Psychologist - rubric The range of emotional experience
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The range of emotional experience
Kryuchkov K.S. - Romantic Separation Experience as the Matter of Phenomenological Analysis pp. 9-27


Abstract: The aim of this research is to analyze experience of separation with a lover. The matter under research is the romantic separation experience as it has been described by different authors. The bases of the research is the methodology of qualitative research. Taking into account that the objective of the research is to analyze the phenomenon of such experience, qualitative analysis has been chosen by the author as the most suitable research method. The novelty of this research is caused, first of all, by the fact that this is the first full empirical research of separation experience in Russian psychology. Secondly, the research provides a vast description and analysis of separation experience which allows to get a full insight into the phenomenon. The main result of the research is the general description of romantic separation experience as it is described in literature, on the other hand, and in actual experience of respondents, on the other hand. The researcher has discovered and described particular features of the process of romantic separation experience, in particular, dependence of the intensity of emotions on who initiated the separation. The researcher discovers particular feelings and emotions that comprise this experience. The researcher has also discovered the 'mind-feeling-body' conflict that creates prospects for further researches. 
Martyanova G.Y. - The Influence of Anxiety on the Self-Regulation of Psychological Counseling Clients in a Situation of Uncertainty pp. 14-23



Abstract: Experiencing anxiety in an uncertain event becomes a way of reacting that makes changes in coping processes, primarily disrupting conscious regulatory activity. The article presents the results of the analysis of the influence of anxiety on the parameters of the style of conscious self-regulation in a pandemic situation. The study is based on the provisions of the theory of conscious self-regulation by O. A. Konopkin. The study involved psychological counseling clients who voluntarily seek help. Anxiety was studied by its types, the diagnosis of the style parameters of self–regulation was carried out using the technique "Style of self-regulation of behavior - SSP" by V. I. Morosanova. The effect of anxiety on self-regulation was determined by regression analysis. The results indicated the equivalent severity of the types of anxiety: personal, situational, subclinical. A significant result of the study was the fact of the anxiety of the subjects about the regression of psychotherapeutic skills in a situation of uncertainty. The analysis of the style parameters of self-regulation showed violations in the structure of activity planning, modeling conditions, building action programs and evaluating the results obtained. Regression models indicated differentiated determination by types of anxiety of regulatory blocks. These studies allow us to expand our understanding of the violated ways of responding to psychological counseling clients in stressful situations. The results can be used in the development of the psychotechnical component of the process of providing assistance to the subjects of a situation of uncertainty.
Epifanova E.S. - Extreme Activities as a Method of Developing Teenagers' Stress Resistance pp. 16-38


Abstract: In article resistance to stress as the system dynamic characteristics defining ability of the person to resist to stressogenny influence is described or to master many stressful situations. It is claimed that emergence and experience of a stressful event depends more not from objective, and on subjective factors, namely, on characteristics of each certain person: its estimations of stressful conditions, comparisons of internal resources and abilities to stressogenny factors. It is noted that for the subjects who are engaged in extreme types of activity level the stressogennykh of factors is considerably overestimated, in comparison with the people who are engaged in usual kinds of activity. Empirical research of resistance to stress at two groups of teenagers is conducted: engaged in usual kinds of activity and leading an extreme life. Measurement of indicators, resistance to stress, psychological stability, self-control, unmotivated uneasiness, health, activity and mood was taken. Distinction between groups was estimated, the interrelation of the allocated indicators with resistance to stress was statistically measured. It was shown that at the teenagers leading an extreme life, the level of resistance to stress is higher, and that in formation of resistance to stress the fundamental role will be played by resources of psychological stability and self-control.
Beskova T.V. - The Influence of Religiosity on the Intensity of Envy pp. 27-33


Abstract: The subject of the research is envy as a socio-psychological attitude of a person accompanied with a number of negative emotions, realisation that someone's position is worse than that of others, desire to directly or indirectly to level out that superiority which is realized in certain continuous social behavior. Negative consequences of envy show off at intra-individual, inter-personal, intergroup and intragroup levels. This actualizes the search for multilevel mechanisms of regulation of envy (social, socio-psychological and psychological). In her research Beskova focuses on the evaluation of spiritual mechanisms in the process of regulation of envy, in particular, the influence of different components of religiosity on the level and intensity of envy. The main research method is the method of psychological testing. The author has used a combination of tests, in particular, Personal Envy Inventory offered by T. V. Beskova, Envy and Self-Evaluation of Envy Questionnaire (T. V. Beskova), questions to assess religiosity (from the inventory 'Influence of Social Capital on Economic Consequences' (A. N. Tatarko, N. M. Lebedeva), and Personal Religiosity Scale (R. Yavorsky). The research involved 145 respondents who believed themselves to be Orthodox but demonstrated different level and valency of Orthodox religiosity. For the first time in the academic literature the author has carried out empirical research of the influence of different elements of religiosity on his or her feeling of envy. The results of the research demonstrate that religious valency has a significant influence on the level of envy (opposed to the level of religiosity declared by an individual) and so does a special element of personal religiosity called 'religious practices as behavioral component of religiosity. The influence of other parameters and elements of religiosity on envy is either insignificant or null. 
Sokolov G.A. - Improvement of Psychoemotional State of Students During Exams pp. 28-43


