Psychology and Psychotechnics - rubric To understand the human being
Psychology and Psychotechnics
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MAIN PAGE > Journal "Psychology and Psychotechnics" > Rubric "To understand the human being"
To understand the human being
Khodakovskii A.V. -
Kozlova A.V. -
Beskova D.A. -
Knyazeva H.N. -
Knyazeva Y.A. -
Bueva L.P. -
Omel'chuk R.K. -
Shibaeva K.S. -
Boronenkova Y.S. -
Svetoch V.E. -
Maydanov A.S. -
Polishchuk V.I. -
Shazhinbatyn A. -
Perkhulov A.S. -
Sultanova M.A. -
Sukiasyan S.G. -
Sukiasyan S.G. -
Paleeva N.N. -
Sukiasyan S.G., Shakhnazaryan A.S. -


Rudneva E.G. -
Manevsky, S.E., Zauer, G. - Thoughts on the archetypical image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales and its psychological merits. pp. 0-0
Abstract: Being the archetypical image, Baba-Yaga often appears in various forms in the Russian tale. Due to their psychological impressiveness, Russian tales are still quite attractive and useful for describing the psychic dynamics. With that, it raises a few important questions to ask – under which circumstances the image appears, what dynamics it is related to and what meaning it has.
O. N. Pavlova - “Men’s” in Theory and Practice of Psychoanalysis... pp. 0-0
Abstract: Based on our personal experience of psychotherapy, nowadays many men come to a psychologist with all kinds of problems (symptoms of obsessive neurosis, alcohol addiction, difficulties in learning new things, challenges in career and life). However, in a short while we always encounter the same existential problem evolving around male sexual identity.
Oleynik, Y. N - Personality and Education pp. 0-0
Abstract: the author uncovers the phenomena of individuality in the history of education and philosophy. The article also analysis psychological components of personality and proves the idea of integrity of personality. The author suggests that personality is a constant process of inner development.
Sukiasyan, S. G. - Studying gender problems in Armenia pp. 0-0
Abstract: the ideas discussed in the article are based on analyzing the clinical cases in the frame of history, psychology and art. Harmonious development of any person disregarding his sex is based on adequate relations with the society and normal biological and micro social inheritance. Everyone has both biological nature (instincts, drives, temperament and etc.) and social nature (up-bringing, world-view, values and etc.). These two natures interacting form various systems of social relations and systems of values.
Keywords: psychology, gender, biosocial, matriarchate, needs, family pattern, fatherhood, hetaerism, woman
Slobodchikov, I. M. - Personal loneliness: nature, structure, content and mechanism of development pp. 0-0
Abstract: Abstract: the article is devoted to analyzing the feeling of loneliness as one of the mechanisms of personal development. The analysis is based on the fact of that such specific intrapersonal experience is essential since it contributes to the personal maturity. The author described the main theories, hypotheses and conceptions of loneliness both by foreign and Russian scientists. The article consists of six parts each of which enlightens this or that aspect of the author’s conception of experiencing loneliness.
Keywords: psychology, personality, loneliness, experience, emotion, development, motivation, personal maturity, emotional tension, pre reflexive experience
Knysheva, T. A. - Phenomenology of the anal character pp. 0-0
Abstract: the author shared her experience of working with the representatives of the anal nature. Basing on her memories, bioenergy practices and drama therapy, the author successively built the phenomenology of that character and marked the targets of therapy.
Keywords: psychology, psychoanalysis, personality, anal personality, Oedipus complex, bioenergy, depression, health, repression, somatics
Berezina, T. N. - Reserve potentials of the human pp. 0-0
Abstract: Abstract: the article is devoted to the place of extrasensory faculties in human evolution. The author is analyzing works about parapsychological phenomena which has been published over the past two centuries. It is shown that there has been no dynamics in those publications, their authors mostly carry out similar experiments and suggest similar hypotheses. The author of the article has marked the paradoxical nature of parapsychological phenomena, - nobody can prove they do exist but nobody can prove that they don’t, either. The article contains examples of similar phenomena encountered by the other species such as the primary organisms, worms, Cephalopods, birds and monkeys. The author suggests that any new formation or phenomenon occurs twice during evolution: first time as an instable “accident” and only then, in following species, as a stable faculty. It is quite possible that extrasensory faculties are nothing else but aromorphosis of the species coming up to take the place of the modern humankind.
Keywords: psychology, potentials, extrasensorics, evolution, parapsychology, future, aromorphoses, animal psychology, psy-phenomena
Golenok, G. V. - Rise of the psychoanalytical anthropology. Part 1. pp. 0-0
Abstract: Resume: today’s philosophical anthropology has different forms. For instance, researchers mention about political, social, cultural and educational anthropologies. Without any doubts, so-called psychoanalytical anthropology has a certain place among those forms of human studies. Different forms of psychoanalysis interpret the image of human in this or that way. Psychoanalytical anthropology expanded philosophical knowledge about human in many ways .
Keywords: philosophy, psychology, psychoanalysis, human, human nature, educational model of human, personality, rationalism, unconsciousness, instinct
Golenok, G. V. - Rise of the psychoanalytical anthropology. Part 2 (Final Part) pp. 0-0
Abstract: Abstract: Today’s philosophical anthropology has different forms. For instance, researchers mention about political, social, cultural and educational anthropologies. Without any doubts, so-called psychoanalytical anthropology has a certain place among those forms of human studies. Different forms of psychoanalysis interpret the image of human in this or that way. Psychoanalytical anthropology expanded philosophical knowledge about human in many ways. The articles below are about origins and rise of the psychoanalytical anthropology.
Keywords: philosophy, psychology, psychoanalysis, human, human nature, educational model of human, personality, rationalism, unconsciousness, instinct
Zvereva, M. M. - Ambivalence of human feelings pp. 0-0
Abstract: The topic of ambivalence (duality of human feelings) is very important because it concerns the human nature. It is impossible to imagine human WITHOUT the phenomenon of ambivalence. Human cannot exist without it just as he can’t exist without blood. Ambivalence is one of the features which make us human. According to the author, ambivalence of human feelings is some kind of a mystery which needs to be discovered.
Keywords: psychology, philosophical anthropology, human, psyche, love, hatred, taboo, patricide, mind, schizophrenia
Spirova, E. M. - ‘Detraction’ of a Human in the History of His Understanding pp. 0-0
Abstract: Review: According to N. A. Bervyaev, starting from the 19th century the European minds have been “detracting” a human. When saying so, Berdyaev referred to the decline of the Enlightenment conception of an ‘ideal human’ and meant that psychologists and philosophers of those times more focused on negative, pathological features of human nature. Art is an especially bright example of such a tendency. Key words: psychology, human nature, individual, personality, art, the split-up nature of human existence, pathographics, unconsciousness, insanity
Rozenova, M. I. - Personnel Affairs: Psychological Problems of Development and Maintenance of Professionals pp. 0-0
Abstract: The article considers the issues of formation of a professional in the context of crises of professional development and the syndrome of professional burning out and personal deformation. The author raised a question about necessity to create a complex system of professional rehabilitation in various spheres of professional activity. As exemplified by the case study of work of public prosecution officers, it is necessary to establish such a system of professional rehabilitation before it is too late. Key words: psychology, professional development, crises, professional ‘burning out’, professional deformation, personality, professional rehabilitation, system, recovery, professionals
Berezina, T. N. - Sociality and Sexuality pp. 0-0
Abstract: Science fiction is viewed as mental experiments on modeling various ways of human and social development in the future. The author of the article described interesting patterns typical for many science fiction writers. Many authors, for instance, stress out the decline of sexuality of a future ‘superman’. However, it usually leads to elimination of every sociality. In such stories, the main hero isolates himself in his own Mongolia. Other authors perceive sociality as the primary instinct. In their novels decline of sexuality leads to substitution of sexual instinct by other sources of strong positive emotions such as ingestive behavior. Very few authors speak of the decrease of sexuality leading to development of sociality through actualization of self-development instincts (learning instinct, playing instinct, instinct for self-development and freedom).
Keywords: psychology, instincts, sociality, sexuality, future, science fiction, non-fiction, superman, man from the future, modeling
Rozin V.M., Karnozova L.M. - Restoration of subjectivity: the role of reflection in personality development and humanization of social institutions pp. 1-16


