characteristics of social capital play an important role in the development of civil identity that is realized through special civil practices based on free choice, personal responsibility and their inclusion in the structure of social relations in a civil society. The hypothesis of the present research is that there is a linear relation between psychological components of social capital and the level of civil identity. According to the authors, this relation demonstrates that adoption of civil society attitudes creates grounds for the individual intensity of social capital. To diagnose characteristics of the civil identity, the authors have used the projective technique ‘Civil Identity’ offered by M. Akimova and E. Gorbachev. The stimulus material included 27 pictures of everyday situations. Interpretation of these situations allowed to say whether a person accepts or rejects values of civil society. To evaluate social capital, the authors have used the three questionnaires for trust-based relations, legitimization of dishonesty and solidarity. Social capital can be viewed as a consequence of civil identity of individuals while identity should be used as a factor of consolidation of social ties and regulation of individual’s behavior and social standards, attitudes and values adopted by the individual. This is explained by the fact that one’s identification with a social group does not only mean to be a member of the group, but also to accept the main attitudes and values of the social group as well as to understand whether these attitudes and values are acceptable for that individual. The comparative analysis of the two group of students (aged 19 – 22), from Moscow (n-27) and Orekhovo-Zuevo (n=50) has revealed that students from a Moscow University have higher results according to all methods compared to the students from Orekhovo-Zuevo. At the same time, while high results in civil identity, trust-based relations and solidarity tests create a positive image of Moscow students, high points received in the legitimization of dishonesty test mean that Moscow students more often allow themselves to be dishonest in their relations with the others (i.e. ‘legitimize’ dishonesty). However, the authors of the present article do not focus on the analysis and interpretation of these data because the main purpose of the present article is to prove the relation between the level of civil identity and psychological aspects of social capital. To statistically process the obtained data, the authors have used the Spearmen’s correlation analysis. The research has determined a statistically significant positive relation between the level of civil identity and trust and solidarity in both groups of students and a statistically significant negative relation between the level of civil identity and legitimization of dishonesty in case of Moscow students. This means that the more students identity themselves as members of the civil society, the more they trust one another, they more solidarity they have and the less acceptable they find dishonesty towards other members of the civil society.
Keywords: civil identity, civil practices, civil society, civil rights, social capital, components of social capital, trust-based relations, legitimization, solidarity, cohesion.
Parkhomenko R.N. -


Parkhomenko, R. N. - Jurgen Habermas about Modern Democracy pp. 1161-1168


Abstract: Jurgen Habermas’ theory of deliberative democracy has been the matter of philosophical discussions in the West for a long time. The author of the present article compares Habermas’ theory to the liberal and republican forms of government. According to Habermas, political public sphere of a developed democratic state should realize principles of separation of a ruling government from economic society, freedom of speech and information exchange. All the three elements including equal rights to liberty, democratic participation and take part in government by using public opinion are “merged” into one project. However, they may have a different role and different order depending on political traditions. Liberal tradition, for example, demonstrates preference towards freedoms of citizens while republican and deliberative traditions emphasize participation of active citizens in democratic will expression or formation of more rational public opinions. The author of the article describes certain weak points in the theory of democracy developed by Habermas in his later works. In particular, the author criticizes his famous theory on communicative rationality.
Keywords: Habermas, democracy, liberalism, republicanism, society, human, law, power, behavior, freedom.
Napso M.D. - Consumer Society and Theatricalization of Modern Life


Abstract: The object of the present research is the phenomenon of consumerism, while the subejct of the research is the 'facade' and the 'backstage' of the consumer society. In his research Napso examines a number of features of the post-Soviet world such as theatricality which suited ideological and worldview postulates of the excessive consumption 'culture'. The researcher analyzes peculiarities of the 'performance society', its 'facade' and 'backstage', simulacrums and the phenomenon of hyperreality as well as traces back the connection between consumption and commodification process. The author analyzes the ambivalent nature of values and preferences of post-modern society, the process of substituting the reality with illusions and symbols and the phenomenon of astroturfing. The methodological basis of the article includes ontological and gnoseological principles of dialects, which allows to view the issues under consideration from the point of view of their unity and interdependence. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the researcher offers a thesis about the 'theatrical' nature of the consumer society. The results of the research allow to make the following conclusions: 1) the theatricalization phenomenon typical for the post-industrial world needs to be studied further; 2) emphasis should be made on studying the influence of the commodification process on the individual and collective consciousness. 
Napso M.D. - Consumer Society and Theatricalization of Modern Life pp. 1214-1219


Abstract: The object of the present research is the phenomenon of consumerism, while the subejct of the research is the 'facade' and the 'backstage' of the consumer society. In his research Napso examines a number of features of the post-Soviet world such as theatricality which suited ideological and worldview postulates of the excessive consumption 'culture'. The researcher analyzes peculiarities of the 'performance society', its 'facade' and 'backstage', simulacrums and the phenomenon of hyperreality as well as traces back the connection between consumption and commodification process. The author analyzes the ambivalent nature of values and preferences of post-modern society, the process of substituting the reality with illusions and symbols and the phenomenon of astroturfing. The methodological basis of the article includes ontological and gnoseological principles of dialects, which allows to view the issues under consideration from the point of view of their unity and interdependence. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the researcher offers a thesis about the 'theatrical' nature of the consumer society. The results of the research allow to make the following conclusions: 1) the theatricalization phenomenon typical for the post-industrial world needs to be studied further; 2) emphasis should be made on studying the influence of the commodification process on the individual and collective consciousness. 
Keywords: illusion, postmodernism, consumerism, performance society, theatricality, creativity, hyperreality, simulacrum, astroturfing, symbol
Parkhomenko R.N. -


Parkhomenko, R. N. - The Conservative Revolution and the Development of the Idea of Freedom in Germany pp. 1274-1281


Abstract: In this article the author examines the phenomenon of a philosophical movement ‘conservative revolution’ which started in Germany during the first third of the last century and made a great influence on the political and intellectual development of Germany. Parkhomenko proves that conservative revolution reflected peculiarities of German mentality which, on the one hand, estranged it from classical Western ideology of liberalism and individualism and, on the other hand, brought it closer to the Russian tradition of sobornost (national unity) and collectivism. The research methodology has involved the study of original texts in German as well as scientific literature that has been published in our country lately. Parkhomenko describes the main peculiarities of the philosophical and political movement of conservative revolution in Germany. Those peculiarities influenced the unique adoption of Western liberal ideas of Anglo-Saxons in Germany and led to the development of their own concept of freedom. In addition, the author of the article reveals specific features of German mentality and compares German mentality to Russian mentality.
Keywords: conservative revolution, Germany, Russia, freedom, collectivism, mentality, liberalism, nationalism, individualism, politics.
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