Abstract: In his research Sokolov examines the concept of emotional security in the education environment, offers a definition of 'psychoemotional state' and considers autotraining to be an efficient method of improving mental states of students. The researcher also provides a review of the theories of emotions, describes types of emotions, defines what sthenic and asthenic emotions mean and classify emotional states as positive, negative and neutral emotions. The methodological basis of the present research involves the concept of emotional security in the education environment. Autotraining is viewed as a mean to improve particular elements of emotional security.  The main scientific objective of the research is to find out that elements of psychoemotional states can be improved by the means of autotraining.  The reseach methods include: psychological diagnostics (DREAM Test, Stress-Induced Tension Test, Pulsar-A Test defining personality 'sanotypes' from 'pathology possible' to 'athletic shape' and Rate of Learning Test) and autotraining according to Schultz.  The main practical objective of the research is to improve psychoemotional states of students.  There are special psychological services that teach to control one's emotional impulses. Of course, not all impulses are negative, however, people often experience negative emotional states. The research involved students studying at Modern University for the Humanities. At the beginning of the research students took psychological tests to define their initial emotional state. Then they took relaxation training. After that psychological tests were given to them again to define how their emotional state changed.  In his research Sokolov focuses on negative emotions because usually people suffer from negative emotions more than from positive ones. 
Usynina T.P., Stepanova N.V., Malikov L.V. - On the Development of Orphaned Children's Socioemotional Competence pp. 37-44


Abstract: The subject of the research is particularities of socioemotional competence of children at orphanages. The authors of the research focus on the structure of socioemotional competence of orphaned children which is presented by the authors as a set of cognitive (understanding, mutual learning, reflection), emotional (empathy, emotional expressiveness, self-regulation) and behavioral (social activity, social adaptability, social autonomy) components. Special attention is paid to psychological and pedagogical conditions of developing socioemotional competence of high school students who are brought up at orphanags. The authors compare socioemotional competence in groups of high school students who are brought up at orphanages and students who are raised in families. The authors have used the following methods in their research: Emotional Intelligence Inventory by D. Lyusin, Diagnostics of the Perceptive-Interactive Competence modified by N. Fetiskina, Empathy Inventory by A. Mekhrabian and N. Epstein, Social Intelligence Inventory by J. Guilford and M. Sallivan. The authors' special contribution to the topic is the results of primary and repeated diagnostics confirming the feasibility of the implementation of psycho-pedagogical conditions encouraging the development of socioemotional competence. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors prove the positive impact of socioemotional competence which, in its turn, increases emotional and social intelligence, empathy and reflection encouraging social activity, social adaptability and independence. On the whole, the results of the research demonstrate a general tendency to increase the level of socioemotional competence ensuring effective interactions between orphans. 
Sheremeteva N.N. - Perception of Vocal Music and its Influence on a Person pp. 68-88


Abstract: The article is devoted to research of psychological aspects of influence of vocal music on a mental condition of the person. As an object of research the perception of vocal music, and object the people perceiving music acts, whose mental state changes. It is shown that music influences a functional condition of the person, his moral state, activity, cognitive processes. Influence of a vocal component of music is allocated, psychophysiological mechanisms of a vocal are analyzed, the head resonator as the most important physiological mechanism of formation of a vocal is described, formation of a voice by means of the head resonator is considered. Existence of distinctions in perception of the vocal which passed through the head resonator and not a past is noted. The main method of research – the theoretical analysis of modern and classical literature and theoretical interpretation of the obtained data in psychological aspect with allocation of a role of the vocal passed via the head resonator. In article it is shown that the main component of vocal music – a singing voice, and it is exclusively well influencing for the listener only in that case if the performer completely sees off it via the head resonator. It is also shown that the singing voice passing through the head resonator of the singer can be used for regulation of functional conditions of the person and what exactly such voice, promotes improvement of work of the person and it can be applied to prevention of emotional burning out of professions like "people - people", and also to prevention of other professional deformations.
Boldyreva T.A., Shcherbinina O.A. - Psychological Determination of Mobbing in Teenager Groups pp. 86-101