Abstract: This article consists of two parts. The firs parts analyzes the general mechanism of reflection within the framework of the theoretical discourse; while the second part the introduced concepts and schemes of reflection are illustrated on the case of “restorative justice”. The analysis of two other cases (“Confession” by St. Augustine, as well as “Confessions” and “Resurrection” by L. Tolstoy) allows characterizing the two phases of psyche – preceding and accompanying reflection. The first phase represents a “crystallization of distortion subjectivity”, and at times its dissolution. The second phase (situation) launches the personality process, which can be described using the terminology of L. S. Vygotstky as “interiorization" of intersubjective; this is the conscious work that gives a new perspective on the situation and its resolution. Analysis is conducted on the two procedures of reflection itself ‒ reflexive way out to the space of “placelesness” (M. Bakhtin) with the shift of integrity and thingness, and reflexive return (G. Shchedrovitsky). Study of the case of restorative justice demonstrates the organizational-technical attitude towards reflection, communication and ensuring mutual understanding between people separated by crime, as a new moment in comparison with the “individual reflection” as internally determined personality process. The inclusion of reflection into social practices and humanities substantiates the possibility of complementing the concept of subjectivity and its “restoration” with the concept of agency as the proclivity for new actions, acquisition of the “authorial position” in relation to one's personal life and interaction with others.
Keywords: crisis, situation, consciousness, culture, context, reflection, subjectivity, problem, resolution, psyche
Bueva, L. P. - Identity in the System of Psychological Knowledge pp. 6-14
Abstract: The article views one of the most important defense mechanisms which regulate the mental life of a person. The author demonstrates a great interest towards this phenomenon argues with a few Russian researchers and describes the genesis of this concept. Special attention is paid at Erik Erikson’s works.
Keywords: psychology, identity, identification, prototype, personality, conformation, human, inter-personal, identification, personification.
Chernov, D. N. - Peculiarities of Parent-and-Child Relationships in Families with Junior Preschoolers pp. 6-14
Abstract: Parent-and-child relationships are studied for the point of view of the activity approach. The author of the article suggests a certain set of methods allowing to study peculiarities of formation of the parent-and-child fellowship based on the type of a collective subject. While studying 60 mother-and-junior scholar duads the author has found out that a presubjective level of development of a collective parent-and-child subject combined with the tendency towards reflexion of a parent over their relations. Based on the implemented activity approach the author suggests new guides for psychological and pedagogical counseling of parents and children.
Keywords: psychology, collective subject, parent-and-child relationship, junior preschooler, activity approach, family, socio-cultural situation of development, subject, parenting style, Mother-and-Child duad.
Polischuk, V. I. - The Three Answers to the Question about Human pp. 7-11
Abstract: The author of the article shares his own views on how the problem of human has been solved in history. This problem is formed as a question about what makes us human. The author gives the following three answers to this question: we become human when we rise over our earthly affections or try to get to know the world around or ourselves. Obviously, modern (technological) civilization is an example of the second answer to the question about human. It is fatal both for nature and human himself. Many philosophers pointed out that the third answer was actually efficient — the option when the culture is saved.
Keywords: psychology, human, culture, mind, formation, spirit, truth, transcendental, immanent, choice.
Shazhinbatyn, A. - Ethnicity as a Part of Human Nature pp. 7-15
Abstract: The problem of ethnicity and ethno-cultural identity has been attracting attention of researchers in all kinds of social sciences. The phenomenon of national identity is usually studied from the point of view of cultural studies. Researchers have described various kinds of ethnos and distinguished features of each culture. From the very beginning cultural anthropology has been created to study differences between these cultures. The author of the article describes a completely different approach to studying ethnicity as a part of human nature.
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, culture, ethnos, ethnicity, cultural studies, tradition, order, race, de-culturization.
Sukiasyan, S. G. - About Relationship between Psyche and Soma: Material or Ideal? (Attempt of Psychopathological Analysis) pp. 7-18
Abstract: This article is an attempt to analyze a famous materialistic definition of the material, find out contradictions in well-known concepts and describe the author’s view of the relationship between the material and ideal. The author of the article tries to abstract away from well-known doctrines, concepts and definitions and look at the general philosophical issue through the method which is based primarily on psychopathological concepts. The author also describes what is different and what is common for soul and body.
Keywords: psychiatry psychic, material, somatic, ideal, definition of psyche, psyho-somatic relationship, definition of the material, illness and health, description of the psychic and somatic.
Zelensky, V. V. - The Idea of the “Mass Human’ in Carl Gustav Jung’s works pp. 8-14
Abstract: The article mainly represents Jung’s views on the ‘mass human’ and mass society, social and psychological problems risen by the modern culture and ways to solve the mentioned above problems.
Keywords: psychology, human, totalitarian, individuation, mass society, psychoanalysis, compensation, spiritual, unconscious
Zhuravleva, A. Yu., Adashinskaya, G. A. - Classifi cation in Gender Psychology. pp. 8-11
Abstract: One of aims of gender psychology is to study differences in psychology of men and women. In our country gender psychology is only making its fi rst steps although corresponding researches were started at the very moment when feministic movements began in Russia. These movements were based on the idea of equality of sexes in various areas of everyday activity.
Keywords: psychology, sex, gender differences, approaches, conceptions, views, distinctive characteristics, personal traits, formation, behavior
Adler, A. - Knowledge of People. Chapter 5 (translated by E. G. Balagushkina). pp. 8-18
Abstract: This is the continuation of translation of Alfred Adler’s work ‘Knowledge of People’. There Adler talks about a special discipline in science, - knowledge of people as he calls it, - and also about human soul, social peculiarities of a spiritual life and inferiority complex, the latter being the natural result of human socialization, as Adler sees it.
Keywords: psychology, knowledge of people, Adler, human, society, child, inferiority complex.
Benia, M. I. - Rise of the Machines or Human and a Scoop pp. 8-22
Abstract: The article is devoted to the topical issues of Internet addiction. The author of the article describes the reasons of such addiction and analyzes the list of diseases such Internet addiction results in. The article also contains particular examples of how many people try to escape from their loneliness by discovering the cyber space but fall into a trap of even worse loneliness instead. The author also touches upon the question of personal freedom and understanding himself from the point of view of ‘possession and existence’.
Keywords: psychology, Internet addiction, addiction, cyber space, civilization, emotional affection, loneliness, freedom, computer, depression.
Kucheryavenko, O. I. - Transformation of Life as an Anthropological Problem pp. 10-20
Abstract: The article contains an analysis of modern sources related to the problem of life construction. The author notes how valuable and fragile this phenomenon is. According to the author, nowadays human body is not something which is given us once and forever. It is often recreated which creates numerous social and anthropological problems.
Keywords: psychology, body, microorganisms, mechanical systems, biology, industry, eugenics, cyborgs, superman
Efimova V.L., Nikolaeva E.I., Frolovskaia O.V. - Peculiarities of Perception of Sounds by Children with Speech Disorders and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder pp. 12-25



Abstract: In this study, an attempt was made to find prognostic parameters that allow finding diagnostic differences between the two most common speech disorders (SD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The aim of the study was to compare the characteristics of the conduction of an audio signal at the level of the cerebral trunk (results of ABR) and the loss in the frequencies of the spoken range of 500-1000-2000-4000 Hz (multi ASSR) of the children with ASD and children with SD. The study involved 495 children aged 2 to 11 years. The experimental group included children with ASD in the amount of 245 people, as well as children with speech disorders 250 people. All children were examined at the Prognoz clinic and, according to the conclusion of the audiologists, had no hearing impairment. The data obtained revealed similarities and differences in the functioning of the auditory pathways in children with ASD and SD. The question of whether this information can be used for differential diagnosis needs further study. It is important that the structures of the brainstem, which determine the quality of the conduction of bioelectrical impulses along the auditory pathways, are formed even before the birth of a child. Thus, already in the first weeks of life, it is possible to identify children at risk, who subsequently have a high probability of developing ASD or SD.
Keywords: diagnostics, development, language disorder, hearing, speech disorder, auditory perception, evoked potentials, children, communication, Autism
Spirova, E. M. - Symbol and image as psychological realities. pp. 15-21
Abstract: This article is an attempt to reveal the general features and principal differences between an image and a symbol. Karen Swassjan’s views on the difference between an image and a symbol are still very valuable. However, the author believes there is an opportunity to put a more concrete demarcation between these two concepts. It becomes especially obvious if we look upon these concepts from the point of view of not only culture and esthetics but also psychology.
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, image, symbol, reality, schematism, concept, metaphora, culture, myth
Knyazeva, J. A. - Bodily Masks of Mental Diseases. pp. 15-24
Abstract: Hysteria, neurosis, depression and schizophrenia are the most widespread mental disorders. But very few people actually know that these disorders may manifest themselves as body illnesses. Mind and body should never be considered separately. They are equal components of the integral organism. In some cases, mental diseases can mimic somatic ones. This fact can often confuse a physician who must diagnose them correctly. In this article, possible variants of bodily disorders in mental diseases are under review.
Keywords: psychology, psychiatry, hysteria, schizophrenia, depression, neurosis, corporeity, consciousness, pain, personality
Omelchuk, R. K. - Ontology of Faith in the Light of A. F. Losev’s Philosophic Heritage pp. 15-25
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of faith which is interpreted from the point of view of philosophical heritage by the last philosopher of the Silver Age, Aleksey Fedorovich Losev (1893-1988). The author of the article describes the leading motives of faith hidden from the Soviet Russia, in a difficult scientific system of terms and categories of Losev’s works in philosophy. It is well shown that A. F. Losev’s system of philosophy still plays a significant role both in philosophy of religion and social studies.
Keywords: psychology, A. F. Losev, authoritarianism, antique times, philosophy, personality, society, faith, myth, name.
Knyazeva, E. N. - Enactive Mind: New Constructivist’s Paradigm in Cognitive Science. pp. 16-26
Abstract: The article considers the new paradigm of enactivism in cognitive science. Cognitive psychology is an important element of this paradigm. Mind is viewed as an active and interactive and cognitive activity of the mind is performed through invasion into the reality, e.g. its enactivation. It is shown that enactivism is based on the theory of autopoiesis developed by Humberto Maturana and Francisco Valera at the end of 1960th. The author also describes the parallels with the ideas of constructivism and radical constructivism in epistemology.
Keywords: psychology, enactivity, constructivism, mind, autopoiesis, experience, perception, action, life, cognition
Svetoch, V. E. - Influence of Time Management on Stress-Overcoming Human Behavior pp. 16-22
Abstract: The article proves the need in studying the problem of stress-overcoming, coping behavior, its mechanisms and resources including time management. It is noted that there are certain favorable theoretical grounds in science which allows to outline the perspectives of further studies of this problem. In his article the author describes the most important issues which are to be worked on in the near future.
Keywords: psychology, stress-overcoming, behavior, coping, resources, self-organization, time, life, life activity, selfefficiency.
Paramonova, A. A. - Sigmund Freud’s Contribution to the Development of Child Psychoanalysis pp. 16-26
Abstract: The article contains the analysis of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical ideas influencing the formation of the last century experts’ interest towards children and development of child’s psyche which formed the basis for the modern child psychoanalysis. The historical and psychological research is based on Sigmund Freud’s works in psychoanalysis.
Keywords: psychology, history of psychology, Sigmund Freud, history of child psychoanalysis, child’s psyche structure, psychoanalysis of a child’s play, child defence mechanism, unconsciousness, child development, psychoanalysis of child’s creative works.
Adler, A. - Knowledge of People. Chapter 7-8 (translated by E. G. Balagushkina) pp. 17-34
Abstract: This is the continuation of translation of Alfred Adler’s work ‘Knowledge of People’. There Adler talks about a special discipline in science, - knowledge of people as he calls it, - and also about human soul, social peculiarities of a spiritual life and inferiority complex, the latter being the natural result of human socialization, as Adler sees it.
Keywords: psychology, knowledge of people, Adler, human, society, child, inferiority complex.
Kirsanov, A. Yu. - Anthropological Phenomenon of Disability as a Cause of Anxiety in Rollo May’s Research pp. 17-23
Abstract: Rollo May is one of the founders of existential humanistic psychology. His works describe a number of anthropological ideas related to human ability (power) or disability (powerlessness), anxiety and defense from these states called pseudo incense. Rollo May also describes these phenomena in the situations of choice and experience of the Other. Personality formation, development of the Self and ability to realize one’s opportunities are the main topics of this article.
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, human, personality, intentionality, identity, inner center, freedom, anxiety, disability, power, entirety, the Other, choice.
Zvereva, M. M. - Phenomenology of a Myth from the Point of View of Psychology pp. 20-28
Abstract: Ancient myth is completely different from a modern myth. But in order to understand the essence of a modern myth it is necessary to clarify what myth is in general, what is used to be at the very beginning and what role it played for an ancient human
Keywords: psychology, myth, ancestry, culture, society, mythological way of thinking, meaning
Shibaeva, K. S. - Interaction between Marital Relations and Man’s Coping Behavior in a Sterile Couple pp. 21-27
Abstract: Sterility and its cure lead to disturbance of family relations, sexual disharmony, negative emotions and social isolation of a man and a woman. The purpose of this study is to define peculiarities of family relations of men who have a sterile marriage as well as to describe their influence on choosing the coping strategy in a situation of sterility and is cure. The article represents the results of the study of marital satisfaction of men in a sterile marriage and describes peculiarities of family functioning and coping behavior of men as well as interactions between them.
Keywords: psychology, sterility, marriage, mans, coping strategies, family, stress, cohesion, adaptation, behavior.
Pronin, M. A. - Feminine Sexuality: Philosophical Anthropology Analysis pp. 22-29
Abstract: As a paradigmatic approach, virtualistics allows to take a new look at the ontology of the inner world of a human. Human virtue and its feminine manifestation, - grace, - female orgasm and its failure are all viewed as virtual reality.
Keywords: psychology, virtue, grace, virtual reality, orgasm, anomia, virtualistics, aretea.
Artem'eva O.A., Shchelokova M.V. - Historiography of Soviet Zoopsychology: Heroes, Achievements and Development Stages as They are Described by Study Books Authors pp. 23-35


Abstract: The authors of the present article bring forth the problem of the image of Russian zoopsychology and prestige of this sphere for modern psychologies. They pay special attention to the underestimated contribution of zoopsychology researchers to both general psychology and development of Russian psychological tradition. Being a bright experimental branch of Soviet science, zoopsychology is not so popular nowadays. For the first time in the academic literature the authors of this article attempts to conduct a historiographical analysis of Russian researchers' views on the development of zoopsychology and comparative psychology. The object of the research is the historiography of Soviet psychology. The analysis involves Russian study books as systematised guidances providing knowledge about development, achievements and prospects of zoopsychology for psychological students. For example, study books written by K. Fabri, M. Sotskaya, G. Fillipova and pbulished in 1976 - 2007, the main heroes, achievements and development stages of zoopsychology are described. Special attention is paid to the history of Russian zoopsychology and the Soviet stage of zoopsychology development. The main particularity of historiography of Russian psychology is that it viewed zoopsychology was often associated with other branches of science, first of all, physiology. As the central path of historical development, zoopsychology was developed from the point of view of the evolutionary development of psyche. The authors of those study books also paid attention to the history and development of the methodological grounds and conceptual framework of Russian zoopsychology, in particular, when developing problems of general psychology. The image of Russian psychology is presented in terms of the intellectual history of the science first of all. In this regard, the authors prove the need to analyze and describe social and scientific social nature of why Russian zoopsychology has such a place in modern Russian science and education including that as a result of research policy. The research was funded by the Russian Federation President's Grant  ÌÄ-1443.2017.6 and partially by the Grand of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 17-36-01096. 
Keywords: historical-psychological reconstruction, fundamental psychology, internationalism, isolationism, comparative psychology, zoopsychology, Russian psychology, Soviet psychology, history of psychology, historiography
Maydanov, A. S. - Blind People in an Information Society pp. 26-39
Abstract: The author analyzes peculiarities of communication processes in various types and situations of intellectual activity of blind people. Most attention is paid at specific features of communication between blind people and people who can see, on transfer of information in the process of teaching, formation cognitive sphere of blind people and indirect interaction between communication and sources of information. The author thoroughly describes the questions of involving blind people in he world of art and characterizes a special role of ethics in communication between bind people and those who can see.
Keywords: psychology, communication, personality, intellect, information, perception, codes, cogitation, adaptation, compensation.
Artemieva, O. A. - Social Biography of the Soviet Psychotechnics pp. 28-35
Abstract: Based on the analysis of historical and scientific materials the author reconstructs the social ‘biography’ of the Soviet psychotechnics. The author describes fortunes of its founders, stages and conditions of formation and liquidation of this research and practice disccipline in the Soviet Russia. The article also describes the peculiar dynamics of methodological views of the Soviet experts in psychotechnics and proves the dependence of applied science on social conditions such as: economy, ideology and politics. Special attention is paid at the results of state control over the development of the fundamental and applied sciences; at the end of the article the author makes a conclusion about prevailing negative consequences caused by the limiting science policy dung the totalitarian regime.
Keywords: psychology, history, psychotechnics, science, biography, politics, ideology, I. N. Shpilrein, S. G. Gellershtee in, Soviet.
Adler, A. - Knowledge of people. Chapter 5 (translated by E. G. Balagushkina). pp. 29-37
Abstract: This is the continuation of translation of Alfred Adler’s work ‘Knowledge of People’. There Adler talks about a special discipline in science, - knowledge of people as he calls it, - and also about human soul, social peculiarities of a spiritual life and inferiority complex, the latter being the natural result of human socialization, as Adler sees it.
Keywords: psychology, knowledge of people, Adler, human, society, child, inferiority complex
Lysenko, V. G. - ‘Body’ in Early Buddhism of the Psychophysical Problem pp. 29-39
Abstract: The main goal of the article is to show that there were no grounds for the psychophysical problem in the context of early Buddhism views on human (‘Buddha’s’ teachings). The article contains the review of various Buddhistic approaches to the body, describes the ‘constructive’ image of the body in psychophysical teachings and theoretical discourse and considers Buddha’s arguments against other teachings about the relation between the soul and the body as well as the basic conceptions of the Buddhistic analysis of psychosomatic phenomena such as dharma, skandhas, paticca-samuppada.
Keywords: psychology, psychophysical problem, body, Buddhism, soul, consciousness, emergence, embodiment, nama-rupa, skandhas.
Perkhulov, A. S. - Concept of Archetype in Philosophical Anthropology pp. 29-36
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to study the concept of archetype from the point of view of philosophical anthropology. In order to achieve this goal, the author of the article studied works written by the most famous psychologists discussing this topic. The main source is Carl Gustav Jung’s publications. The author describes Jung’s views on philosophical understanding of human which is directly associated with his archetypes. Jung’s conception is viewed as a living process and a guidance but not just theory. The author also shares his own idea of such Jung’s terms as ‘Self’ and ‘Individuation’. Another part of the article is devoted to archetypes and symbols in dreams. This particular sphere of human life was thoroughly studied by Jung and his colleagues so we can actually talk about facts but not just theoretical concepts here. The article also contains description of the main archetypes of human psyche, their position and the structure of the psyche itself.
Keywords: psychology, archetype, collective unconscious, Self, individuation, Jung, psychoanalysis, personal growth, Persona, Ego.
Griber Y.A., Elkind G.V. - The Influence of Color on the Perception of Taste of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders pp. 32-43