Abstract: The authors examine and analyze modern concepts of mobbing (psychoenergetic concept, social learning theory, frustration concept) from the point of view of their explanatory value and predictive efficiency. The authors describe contradictions in the aforesaid theories and offer their solutions of these contradictions by defining psychological determinants of mobbing as a social and psychological phenomenon which, in its turn, constituted the theoretical basis of the empirical research. The empirical research nvolved 124 teenagers from secondary schools where cases of mobbing have been registered. The authors have used the survey and drawing research methods. The authors have analyzed the comparative analysis of self-conception profiles of teenagers studying in groups where mobbing has occured. The authors have also used the following psychodiagnostic methods, R. Pantileev's The Self-Concept Inventory, and Edward Wagner's The Hand Test. The subject of the research is the relationship between the teenagers' self-conception profiles and their level of aggressivity. By the means of the correlation analysis, the authors have defined the self-conception elements that determined various types of teenager aggression as the behavior model of mobbing and can be viewed as prognostic indicators of both the mobbing initiation and selection of the active or passive positions in the process of mobbing. According to the results of the research, there are four main parameters of self-conception that influence the level and nature of aggression: reservedness, self-guidance, internal propensity towards conflict, self-acceptance. The authors have also described various types of self-conception profiles of teenagers who either participate in mobbing or take a neutral stance. The results of the research allow to clarify the contents of the primary and secondary preventions of mobbing in teenager groups. 
Berezina T.N. - Sociality and Sexuality in Human Nature (Based on the Analysis of Science Fiction Literature) pp. 130-164


Abstract: The author of the article analyzes the relation between sociality and sexuality in psychology and literature. The research is based on the analysis of science fiction literature. The latter is viewed by the author as the imaginary experiments of writers in modelling the possible development of human and society in the future. The author of the article discovers interesting patterns in the description of the 'man of the future' by science fiction writers. The author also analyzes science fiction works describing social features of the man of the future (or super man) as well as the relation between sexuality and sociality of such a man. The author underlines that many writers describe the decrease of sexuality of a super man and, as a result, the reduction of his social abilities. The research method used by the author is the psychological analysis of creative writing with the focus on the analytical psychology. The author also studies psychological features of the man of the future as the hero of science fiction novels. The results of the author's analysis show that there are several points of view on the relation between human sexuality and sociality in the future. In some novels the decrease of sexuality leads to the loss of social interest while in other novels sexual instinct is replaced with the other instinct and sociality remains unchanged. The author also notes that there are very few works describing how the decrease of sexuality leads to the development of sociality through encouraging the instinct for self-improvement. 
Korneenkov S.S. - Psychological Diagnostics, Correction and Psychotherapy of Subjective Fear at Altered States of Consciousness pp. 238-278


Abstract: The author of the article analyzes psychological and spiritual reasons of fear and phobia. The author describes the method of entering the altered state of conscoiusness. According to the author, at the state of altered consciousness one can conduct psychological diagnostics, correction and psychotherapy of negative emotions. The main features of the altered state of consciousness are the following: depth of immersion, energy capacity and through-put capacity. All these features show the quantity of energy that can be received and given by an individual. Research hypothesis: at the altered state of consciousness an individual reaches a new level of consciousness that differs from the conscious state by the quality of information, nature of emotions, strength of thining and amount of psychic energy. This encourages self-discovery, psychological correction and psychotherapy. At the altered state of conciousness an individual can receive information about his emotios, physiological and mental processes from himself. The purposes of the research are the following: a) to study different variants of application of giving the attitude, creating the atmosphere of trust, concentration, suggestion, self-hypnosis and hypnosis as methods of entering the altered state of consciousness; b) to study possibilities that offer the altered state of consciousness for psychological diagnostics, correction and psychotherapy of personal fears; c) to learn to control negative emotions at the altered state of consciousness and use this experience in real life; d) to define special features of perceiving and experiencing fear at the altered state of consciousness. The object of research: emotions, in particular, fear and similar emotions. The author develops a comprehensive method of teaching and self-discovery and provides results of the experimental research of experiencing fear at the altered state of consciousness. Conclusions: the method offered by the author allows to discover one's own mental processes, features, states and personal traits as well as their dynamics. The method is also very useful in psychotherapy because it helps to harmonize psychosomatic condition and develop positive personal traits such as patience, balance, calmness and responsibility for one's actions and words. 
Erzin A.I. - Gender Differences of Reactive and Proactive Aggression Demonstrated By Students pp. 326-337


Abstract: The article contains a short review of literature on proactive and reactive aggression. The author of the article presents results of the research of the phenomenon of proactive aggression demonstrated by students. According to the received results,  the higher level of proactive aggression is more typical for men while girls have a tendency towards reactive aggression. Men also demonstrated such forms of aggressive behavior as physical aggression and negativism while women showed verbal aggression, irritation and offense. Research of the identity of students by projective tests revealed the increased tendency towards open aggressive actions among young men. Recommendations on how to work with the revealed psychological features are provided for both groups of surveyed students. 
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