Abstract: The object of the study is people with autism spectrum disorders, the subject is the expectations of taste when they perceive a certain color. The aim is to experimentally test the hypothesis that due to the specifics of sensory processing and the lack of multisensory integration, their crossmodal taste–color correspondences differ from the associations of neurotypical people not only in the structure and occurrence of individual associations, but also in the richness, cognitive significance and semantics of choice. The experiment involved 20 respondents with autism spectrum disorders (7 men and 13 women) aged 18 to 20 years. Their responses were compared with the results of a control group (N=20) with the same socio-demographic characteristics. Experimental stimuli in the form of a bar package had five different colors (green, yellow, red, pink and blue) and were shown to participants on a computer screen. The experiment showed that when perceiving the color of the product packaging, people with autism spectrum disorders have significantly different expectations of taste compared to neurotypical participants. In the most cases their associations of color with taste are not conventional and logical (this type of associations dominate in the control group), but creative – expressive and hidden. The associations revealed in the experimental group often have an emotional nature, are less dependent on the context and have a more free character. The results obtained can be used in clinical practice, in the education system and in the activities of social institutions.
Keywords: associative experiment, color perception, cross modal correspondences, color associations, taste, color, autism, color cognition, cognitive salience, color identity
Kiyashchenko N.I. -


Kiyaschenko, N. I. - The Phenomenon of Non-Humanity in a Human Being pp. 33-40


Abstract: The subject of research is to analyze non-humanity in a human being. The aforesaid problem has many aspects. Firstly, it is related to religious topics. Religious literature views human as a sinful creature falling into the first sin. Secondly, the topic of ‘non-humanity’ is associated with morals and interpreted as the human susceptibility to evil. Thirdly, the concept of non-humanity in human is the result of gradual disappointment in human as a god’s creature as it was depicted in the medieval literature. This has led to another phenomenon which Nikolay Berdyaev called ‘the impairment of human’. Psychoanalysis started a new stage in the development of this concept. Psychoanalysts introduced the phenomenology of the unconsciousness and the nature of the instincts leading to aggression and destruction. Fromm wrote a special book called ‘The anatomy of human destructiveness’. Finally, non-humanity becomes the subject of modern trans-humanistic philosophy. Researchers started to question whether it was possible to embed something into human which would allow to change the human nature and create a new human. The author bases his research on such significant methods as the hermeneutic and psychoanalytical analysis of texts allowing to reveal different aspects of non-humanity. The novelty of research is the introduction of the topic which has never been viewed as the subject of independent analysis in Russian sources. The author of the article makes an attempt to trace back the development of the historical and philosophical tradition with reference to this problem. Even though there have been some discussions about Adam’s descendants and some features they may have different from Adam’s nature. However, this topic has never been discussed from the point of history and philosophy. The author of the article describes how this problem has been developing from ancient days till today. The author underlines that without being opposed to non-humanity, humanity can’t fully reveal itself.
Keywords: human, non-human, evil, destructiveness, human existence, soullessness, cruelty, biophilia, necrophilia, violence.
Spiridonova, Zh. V. - Very Talented and Very Mean pp. 39-44
Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the main ideas of Karen Horney. The article considers such issues as the basic anxiety, self-analysis, neurotic needs and women psychology
Keywords: psychology, anxiety, self-analysis, needs, healthy personality, moving toward people, moving against people, neurosis, Karen Horney, personal development, up-bringing
Glinchikova E.V. -


Glinchikova, E. V. - Event: the Loss and Return pp. 43-52


Abstract: The research subject is the concept of event in post-modern philosophy and non-classical anthropology. The research target is to study the meaning of an eventful action. In her research Glinchikova elaborates on various aspects of the concept of event in the modern world and traditional society, discusses kenosis as a death of a subject (individual) in the face of God or eventful Coram Deo, describes the features of eventful redundancy and eventful deficiency of the modern world, examines the structural difference between a fact and event and describes the role of truth under the conditions of facts dominating over events. The main research methods used by the researcher include structural analysis, psychoanalysis and synthetic replenishment of the topic with the images and meanings of the desired subjectivity. The novelty of research is caused by the facts that for the first time in the academic literature event is viewed from the point of view of its relation to subjectivity but not a subject, that the researcher defines the two ‘faces’ of event – event as an action and even as a Coram Deo, criticizes the concept of the eventful in radical theology and post-modern philosophy and examines event from the point of view of anthropological kenosis.
Keywords: event, fact, kenosis, non-classical anthropology, tradition, Coram Deo, earth, subjectivity, subject, impossibility.
Ryumshina L.I. - Particular Features of Understanding Oneself and His or Her Partner in Multitask Solution Performed by Individuals with Different Intensity of Manipulative Tendencies pp. 47-54


Abstract: Analysis of factors and conditions of teamwork have always been important for psychology. At the modern stage of psychology development researchers focus on difficulties that arise in the process of interacting with individuals who have manipulative tendencies, first of all, building mutual understanding with teammates. However, there are very few researches that describe the nature of communication with manipulators and mutual understanding indicators as well as styles of thinking that influence the process of mutual activity. All the abovementioned created grounds for empirical research aimed at analysing particular features of understanding oneself and his or her partner in the process of multitask solution by individuals with different manipulative tendencies. The research involved 98 psychology students and individuals of different professions oriented at mutual interaction. Respondents aged 18 - 36 years old. The test methods included Machiavellianism Personality Inventory, Mutual Understanding Importance Inventory, and Style of Thinking Test. To process data received as a result, the author used Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient, Friedman Test, and variance analysis. Obtained results demonstrate that intensitiy of manipulative tendencies is in direct ratio to the management style of thinking and in verse ratio to practical style of hinking. Noteworthy that the growth of manipulative tendencies intensity relates to the growth of understanding one's own desires. The inverse connection of this indicator relates to the importance of understanding one's partner in general and his or her desires and communication goals as well as importance of undrstanding of feelings, desires and communication goals by the partner himself or herself. Thus, manipulative tendencies distort the process of interaction in the process of multitask solution because it makes the process one-sided which is bound to be reflected both on the process and result of mutual activity. 
Keywords: understanding of thoughts, understanding of desires, understanding of feelings, understanding of communication goals, style of thinking, manipulative tendencies, understanding, understanding by partner, understanding of partner, understanding of oneself
Kabanova K.V. - Analysis of the key vectors of modern socio-psychological research of family and marriage relations pp. 99-110


Abstract: The relevance of this research is substantiated by the fact that absolutely all modern researchers in the field of family and marriage relations unanimously claim the crisis of family values and the institution of marriage overall. The subject of this research is the modern socio-psychological studies of family and marriage relations. The goal lies in topical areas of research that require the attention of psychologists. The main research method is the theoretical analysis carried out on the basis of dissertations on the corresponding problematic for the recent decade, as well as scientific articles published in the XXI century. The novelty of this article consists in outlining the key vectors of modern socio-psychological research of family and marriage relations carried out in the XXI century, as well as the new socio-psychological phenomena in the subject field of family and marriage relations. The conclusion is made that at the present stage, the interest of scholars captures the entire life cycle of a family, where each stage is peculiar in its own way; but the socio-psychological characteristics of this phenomenon determine the success of each stage, primarily the relationship between the spouses and family members. The conclusion is made that the overcoming the current crisis of the institution of family largely depends on its participants, professional competencies of the psychologists  with their research activity, development of the programs and trainings, professional counseling, etc.
Keywords: social psychology, modern trends, socio-psychological analysis, modern socio-psychological research, marriage and family relations, marriage relations, marriage, family, children, parents
Sukiasyan, S. G., Shakhnazaryan, A. S. - Aggression and Personality: Social and Psychological Correlations pp. 124-141


Abstract: The article describes modern views on the nature of the aggression phenomenon as well as original data obtained in the process of researching students of teachers’ training universities and criminals isolated from the society. The research covered groups of respondents with similar parameters. The research shows the role of both personal and social factors in manifestation of this or that form of aggressive behavior.
Keywords: psychology, aggression, personality, external factors, internal factors, criminality, moral values, mass media, biology and aggression, society and aggression.
Iakovleva E. - Representations of the Absurd in the Existence of Homo Glamorous


Abstract: The research is focused on absurdity as the key characteristics of the existence of Homo Glamorous. Being absurd by nature, modern ideology of glamor creates glamorous spaces of the social which, in their turn, comprise the simulation environment of personality. Having conquered the social spheres, glamor overmastered human life-sustaning activity. Ontological representations of the absurd have influenced gnoseological and axiological constants of human existence that slided back into Nothing as a result of the lost meaning and purpose of life. It is defined that absurdity arises in the gaps between Something and Nothing and this is predetermined dialectically. The cause of absurdity as Nothing as personality deliberately destroying Something. Glamorous format of absurdity encourages meanings and actions wrapping them in the glamorous shade which causes failures of consciousness and eternal patterns. According to the author, it is possible to withdraw from absurdity through being involved in the existence and relating to reflexivity, intentionality, creative approach and moral displays. The aforesaid topics are discussed by the author as a narrative description implying dialectical and phenomenological methods and principles of intentional analysis allowing to reveal specific features of absurdity in the existence of Homo Glamorous. Subjective and objective, personal and social components of absurdity are dialectically interrelated and interdependent. This is a paradoxical situation because being a form of absurdity, Nothing earns the status of the real and starts to take on a life of its own drawing a veil over reality. Provisions and conclusions of the present research can be used in further researches of absurdity and representations of the absurd in personal and social existence. 
Keywords: adventure, Absolutes, glamor ideology, glamorous person, Nothing, Something, evil, absurd, staging, duplicity
Yakovleva E.L. - Representations of the Absurd in the Existence of Homo Glamorous pp. 130-137


Abstract: The research is focused on absurdity as the key characteristics of the existence of Homo Glamorous. Being absurd by nature, modern ideology of glamor creates glamorous spaces of the social which, in their turn, comprise the simulation environment of personality. Having conquered the social spheres, glamor overmastered human life-sustaning activity. Ontological representations of the absurd have influenced gnoseological and axiological constants of human existence that slided back into Nothing as a result of the lost meaning and purpose of life. It is defined that absurdity arises in the gaps between Something and Nothing and this is predetermined dialectically. The cause of absurdity as Nothing as personality deliberately destroying Something. Glamorous format of absurdity encourages meanings and actions wrapping them in the glamorous shade which causes failures of consciousness and eternal patterns. According to the author, it is possible to withdraw from absurdity through being involved in the existence and relating to reflexivity, intentionality, creative approach and moral displays. The aforesaid topics are discussed by the author as a narrative description implying dialectical and phenomenological methods and principles of intentional analysis allowing to reveal specific features of absurdity in the existence of Homo Glamorous. Subjective and objective, personal and social components of absurdity are dialectically interrelated and interdependent. This is a paradoxical situation because being a form of absurdity, Nothing earns the status of the real and starts to take on a life of its own drawing a veil over reality. Provisions and conclusions of the present research can be used in further researches of absurdity and representations of the absurd in personal and social existence. 
Keywords: adventure, Absolutes, glamor ideology, glamorous person, Nothing, Something, evil, absurd, staging, duplicity
Smirnaya A.A., Potapova E.V., Smirnova L.E., Valitova A.I., Tkacheva A.V. - Personal Characteristics of People with Hypertension pp. 135-144



Abstract: The subject of the study is the personal characteristics of people with hypertension. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that many diseases, and hypertension in particular, are based on psychological reasons, namely, a person's tendency to react painfully and emotionally to various stressful situations that arise in his life, which is largely determined by his personal characteristics. The study was conducted on the basis of the cardiology department of the City Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Bratsk, Irkutsk region. The study involved 74 respondents: 38 patients with mild hypertension and 36 patients with severe hypertension. Among patients with mild hypertension - 24 women and 14 men. Among the patients with severe course of the disease – 30 women and 6 men. All subjects aged 55 to 60 years. According to the results of the study, in the group of subjects with mild stage of hypertension and with severe stage of hypertension, the level of neuropsychiatric stability is average. Neuropsychiatric breakdowns are unlikely for participants of both groups. In both groups, there is an average level of neuroticism with a tendency to a high level in the group with a mild degree of hypertension. In both groups, there is an average level of psychopathization. In both groups of subjects, the level of anxiety is expressed at an average level. This means that respondents are predisposed to perceive a wide range of situations as threatening their self-esteem, prestige, self-esteem or vital activity. In order to study the reliability of differences between samples, a nonparametric method of comparing independent samples was used, the Mann-Whitney U-test. However, there were no significant differences in the results of the study of the groups.
Keywords: orientation, sensitivity, physical exercises, anxiety, psychopathization, neuroticism, emotions, psychosomatics, hypertension, excitability
Rybakova N.A. - Developing of Emotional Intelligence by Means of Music


Abstract: The article reveals the essence of the method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music (in the broad sense) from the perspective of its application to improve emotional intelligence through intensive developing of empathy. Effect of the method is justified by ideas of psychology, music psychology and pedagogy of art. Particular attention is paid to the nature of this method, the characteristics of specific methods and techniques tested by the author in private practice, working with adults: creating of artistic and visual, literary and plastic interpretation of the image. The main conclusions of the research are the following:- The most important quality of a person who has developed emotional intelligence is the ability for empathy, which allows him to build effective interaction with other people;- Perception of music with the use of appropriate techniques can improve emotional intelligence of a person of any age through the development of the capacity for empathy;- Method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music can bring more effective into the process of development of empathy in the process of music perception. The novelty of the research lies in the substantiation and development of the effective for developing emotional intelligence method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music (in the broad sense), allocation and description of three groups of methods (in the narrow sense): fine art, literature and plastic interpretations. The author’s special contribution to the study theme is in the author's attempt to summarize the experience of psychology, music studies and music pedagogy, supplement it with the author's ideas and the results of the author's  work on the developing of empathy and emotional intelligence of adults who do not have any education in music. 
Keywords: emotions, emotional intelligence, empath, effective interaction, development, music, perception, method, association, dialogue
Rybakova N.A. - Developing of Emotional Intelligence by Means of Music pp. 150-158


Abstract: The article reveals the essence of the method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music (in the broad sense) from the perspective of its application to improve emotional intelligence through intensive developing of empathy. Effect of the method is justified by ideas of psychology, music psychology and pedagogy of art. Particular attention is paid to the nature of this method, the characteristics of specific methods and techniques tested by the author in private practice, working with adults: creating of artistic and visual, literary and plastic interpretation of the image. The main conclusions of the research are the following:- The most important quality of a person who has developed emotional intelligence is the ability for empathy, which allows him to build effective interaction with other people;- Perception of music with the use of appropriate techniques can improve emotional intelligence of a person of any age through the development of the capacity for empathy;- Method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music can bring more effective into the process of development of empathy in the process of music perception. The novelty of the research lies in the substantiation and development of the effective for developing emotional intelligence method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music (in the broad sense), allocation and description of three groups of methods (in the narrow sense): fine art, literature and plastic interpretations. The author’s special contribution to the study theme is in the author's attempt to summarize the experience of psychology, music studies and music pedagogy, supplement it with the author's ideas and the results of the author's  work on the developing of empathy and emotional intelligence of adults who do not have any education in music. 
Keywords: emotions, emotional intelligence, empath, effective interaction, development, music, perception, method, association, dialogue
Naumov P.Y. - Psychological constructs of the character of professional military men in the works of A.S. Pushkin pp. 174-191



Abstract: Understanding the sources of formation of the character of professional military personnel is an important task of pedagogical psychology, since it makes it possible to make the process of developing the personality of a serviceman in the pedagogical process of a military university more effective. An important source for the formation of character traits of a professional military officer is literary sources, artistic means of influencing personal structures. The subject of research in the article is the psychological properties of the individual, characteristic of the heroes of the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who, according to the author's artistic conception, were professional soldiers. The writer's artistic work in a complex way constructs on the pages of his works the psychological features characteristic of professional military men. The author's knowledge in the work is based on the most popular literary works of A.S. Pushkin using a system-activity and axiological approach to understanding the development of personality. The author notes that a comprehensive study of the images of the domestic military intelligentsia from artistic heroes who have become independent carriers of psychological properties characteristic of domestic officers is an urgent scientific task for modern psychological knowledge, therefore this contradiction must be resolved. The theoretical generalizations obtained as a result of the study can be useful in organizing educational work with cadets, as well as in carrying out other forms of work with military personnel.
Keywords: values, meanings, intelligence, professional military, subjectivity, interpretation, heuristic potential, personality traits, psychological mechanisms, personal formations
Lanovsky M.F. -


Lanovsky, M. F. - False Beauty: Cosmetic Surgery and Philosophical Discourse on Human Nature pp. 275-281


Abstract: The present article is devoted to the inter-disciplinary topic that relates to psychology, philosophical anthropology, biomedical ethics and partly philosophy of medicine and social psychology. First of all, the author of the article appeals to the fundamental concept in philosophy — ‘human nature’. The author interprets this concept from the point of view of classical philosophy and positive human studies of the twentieth century. At the same time, the author also addresses the current socio-cultural situation where human identity becomes a problem due to the ‘medicalization’ of culture, development of biotechnologies and the spread of dangerous addictions. The author touches upon the practices of cosmetic (or plastic) surgery and psychological and philosophical aspects thereto. In the course of critical analysis of the aforesaid practices the researcher uses ontological, ethic, social and philosophical arguments. Within the framework of the present research bioethics is viewed as an interdisciplinary research methodology. In addition, the author uses dialectical and phenomenological methods of research as well as analysis and interpretation of literary sources. The scientific novelty and importance of the present research article is the critical analysis of cosmetic surgery and associated addictions as a widely spread disease of modern human. So far Russian psychological and philosophical researches haven’t paid enough attention to this topic while the aforesaid practices and addictions can actually have negative anthropological consequences. Based on the analysis of foreign sources on the matter, the author describes possible ways to criticize cosmetic (plastic) surgery and proves the efficiency of social and ethic argumentation on this matter.
Keywords: human nature, identity, dependence, self-concept, essence, cosmetic surgery, biomedical technologies, medical ethics, impersonation, enhancing technologies.
Eliseeva, N. V. - Borderline Situations in One’s Existence pp. 328-337


Abstract: The article describes particular features of modern borderline situations in one’s existence and traces back the development of the term ‘borderline situation’ offered by Karl Jaspers. Comparing the positions of such existentialists as Nikolay Berdyaev and Lev Shestov, Miguel de Unamuno, Jean-Paule Sartre, Viktor Frankl and Erich Fromm, the author of the article concludes that the borderline situation in one’s existence is a personall challenge and the awakening of one’s emotional world through suffering, personality formation and testing of his values, character and willpower.
Keywords: psychology, borderline situation, existentialism, experience, establishment, acceptance of suffering, personality, existential communication, choice based on one’s values.
Sukiasyan S. - Biological and Social Roots of Human Behavior


Abstract: The present article presents the results of the study of different forms of behavior, with the help of self-developed case studies based on Herman and Parsons concept of " Evolutionary stable strategy of behavior." The analysis of the responses reveals an interesting picture of the polarization of society, the re-evaluation of traditional convent, that is, socially conditioned phenomena and at the same time, the stability of many fundamental values and phenomena caused especial by biological mechanisms. According to the biosocial concept of human being, a person usually manifests social and biological needs, motivation of behavior and different reactions. Unlike animals, he is able to perform actions that do not fit within the scope of rational behavior. Aiming for the ideals created by him, a person, at the same time, constantly disturbs these limits. Most of psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, etiologists considered human behavior as a result of interaction between psychological and biological nature of human being and environment. In order to understand human nature, it is necessary to comprehend that genes and culture works together in one process of gene-culture co-evolution. Various attitudes are formed in terms of ambivalent cognitions, superimposed on development of interaction with environment (requires a conscious decision). Personality of human being has relative autonomy, which implies the possibility of behavior irrelevant with certain situation.Received data emphasized the role of both social and biological factors in manifestation and development of certain forms of social behavior. The research results showed ambivalence of human behavior, conflict between social norms and internal essence as well as lifestyle of each person, and not freedom of the individual in the social behavior of the restrictions imposed on him by evolution. Human personality is determined by the degree of "humanity", which, in turn, is determined by how we relate to other people, to animate and inanimate nature, the world as a whole, what kind of "god" we worship, what values guide in these hostile world. The human behavior is based on specific biological mechanisms and structure, as well as morphological changes in the brain, which are formed in phylogenesis and ontogenesis of the man.Consequently, it can be assumed that modern human retains all (and not always the most appropriate and profitable) genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and properties as a manifestation of his ancestral forms. The old sign does not disappear completely, but is stored as an archaic phenomenon. The new feature is started to operate instead of the old one, which, in turn, on the next cycle of development, loses its adaptive character, and gives place to a new phenomenon.
Keywords: polyphyly of human, measure of humanity, situational tasks, deviant behavior, ambitendency, ambivalent behavior, social roots of behavior, aggressive behavior, biological roots of behavior, psychology of behavior
Sukiasyan S.G. - Biological and Social Roots of Human Behavior pp. 343-352


Abstract: The present article presents the results of the study of different forms of behavior, with the help of self-developed case studies based on Herman and Parsons concept of " Evolutionary stable strategy of behavior." The analysis of the responses reveals an interesting picture of the polarization of society, the re-evaluation of traditional convent, that is, socially conditioned phenomena and at the same time, the stability of many fundamental values and phenomena caused especial by biological mechanisms. According to the biosocial concept of human being, a person usually manifests social and biological needs, motivation of behavior and different reactions. Unlike animals, he is able to perform actions that do not fit within the scope of rational behavior. Aiming for the ideals created by him, a person, at the same time, constantly disturbs these limits. Most of psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, etiologists considered human behavior as a result of interaction between psychological and biological nature of human being and environment. In order to understand human nature, it is necessary to comprehend that genes and culture works together in one process of gene-culture co-evolution. Various attitudes are formed in terms of ambivalent cognitions, superimposed on development of interaction with environment (requires a conscious decision). Personality of human being has relative autonomy, which implies the possibility of behavior irrelevant with certain situation.Received data emphasized the role of both social and biological factors in manifestation and development of certain forms of social behavior. The research results showed ambivalence of human behavior, conflict between social norms and internal essence as well as lifestyle of each person, and not freedom of the individual in the social behavior of the restrictions imposed on him by evolution. Human personality is determined by the degree of "humanity", which, in turn, is determined by how we relate to other people, to animate and inanimate nature, the world as a whole, what kind of "god" we worship, what values guide in these hostile world. The human behavior is based on specific biological mechanisms and structure, as well as morphological changes in the brain, which are formed in phylogenesis and ontogenesis of the man.Consequently, it can be assumed that modern human retains all (and not always the most appropriate and profitable) genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and properties as a manifestation of his ancestral forms. The old sign does not disappear completely, but is stored as an archaic phenomenon. The new feature is started to operate instead of the old one, which, in turn, on the next cycle of development, loses its adaptive character, and gives place to a new phenomenon.
Keywords: polyphyly of human, measure of humanity, situational tasks, deviant behavior, ambitendency, ambivalent behavior, social roots of behavior, aggressive behavior, biological roots of behavior, psychology of behavior
Iakovleva E. - Secret as the Existential Nothingness or Existence of Nothing


Abstract: The subject of the research is the component of the subjective life of the person presented in the form of the hidden. The complexity of the analysis is due to the fact that a secret as something that exists in everyone's life is deliberately hidden: a secret can be a powerful source for personality development but at the same time be hidden and carefully controlled. Only an individual himself can perform 'pro-of-knowledge' and partially or fully withdraw his secrets from the subjective sphere into the objective sphere where they stop being secrets. He can also keep a secret to/in himself. According to the author, even partial disclosure of the hidden still leaves the room for exploration and interpretation from the point of view of another subjectivity. Based on the results of the analysis, the author creates a classification of the hidden as the existential nothingness (secret-in-itself), existence of nothing (secret-out-of-itself) and the transition between them (secret-from-itself). The problem is viewed by the author in the form of a narrative description using dialectical and phenomenological methods and the principle of intentional analysis that helps to reveal partiular features of this psychic phenomenon. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher analyzes a complex psychic phenomenon and offers a classification of different types of this phenomenon in terms of individual existence.  Terms and findings of the research can be used when working with people as well as interpreting various kinds of texts and writing psychological profiles. 
Keywords: incomprehensible, nothingness, non-existence, secret, the hidden, existential nothingness / secret-in-itself, secret-from-itself, existence of nothing / secret-out-of-itself, il y a, posture, pro-of-knowledge, original
Yakovleva E.L. - Secret as the Existential Nothingness or Existence of Nothing pp. 478-485


Abstract: The subject of the research is the component of the subjective life of the person presented in the form of the hidden. The complexity of the analysis is due to the fact that a secret as something that exists in everyone's life is deliberately hidden: a secret can be a powerful source for personality development but at the same time be hidden and carefully controlled. Only an individual himself can perform 'pro-of-knowledge' and partially or fully withdraw his secrets from the subjective sphere into the objective sphere where they stop being secrets. He can also keep a secret to/in himself. According to the author, even partial disclosure of the hidden still leaves the room for exploration and interpretation from the point of view of another subjectivity. Based on the results of the analysis, the author creates a classification of the hidden as the existential nothingness (secret-in-itself), existence of nothing (secret-out-of-itself) and the transition between them (secret-from-itself). The problem is viewed by the author in the form of a narrative description using dialectical and phenomenological methods and the principle of intentional analysis that helps to reveal partiular features of this psychic phenomenon. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher analyzes a complex psychic phenomenon and offers a classification of different types of this phenomenon in terms of individual existence.  Terms and findings of the research can be used when working with people as well as interpreting various kinds of texts and writing psychological profiles. 
Keywords: incomprehensible, nothingness, non-existence, secret, the hidden, existential nothingness / secret-in-itself, secret-from-itself, existence of nothing / secret-out-of-itself, il y a, posture, pro-of-knowledge, original
Gander D.V., Alekseenko M.S. - Features of Pilot Personal Potential in the Cycle of Professional Development


Abstract: The authors of the present research describe peculiarities of personal potential of a pilot in the cycle of professional development, provide necessary definitions and offer a psycho-pedagogical model and component composition of the pilot personal potential. From the point of view of the systems analytical research of the problem of personal potential, the authors characterize and interpret the leading components of the pilot's personal potential and their basic interdependencies. They discuss ways to use the concept of reasonable personal potential, methods of the development of personal potential, possible approaches to studying and developing the pilot's professional skills. In their research the authors have used the methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis, the method of longitudinal study, collection of empirical data, analysis of pilots' activity using the document method and expert survey, job specification and methods of mathematical statistics. The contradiction between the priority development of aviation technology and obsolete methodology of recruitment and training of aircrew as a result of outdated ideas, ways of assessing and forecasting flight abilities requires improving the theory and practice of psychological assistance of pilots and developing professional psychological readiness for work in extreme conditions. Research and consideration of personal potential and patterns of the development of pilot's personal potential extend the opportunities of psychological assistance of pilots and formation of psychological readiness of pilots for their professional destiny and extreme factors of life.
Keywords: personal potential, industrial psychology, aviation psychology, pilot's psychology, experimental psychology, psychological characteristics of a pilot, professionally important qualities, psychophysiology of labor, becoming a professional, professional reliability of a pilot
Gander D.V., Alekseenko M.S. - Features of Pilot Personal Potential in the Cycle of Professional Development pp. 684-696


Abstract: The authors of the present research describe peculiarities of personal potential of a pilot in the cycle of professional development, provide necessary definitions and offer a psycho-pedagogical model and component composition of the pilot personal potential. From the point of view of the systems analytical research of the problem of personal potential, the authors characterize and interpret the leading components of the pilot's personal potential and their basic interdependencies. They discuss ways to use the concept of reasonable personal potential, methods of the development of personal potential, possible approaches to studying and developing the pilot's professional skills. In their research the authors have used the methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis, the method of longitudinal study, collection of empirical data, analysis of pilots' activity using the document method and expert survey, job specification and methods of mathematical statistics. The contradiction between the priority development of aviation technology and obsolete methodology of recruitment and training of aircrew as a result of outdated ideas, ways of assessing and forecasting flight abilities requires improving the theory and practice of psychological assistance of pilots and developing professional psychological readiness for work in extreme conditions. Research and consideration of personal potential and patterns of the development of pilot's personal potential extend the opportunities of psychological assistance of pilots and formation of psychological readiness of pilots for their professional destiny and extreme factors of life.
Keywords: personal potential, industrial psychology, aviation psychology, experimental psychology, psychological characteristics of a pilot, professionally important qualities, psychophysiology of labor, becoming a professional, professional reliability of a pilot
Nilogov A.S., Kutyryov V.A. - Uprising of Technoids: Psychology and Philosophy of the Post-Mankind


Abstract: The article contains the conversation of A. S. Nilogov with V. A. Kutyryov regarding a new book of the Nizhni Novgorod philosopher 'The Last Kiss. Human as a Tradition' (published in 2015 by Aleteya Publshing in St. Petersburg). In the course of their conversation the philosophers touched upon the topical issues of contemporary civilization which, according to Kutyryov, has brought itself to the verge of extinction through erasing all the traces of 'human or too human'. Despite the author's alarmism, Kutyryov proves his position based on numerous examples from the culture and technology of the XXIst century. In their conversation the researchers have used the interview method as well as the methods of hermeneutical, historico-philosophical, critical, problem, psychological, and philosopho-anthropological analysis. The novelty of Kutyryov's researches is caused by the fact that in these researches he reveals the true (unconscious) nature of the technological progress which ends up the epoch of homo sapiens and gives a way to the uprising of technonoids. Psychological grounds for the philosophy of opposition defended by the author is based on the provision that in the future psychological knowledge will be replaced with cognitivism and humans will be replaced with cyborgs.           
Keywords: transhumanity, gender, post-psychology, technoid, post-mankind, Nilogov, Kutyryov, Gurevich, misanthropology, Saveliev
Nilogov A.S., Kutyrev V.A. - Uprising of Technoids: Psychology and Philosophy of the Post-Mankind pp. 802-813


Abstract: The article contains the conversation of A. S. Nilogov with V. A. Kutyryov regarding a new book of the Nizhni Novgorod philosopher 'The Last Kiss. Human as a Tradition' (published in 2015 by Aleteya Publshing in St. Petersburg). In the course of their conversation the philosophers touched upon the topical issues of contemporary civilization which, according to Kutyryov, has brought itself to the verge of extinction through erasing all the traces of 'human or too human'. Despite the author's alarmism, Kutyryov proves his position based on numerous examples from the culture and technology of the XXIst century. In their conversation the researchers have used the interview method as well as the methods of hermeneutical, historico-philosophical, critical, problem, psychological, and philosopho-anthropological analysis. The novelty of Kutyryov's researches is caused by the fact that in these researches he reveals the true (unconscious) nature of the technological progress which ends up the epoch of homo sapiens and gives a way to the uprising of technonoids. Psychological grounds for the philosophy of opposition defended by the author is based on the provision that in the future psychological knowledge will be replaced with cognitivism and humans will be replaced with cyborgs.           
Keywords: transhumanity, gender, post-psychology, technoid, post-mankind, Nilogov, Kutyryov, Gurevich, misanthropology, Saveliev
Reznik Y.M. -


Popova, O. V. - The Phenomenon of ‘Bare Life’ in Terms of Constructing Human Death pp. 821-829


Abstract: The author of the article draws the parallel between essential features of the forced labor camp and the intensive care unit of a modern hospital. The camp is viewed as a biopolitical matrix of a modern world and a structure that creates the phenomenon of living without the political will and the right of vote (‘bare life’ in Giorgio Agamben’s terminology). The author studies how the strategy of the ‘bare life’ formation defines the ethic-gnoseological format of relations with a patient who has been diagnosed with ‘brain death’. The process of constructing one’s attitude to death is associated with the deontological ethics of dying relevant to the paradigm of death shared by the community. In a technologically developed world it turns out to be connected with the law of reproduction of human resources and exchange of social benefits (donorship). In her research the author uses the interdisciplinary research methodology: analysis of the problems of modern medicine (in particular, the donorship and brain death issues) is conducted by applying philosophical framework of categories and concepts. For the first time in Russian philosophy the author of the present article demonstrates the influence of the ‘bare life’ concepts on the formation of the field of discourse and thesaurus of the modern philosophy of mind. The author also shows that a cautious attitude to donorship and pronouncement of brain death is caused by the influence of different cultural phenomena including creative writing, cinematograph, fine arts and etc. These address to the general reader (audience) and create the public opinion on life and death and therefore must be studied to provide adequate solutions of the issues the collective consciousness is concerned about.
Keywords: psychology of dying, bioethics, human as an artifact, death, dying, construction of human, bare living, construction of death, brain death, donorship.
Andreev I.L., Nazarova L.N., Novosel'tsev V.N. -


Andreev, I. L., Nazarova, L. N., Novoseltsev, V. N. - Psychoendocrine System of Life Support and Human Behavior: Analysis from the Points of View of Philosophy, Medicine and Theory of Management pp. 836-847


Abstract: Human psyche and behavior considerably depends on the ‘internal picture’ of the organism which includes functioning of endocrine glands maintaining its integrity as well as on the ‘internal model of a relationship with the other’ which implies adaptation of human to the external natural and social environment. The authors of the article describe the connection between neuropsychic and hormonal signal-informative and energy outlines of regulation of life support activities and individual behavior from the point of view of philosophy, medicine (psychiatry) and theory of management. Such interdisciplinary approach enables a more adequate and manysided view of psychoendocrinic system of organism life support and biological motivation of human behavior, for instance, to define a number of important, mostly psychological, aspects that are usually left in the shadow when we view the problem of organism sustainability and social status of an individual from the traditional humanitarian point of view.
Keywords: psychoendrocrinology, organism, human, behavior, medicine, homeostasis, immune system, adaption, theory of management.
Datchenko S.A. -


Datchenko, S. A. - The Place of the Theory of Functional Systems in Solution of Psychological Tasks pp. 968-974


Abstract: The article is devoted to the application of the theory of functional systems to solving psychological tasks. The author of the article summarizes and describes the framework of notions and concepts used in the theory of functional system, concepts on neuronal activity and operational architectonics. Psychologists rarely use the theory of functional systems. Firstly, TFS was created only in 1935 and has been changed a lot over the past years. It still continues to develop today. Therefore, it is difficult to trace back changes and additions even to the classical TFS. Secondly, the conceptual framework developed by TFS is absolutely different from the conceptual framework used by different branches of psychology. Thirdly, the emergence of mental processes does not allow to directly compare them to physiological processes. As a result, a considerable number of psychologists have a prejudice against all that may concern physiology while TFS is directly connected to physiology. Methodological and theoretical grounds of research include the systems approach (offered by I. Sechenov, I. Pavlov, L. Vygotsky, A. Ukhtomsky, A. Luria, P. Anokhin, V. Shvyrkov, K. Sudakov and A. Bernstein), the activity principle (offered by B. Ananiev, V. Petrovsky and others), systems psychophysiology including the theory of functional systems (P. Anokhin) and systems evolutionary approach (V. Shvyrkov) and others. Initially, particular advantages application of TFS may seem to be acceptable from the point of view of the systems approach to solving some psychological tasks. Nevertheless, the analyzed researches are usually based on the limited Einstein’s scientific paradigm that sees only the anatomic physiological structure of human. Therefore, TFS cannot be fully used to solve psychological tasks. According to the author of the article, only the integrated approach can actually solve modern methodological issues.
Keywords: integrated approach, systems approach, system psychophysiology, theory of functional systems (TFS), systems evolutionary theory, functional system, psychophysiology, operational architectonics, psychology.
Sukiasyan S. - Psychopathology as a Model of Understanding Human Nature and Mind


Abstract: The subject of the present research is the category of psychopathology as an aspect of understanding human nature and mind from the point of view of their origin and development. The author of the article has analyzed the most famous models of human behavior. Variety of approaches is viewed as a continuum of scientific ideas consisting of biological and socio-cultural models. Most famous models of psyche and mind (biological, behavioral, psychodynamic, cognitive, existential-humanistic, socio-cultural) are investigated. This is a theoretical research and it is based on the analysis of categorical concepts and approaches used in psychology and psychiatry. The author's original (psychopathological) approach to understanding human nature is presented. It is suggested that understanding of human nature is possible through analyzing his abnormal behavior (manifested psychopathology) based on a comprehensive consideration of biological, psychological and socio-cultural aspects of human nature. The author offers his own approach to the "disposition-stress" concept and views the predisposition as a manifestation (due to unexplained reasons) of archaic mental mechanisms attributable to the earlier stage of his development. Normal and abnormal human behavior in terms of the manifestations of certain psychopathological disorders (schizophrenia, autism, aggression, suicidality) is analyzed.
Sukiasyan S.G. - Psychopathology as a Model of Understanding Human Nature and Mind pp. 1021-1031


Abstract: The subject of the present research is the category of psychopathology as an aspect of understanding human nature and mind from the point of view of their origin and development. The author of the article has analyzed the most famous models of human behavior. Variety of approaches is viewed as a continuum of scientific ideas consisting of biological and socio-cultural models. Most famous models of psyche and mind (biological, behavioral, psychodynamic, cognitive, existential-humanistic, socio-cultural) are investigated. This is a theoretical research and it is based on the analysis of categorical concepts and approaches used in psychology and psychiatry. The author's original (psychopathological) approach to understanding human nature is presented. It is suggested that understanding of human nature is possible through analyzing his abnormal behavior (manifested psychopathology) based on a comprehensive consideration of biological, psychological and socio-cultural aspects of human nature. The author offers his own approach to the "disposition-stress" concept and views the predisposition as a manifestation (due to unexplained reasons) of archaic mental mechanisms attributable to the earlier stage of his development. Normal and abnormal human behavior in terms of the manifestations of certain psychopathological disorders (schizophrenia, autism, aggression, suicidality) is analyzed.
Keywords: theory of mind, biological model, behavioral model, psychodynamic model, cognitive model, existential-humanistic model, psychopathology, socio-cultural model, predisposition - stress, mental health
Kornilyev V.V. -


Korniliev, V. V. - Process Approach to the Analysis of Mental States (Part 1) pp. 1049-1061


Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of describing the dynamics of mental states. The purpose of the article is to withdraw from the idea of viewing mental states as a fragmentary sequence. The author offers the idea of procedural analysis of mental states. For this purpose, the author tries to view the phenomenon of human being in a certain mental state as a continuous process. The author also analyzes the opportunity to attract models from special sciences as well as new parameters for describing mental states in time continuum. The phenomena being analyzed include genius and insanity, both of these states are viewed as ‘borderline’. The main research method used in this article is a psychological modeling, i.e. using the orthogonal system for defining mental states through special parameters. As a result of his research, the author offers new terms ‘mental intention’ and ‘mental time’. Mental time is viewed as a chain of both completed potential transformations of mental life and consists of mental future and mental past. These terms are used in the orthogonal system of definition when the axes are ‘mental time’ and ‘biological time’. The fluctuations of mental intention in the system describe human mental states.
Keywords: mental state, mental past, biological time, genius, pathology, fluctuation, mental intention, mental resource, procedurality, mental future.
Koren' R.V. -


Koren, R. V. - Mind Control and Socio-Scientific Passions pp. 1074-1089


Abstract: The article is devoted to the three sources of mind control: Antonio Gramsci’s teaching about cultural hegemony, psychological doctrine and cultural socio-dynamics and the three basic channels of mind control: mass media, mass (popular) culture and science. The author provides their brief description and underlines the important role of psychoanalysis in the process of mind control and manipulation. The author also focuses on science as a tool of mind control. The author shows that sociology and social philosophy that teach sociocentrism but haven’t clarified the field of social research turn to falsification and mind control. Sociology have become the slave of the ideologized System, developed particular research methods that easily yield to falsification and replaced the problem of human survival with the question about the human survival in the System. Therefore it is quite right to raise a question about social responsibility of a philosopher. The author views social ideology, the relation between social ideology and social issues as well as ethnic delusions in sociology and social philosophy. The author conducts the system analysis of the list of scientific specialties “22.00.00 — Social Sciences”. The list very well shows that social studies are closely associated with mind control which creates the problems and social tension and disturbs natural development of the society. The author shows the need in cultural improvement of social studies and describes a principled approach to this process. Based on that the author makes suggestions on what amendments should be made to the list of specialties “22.00.00 — Ethno-Social Studies’ which would contain 8 new disciplines. The author also provides conceptual grounds for these suggestions.
Keywords: mind control, psychological doctrine, psychoanalysis, cultural socio-dynamics, sociology, social philosophy, authority matter, social structure, list of specialties, channels of mind control.
Krasnyanskaya T.M., Tylets V.G. - Visualisation of the Practice of Self-Security in Signs and Customs of University Students


Abstract: The object of the present research is the security signs and customs practiced by university students. The authors of the article offer their own interpretation of security signs and customs. The research is based on discovering psychological peculiarities of security signs and customs, their types and functions. The hypothesis of the present research is that security signs are a necessary socio-cultural phenomenon of the student life and they allow to achieve a number of important tasks of life-sustaining activity. To achieve the research objective to define psychological peculiarities of security signs and customs used by students, the authors have applied the methods of observation, interview and survey. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors offer provide own interpretation of security signs and customs, describe their functions and offer their classification. Peculiarities of security signs and customs include their attribution to the socio-cultural experience of a subject, multifunctionality, subjective importance and loss of the connection with what caused them initially. All the security signs and customs have been divided into the following three groups: preventing, neutralizing and producing. Functions of security signs and customs include protection, adaptation adn therapy. The authors conclude that security signs and customs create an organic layer of life-sustaining activity performed by a modern young person in order to solve important tasks. 
Krasnyanskaya T.M., Tylets V.G. - Visualisation of the Practice of Self-Security in Signs and Customs of University Students pp. 1158-1166


Abstract: The object of the present research is the security signs and customs practiced by university students. The authors of the article offer their own interpretation of security signs and customs. The research is based on discovering psychological peculiarities of security signs and customs, their types and functions. The hypothesis of the present research is that security signs are a necessary socio-cultural phenomenon of the student life and they allow to achieve a number of important tasks of life-sustaining activity. To achieve the research objective to define psychological peculiarities of security signs and customs used by students, the authors have applied the methods of observation, interview and survey. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors offer provide own interpretation of security signs and customs, describe their functions and offer their classification. Peculiarities of security signs and customs include their attribution to the socio-cultural experience of a subject, multifunctionality, subjective importance and loss of the connection with what caused them initially. All the security signs and customs have been divided into the following three groups: preventing, neutralizing and producing. Functions of security signs and customs include protection, adaptation adn therapy. The authors conclude that security signs and customs create an organic layer of life-sustaining activity performed by a modern young person in order to solve important tasks. 
Keywords: functions of signs, types of signs, rituals, traditions, customs, signs, self-security, security, experience, ability to live
Gurevich P.S. -


Gurevich, P. S. - Formation of a New Paradigm pp. 1191-1999


Abstract: The purpose of research is to define factors contributing to the formation of a scientific paradigm. The author of the article stresses out that science is rapidly building up its treasury of knowledge. On the other hand, the previous scientific paradigm still plays an important role which creates a paradox. New discoveries do not fit the previous picture of the world. Again and again it provokes discussions on what knowledge is, what sources it has and how this knowledge creates an integral picture of the word. Methodological concepts of approaching this problem deal with treasury of philosophical and psychological knowledge and experience of their analysis. The novelty of research is an attempt to describe patterns of formation of a scientific paradigm at a new natural science level. The author of the article notes that criticizing of a rational version of science was not successful at the time. Therefore critical analysis of prerequisites for formation of a scientific paradigm is quite challenging and topical. The article also contains critics of the modern variants of reductionism.
Keywords: psychology, philosophy, science, paradigm, reductionism, knowledge, “human death”, transcendence, methodology, genome recoding.
Kornilyev V.V. -


Korniliev, V. V. - Process Approach to the Analysis of Mental States (Part 2) pp. 1205-1214


Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of describing the axis of mental time in the system of procedural analysis of mental states. The purpose of the article is to define the spheres of mental past and mental future which resources can be used by a mental intention. The author also analyzes the conceptual relations between the spheres of mental future and mental past as well as what resources both spheres contain. Based on graphic and mathematical factors the author also analyzes the variety of movements of mental intentions which, according to the author, is supposed to show whether this system is applicable for describing all the variety of mental states. Psychological modeling is one of the main methods used in this research. Psychological modeling allows to study how the dynamics of mental intentions are presented in the system of mental time an biological time axes. As a result of the research, the author has defined the four spheres of mental time and mental future. Each pair of these spheres describe mental skill of an individual in quality and in quantity. Mental skills are a final parameter of a mental state. The norm is defined by a rigorous frequency, symmetry and regular alternate movements of mental intentions. Pathology is defined by a chaotic asymmetry of movements of mental intentions.
Keywords: amplitude and frequency, mental past, mental future, sphere of mental intentions, genius, pathology, fluctuation, mental intention, mental resource, axis of the mental time.
Kornilyev V.V. -


Korniliev, V. V. - Process Approach to the Analysis of Mental States (Part 3) pp. 1311-1324


Abstract: In this article Korniliev focuses on studying representations of pathology on the graph of movements of mental intentions. The purpose of the research is to analyze the relation between dynamics of mental skills and the influence of external factors bringing an individual into a state of pathology, in other words, the graphic presentation of the influence of external factors on the qualitative and quantitative features of mental skills. The other purpose of the research was to define whether neurotic factors have a complex or fragmentary influence on human as well as the possible influence of internal human factors on the process in general. Finally, Korniliev examines whether the frequency of fluctuations of a mental intention has a governing meaning. The main method used by the author is the psychological modeling aimed at studying representations of human pathological states and its passive characteristics. As a result, the researcher has proved the graphic representation of all the variety of mental states to be possible. The influence of neurotic factors has been defined through their antagonistic orientation at the nature of human development and further blocking of the spheres of mental time. In addition, Korniliev has defined the two psychological types, ‘alternatively oriented’ and ‘conservatively oriented’ types to show the level of resistance to the complex influence of neurotic factors. The frequency of fluctuation of a mental intention is supposedly connected with the degree of the intensity of human interactions with his inner and outer worlds.
Keywords: psychological type, neurotization, mental future, fluctuation, fluctuation frequency, mental past, alternatively oriented type, conservatively oriented type, mental skills, mental resources.
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